teaser 010 。

grandeur 。 — a survival show
teaser 010
❝ shopping ❞

It was a rather chilly december morning. pastel clothing adorned miyeons body as she went on a shopping trip with one of her dearest friends. she didn't exactly know why they chose to go shopping in a  cold morning like this, but hey, miyeon wasn't complaining. Any time she can spend with her best friend is time well spent. especially now that trainig is getting increasingly hard and harsh with that survival show right around the corner. 

around the corner of her eye, miyeon spotted her friend shivering a bit despite being covered better than miyeon. her best friend spotted her looking, and was about to comment on it when miyeon saw a cafe right around the corner. miyeon had a little lightbulb moment an a split second, and she pulled her best friend right into the cafe. 

Immediately, one can notice the difference in the atmosphere. it was much warmer inside than it was outside. 

"warmer now?" miyeon asked her friend. 

"yeah, nice thinking!" her friend exclaimed. "shoulg we head to a table?" she asked. in reply, miyeon nodded.

together they headed to one of the empty tables beside the window. there weren't a lot of other customers inside the cafe, and the ones that were inside the cafe were just minding their own buisness quietly, so the the cafe was filled with nothing but the smell of freshly brewed coffee and silence.

miyeon ordered a cup of hot choco and a bagel while her friend ordered a cappucino and a crepe. eating their little snacks, and sipping on their hot drinks, they cherished each other's company. they rarely did this anymore, sitting in the company of each other with a comfortable silence washing over them. 

"gosh, i've missed this," her friend voiced out, after taking a sip on her cappucino. miyeon's face lit up with a smile. "we never get to do this anymore!" her friend added.

"i missed it too," miyeon said. "i wish we can do this more often," she added with a small pout.

"you know what, it's fine," her friend said, waving her hand in dismissal. "so how's training?" she asked.

"difficult but it's still bearable," miyeon said with a tiny shrug. "How about you? How's uni?"

"you know, same old same old," she replied. "but enough bout me. i wanna know about you, i've heard that there will be a survival show in sm. what do you think about that?"

"what is this, an interview?" miyeon giggled. "i mean to be honest, i want to be a contestant, even though i have a feeling that it will be exactly like that other show, sixteen."

"i mean sm is a different company from jyp, maybe it will be different."

A/N: so this is miyeon~!! josi's character~!!!! i was about to write a depressing teaser, but i decided not to because i noticed the precious ones are nearly all depressing hahahaha so i wrote something a bit not-depressing. nevertheless, i hope you enjoyed it~!! <3



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asjaksfjkja sorry for not updating for 2 weeks! i


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Hiya. </3 Hope you're doing well!
Chapter 40: aslkdfjhkdfg I haven't been on here in forEVERRRRR-
although better late than never-
I hope writers block is well demolished and school/life is treating you well
even if it's another adorbs haiku hiatus message I don't mind! come backkkkk~
Chapter 40: Hey hey hey, no worries! I'm the exact same way right now. Good luck!
penenglish31 #4
Chapter 40: I hope you can finish the block well!!
Fighting author-nim!!
Chapter 40: oh no~ I hope you'll be able to overcome writer's block then! ^-^
hwaitingggg I'll cheer ya on! :D
Chapter 39: HAHAHAHAHAHA!! Natalie is such a troll!
This chapter was so fun to read. Hahaha!
And Lexie was so cute! Gosh these girls are so mischievous. Haha =))
Thank you for this update!
Good luck with studies ^^
Chapter 39: This is great and i love it so much. Keep updating and dont worry cause we will wait. School and i know it~ HAHAHAHA
Chapter 39: Omg, I loved this. And no worries, take your time. School is a pain, we know.
Chapter 39: This was amazing XD LOL at Katsumi, her reaction would be my reaction XD
Don't worry about the wait, you've got a real life too~ I feel school being a , just finished midterms myself >->
rough-waters #10
Chapter 39: AHHHH THIS IS SO GOOD !!! not bc natalie is there lmao
It's interesting to see how someone's behaviour is just by waking them up

at least you gave us a really decent chapter :)))