Terminally Adorable


When Jiyong and his wife take the time to play with their baby girl.



 “Mommy! Thank goodness you’re home!” Jina exclaims as soon as the front door clicks shut behind me, the pitter patter of her tiny feet against the hardwood floor echoing with her voice, “ Come quick! I need some aces...assis...sista. I need help, Mommy.”


  “Yes! You’re the only doctor who can do it. Please!”

  “Am I specializing in Gaho’s again today?”

  “No, it's much, much worse.” She warns dutifully and I pray that I won’t be prying paper machete bandages out of cat fur for the next few days.

  “It’s not Ai...Right?”

  “It’s Daddy.”




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xxxgdraqon #1
Chapter 1: this is so cute!!! love it!
Sykrh_ #2
Chapter 1: "Womb Nugget" HAHAHHAHA. Adorable
halusiharu #3
warms my heart like really❤️❤️❤️