Chapter 1 of 2

Eyes on Me (Behind That Thick Glasses)

Taehyung had forgotten completely.

Taehyung always try to imagine―Jeongguk's eyes when he stares at him while asking what he wants for dinner, or when Taehyung comes home after a week of job out of town. He always wants to see Jeongguk's gaze beneath those thick glasses every time the younger embraces him, kiss him―when they make love. Is it loving, is it longing, is it lust?

It had been years―two years and nine months (yes, Taehyung's counting)―since the last time Taehyung saw them―the wide, but sharp and cold pitch black orbs of Jeongguk's. He remembers how he thought Jeongguk was way older than him by the way he looked at him with so much superiority, on the first day Taehyung had placed in Hongdae Office―when they met for the first time; or how he was jealous of the intimidation on those eyes every time he saw the scared expression of people who had been interrogated by Jeongguk. And of course he remembers how his heart fluttered by Jeongguk's eyes when the younger looked at him with the mix of concern and relieve the day he recharged from hospital after a rough two weeks being hospitalized―by a single bullet slightly grazing on his arm.

But he can't remember even a bit of how those eyes looked like.

Jeongguk had lose his perfect eyesight (he was called as Hongdae Office's Hawkeye) that two years and nine months ago, when they were in charge of a bank robbing case that killed two bank workers. Taehyung remembers clearly as if it just happened yesterday. Jeongguk stormed first toward the suspects, leaving Taehyung to park his car. The last thing Taehyung saw was a flash of bright light, before he found Jeongguk crouching on the ground while covering his eyes in pain.

Since then, Jeongguk never take his thick glasses off.

Taehyung sighs, before brings himself in front of his self planted bilberry tree on the porch of their―he and Jeongguk's―apartment. He claps his palms together, closing his eyes. I wish this tree will grow bigger berries for Jeongguk's eyes to heal well. Amen.


Taehyung just hums a question, too focused on his praying.

Jeongguk's on the door frame―a spatula on his right hand―making a funny mocking face toward the other. "How many eggs do you want?" he asks anyway.

"Two," He answers, before glancing toward his ex-partner with a playful grin on his lips. "How about you?"

And Jeongguk's taken aback (by the beauty that is Kim Taehyung).




Three males broke into SS Bank Hongdae Branch. Two of them have been apprehended by the officers, the last one was on the run with about fifty million won. We are currently chasing him down. According to police reports, two of the bank workers have been killed on the spot, and three workers suffered minor injuries.

In his escapes the suspect used a flash bomb, damaging the eyes of one officer. He is currently undergoing treatment at the hospital.




So who's fault is it when Jeongguk finds a mountain of berries on top of his rice bowl?

Jeongguk's grip on his magnifier tightens as he smiles wryly at Taehyung, who calmly takes spoon by spoon of his breakfast, oblivious by the younger's death stare on him. "I said I wanted two, right, Kim Taehyung?"

"Two won't do. Um, wait..." Taehyung grabs his phone, searching something before ing the screen onto Jeongguk. "Here! Look at this! Wanna try this?"

The raven aims his magnifier on Taehyung's phone screen, trying to read every word. "A corrective vision app? Sounds so old man thing”

"You'll never know if you don't try. Small details are important!"

"Fine, fine. I'll try it when I'm free," Jeongguk shrugs as he leans back on his seat, face cocky as ever.

"Whaaat?! You have a request?!"

"How rude! I technically have steady stream of requests,"

"Yeah. Stuff like finding lost dogs, walking dogs, babysitting kids, and running errands. I thought you were a volunteer!"

"Stop underestimating my job! I'm a private investigator! All the clients just mistake this place as jack-of-all-trade shop!"

The brunette eyes him full of doubt. Jeongguk had opened his own private investigator agency two months after they started living in the same house. Saying that at least I should make use of my ability, right? Apparently not right, because your superb detective skills won't make any use on finding a dog, Jeongguk.

"Then what kind of job is it," Taehyung demands.

"Client confidentiality is to be protected. I can't tell you,"

Must be another 'please find my dog' job. Taehyung sighs.

He suddenly jolts up when his 8 am alarm went off. "Ah! I gotta go!" Taehyung shrieks in panic, grabbing his suit.

"Hey, wait!"

"What is it?! Hoseok hyung will―mmph!" He's cut off when Jeongguk smash his own lips on his―hard. One hand on the back of Taehyung's head―pulling closer if that even possible, while the other secured on his waist. Taehyung desperately grabs on Jeongguk's back, gripping the fabric hard enough to tear, because Jeongguk is the best kisser in the world―at least for Taehyung. He never fail to makes Taehyung beg just with a single peck (oh, that rhymes).

"See you later kiss. Gah, you taste like egg yolk," Jeongguk replies breathily as his mouth goes lower, and kissing the column of Taehyung's neck.

"Im-Impossible. Liars will be put in cuffs and then arrested,"

"Ah, that's gonna be so nice," He a big purple on Taehyung's collarbone―triggering a lower moan from the latter. He pulls back, his usual teasing smirk marring his face, saying, "If it were you, that'd be heaven," before giving a chaste kiss on Taehyung's temple.




Whenever Taehyung enters the office, it always appears―the image of Jeongguk's back in his body pressed white dress shirt and gun case belt, raven hair tidy as ever, rummaging through his messy desk for his phone, or even a single pen. He smiles to himself when he remembers how Jeongguk always lose his things, but never once forgot to secure his badge in his coat pocket. This is my life, he said. I'd sacrifice anything to keep this badge with me.

Then a frown flashes on Taehyung's lips. If so, why was it so easy for you to give up and quit?

"You've been scratching your neck for the longest time. Bad sleeping position? Did Jeongguk give you a rough night?"

The voice makes Taehyung jumps on his spot, almost bumping his head on the doorframe.

Jung Hoseok, is his senior by two years who had joined the force in the same time with Jeongguk. He is standing by Taehyung's side already, looking at the same direction as the younger officer before.

Jeongguk's table is now clean, unoccupied.

"A-Ah, good morning, Hoseok hyung,"

Hoseok grins, raising a brow in teasing manner. "What were you thinking to make you turn red like that?"




"I was just thinking. It's been two years since then," Taehyung brings up the topic at the same time he starts the car.

Hoseok is on the shotgun, eyebrows raised. "Huh? Since what?" He asks, fixing his seatbelt. "Do you mean since you were put on this case, or," Hoseok can see Taehyung tenses by the sudden pause, as if he's already know what the older detective's going to say. "since your partner quit being a detective, or since you two began cohabitating?" He asks anyway.

"Ugh," Taehyung grits his teeth, his grip on the steering wheel tighten.

There weren't any other detectives as detective-like as Jeon Jeongguk in their grade that time. He got the experience―graduated from Police Academy with the fastest time made him already have two years of experience when Taehyung had just joined the force, and he was also very smart―rumors said he had turned down Seoul University for Police Academy. His grandfather was a legend in South Korean police history, and his father was a high-ranking officer in the police department. He had his whole future paved ahead for him.

When Taehyung was first paired up with Jeongguk, he often depressed for keep comparing himself with Jeongguk.

Jeongguk never called him hyung, albeit how he's two years younger than Taehyung. But he had always refuse whenever Taehyung tried to call him senior. Let's be fair here. We're gonna call each other by name. Is that clear?

Did you forget, Kim Taehyung? A police officer must be able to protect his own life, body, and assets right after public peace and safety! So stop being so careless with your own safety! Jeongguk had nag to him, when he got shot on the forearm by a criminal.

And then there was a time, when his feelings had became unbearable, trying to attack Jeongguk when he was asleep. You're ten years too early, Kim Taehyung, He was the one who had been attacked instead.

Since the first time, Taehyung's feelings toward Jeongguk were a mix of inferiority and admiration.

"Jeongguk's doing a private investigation now, isn't he? Is it that popular nowadays?" Hoseok's question wakes Taehyung up from his little flashback.

"Private investigator my . More like jack-of-all-trade," Taehyung sighs. "He's completely different from when he was still a detective. You won't recognize him, hyung,"

Hoseok hums with interest, but keep his sight on the road. "Oh? I can't imagine. He had always been the 'hot-blooded kid from next division' for me," He says nonchalantly, having his own little flashback when Jeongguk straightly asked him 'how will you dig any information from him with those disgusting smile, Senior?' with stoic-as-Dol-hareubang face.

They joined the force almost the same time, with Hoseok two months earlier. Even since the beginning, they had been known as the two polar opposite talented young detectives from crime division, until Jeongguk had been moved to homicide division. Since then, they never really in contact.

"I never thought he would quit, though. If only that hadn't happened," Hoseok crosses his arms, make himself comfortable on the seat. "Jeongguk would still sitting on this seat,"

Taehyung frowns. "I... wonder about that," He slowly says. "I am naturally incapable as a detective. While Jeongguk was like, the best anyone would want from a detective. He may have just be so done with me and broke up our combo, finding more capable detective to be on his side." And as much as I want to tell him to come back, I can't. Because who am I?

Hoseok turns slightly toward Taehyung, and he really doesn't like the sad look on the younger's face.

Getting no response from Hoseok, he continues. "Actually, it's still the same even now. Although we live under the same roof, there's not much I can do for him." Taehyung's voice is so weak, when he says, "It's me who always rely on him,"

"But Jeongguk was the one who brought up living together, right?"

"Cohabitating," Taehyung corrects. "That was probably..."

Hoseok eyes him silently as Taehyung takes a deep breath, he can sees the younger detective's eyes is wet, tears threatening to flow down anytime.

"Because his eyesight suddenly plummeted. Maybe he was just feeling panicked. Because he didn't want others to see his weakness, and I was the closest person to him," Taehyung mumbles meekly. "And I feel responsible for his damaged eyes, so I couldn't refuse,"

"I remember you've always liked him though?" Hoseok rolls his eyes. "Not living together but cohabitating, huh? Seems like there's something great going on between you and Jeongguk,"

Taehyung perks up at the older man's word. He smiles wryly. 'Something great', you said?

Hey, Taehyung. I'm going to quit my job as a detective.




Jeongguk is still digging on his last pieces of bilberry.

He's succeeded on downloading the app Taehyung recommended―or more like forced―on him, now trying hard to read the descriptions, when suddenly his phone rings.

"Hello, Jeon Private Investigator Agency," He greets, getting up to get a slice of paper and a pen. "Could you hold on a minute? Hongdae, seventh street," He says, with a quirk of question at the end, as he writes down the information.

"Understood," A soft smile creeps on his lips. "I'll head out now," With that, Jeongguk grabs his jacket and goes out.

His thick glasses long gone.





"They don't seem to be coming out. Seems like they really keep that fifty hundred millions at home, huh?" Taehyung says, lips pursed as he leans his chin on the steering wheel. They're about twenty meters from the suspected hideout of the suspect from two years ago, waiting.

Hoseok hums, disagreeing. "We can't be sure though." He replies, tone serious. "They may have moved it to another location while we were away."

Taehyung glances at the senior detective. He looks different whenever he's at work. Taehyung can perfectly remembers how stupid Hoseok look when he tried to sing and dance to some girl group songs at the after parties. Guess that's what called professional.

Well, Jeongguk was always the same in and out the work. Composed, perfectionist, dense―

"We need to find out every info about person coming in and out of here. I'm gonna ask around," With that, Hoseok opens the door and walks out.

Taehyung nods abruptly. He sighs as Hoseok closes the door, his eyes boring sadly at the front door of the house. The person who robbed Jeongguk's perfect sight. He swears to himself not to let him run away again.

The brunette nearly jumps on his seat when the door of the hideout being opened from inside. His eyes squinting hard, one hands on his car door knob while the other grabbing on his gun, ready to ambush the suspect. When his eyes catch the figure walking out from the door, though, his jaw drops, eyes widen in shock.

It's the same messy black hair, the same black round ear piercing, the same face as the person who kissed him see you earlier this morning.


With a pair of ugly navy track suit, and a huge bag on his hold.

He doesn't wear his glasses.

Impossible. "Impossible, it couldn't be," Taehyung mumbles, eyes following the man from inside his car, not quite believing his own eyes. He's lucky the window glasses are dark, but that's not the main matter here.

It's not Jeongguk. Taehyung chants on his mind. He doesn't own any lame track suits like that.

The figure takes a turn at the intersection, completely gone from Taehyung's eyes.

And Jeongguk's not wearing glasses is nonsense. He wouldn't be able to see anything. "That's right, I'm mistaken. Might be some other guy who resembles him―"

"What's right? Has there been any progress?"

"P-Progress??" Taehyung squeaks, turning to Hoseok who's already back. "Uh, n-not really,"

Hoseok's brows furrowed, gaping. "Why're you crying??"

"U-Uh―" It couldn't be Jeongguk. Taehyung furiously wipes on his tears.






When Taehyung comes home, Jeongguk has sprawled on their couch, soft snores can be heard. He's in the same navy track suit as the person at the hideout. Wearing his glasses.

Well, . That person is definitely Jeongguk.

Taehyung's hand reaches for the younger. But before he can, Jeongguk snaps awake, gripping tight on his wrists. It feels like déjà vu. Except that Taehyung quickly pushes himself into the couch over Jeongguk, pinning him down. "Why," he mumbles.

The brunette looks up, taking a deep breath when he's meet with Jeongguk's confused stare. "Why, Jeongguk? It was supposed to be eight years too early for me to attack you in your sleep,"

"Hmmm? Are we up for that sort of play today?" Jeongguk asks robotically with a raise of teasing at the end.

Taehyung perks up at that. He looks straight at Jeongguk's eyes (or glasses), annoyance clear on his eyes. "Where did you go at noon?" He asks, one hand cradling Jeongguk's face, squishing his cheeks.

"Hai whos wowrking!"

Groaning, he grabs harshly on Jeongguk's track suit collar. "Where did you get this weird track suit?"

"When I was getting ready for my job, I found some clothes from my school days. Y'know, it was too big for me when I was still a student but it fits me perfectly now―"

"I don't care," Taehyung spits. This is stupid. "Then what about those glasses,"

Jeongguk's brows furrowed. "What about these glasses?"

God, why is he being so stubborn? Taehyung sighs hard. His grip on Jeongguk's track suit loosen, until he completely let go. He pulls back, slumping down on the floor, his back leaning on the cough. "No. Never mind." He says weakly.

"What happened? Are you sure you're okay?" Jeongguk gets up, hands going up to ruffles Taehyung's hair endearingly. "Was Hoseok too harsh on you?"

"That tickles, dummy," Taehyung responds flatly. "You were the one who always harsh on me,"

"I was not trying to be though, was I?"

Taehyung's quick to deny. "I was just being careless," He says, looking down at his palm. "Guk, I saw you at the location of the stakeout today. You came out from the hideout of the suspect of the bank robbery two years and nine months ago. You were carrying a huge bag,"

The hand ruffling his hair stopped, and Jeongguk pulls back.

"At first I thought I saw wrong, but I know it was you. There's no way I could mistake your face after seeing it every day for the last two years." The brunette continues as he fiddles with his fingers. "Guk, don't tell me you're still caught up with that accident,"

"Don't be stupid. I just went there for a job. I'm no longer a detective, Tae. I don't care with what happened to me in the past," Jeongguk replies nonchalantly.

Liar. "Then what sort of job it is? What exactly is in that bag?"

"Are you stupid? I told you I have to keep client confidentiality!"

A deep frown creeps on Taehyung's lips. "It's his fault you couldn't continue being a detective. What are you protecting for him," He says, turning to face Jeongguk. "I want to catch him for your sake!"

"What I am protecting isn't him, but my credibility! Are you underestimating my job?!" Finally Jeongguk explodes. "And the reason I quit the force is my business. I don't blame anyone. Don't throw irrelevant things into this boring talk,"

Taehyung is dumbfounded. They stared at each other for seconds, before Taehyung looks away, snorting in disbelieve.

"Oops," Jeongguk shrugs. "Sorry. I got carried away,"

"No. It's my fault," Taehyung replies softly. He raises his hand, reaching for Jeongguk's face. He grips on Jeongguk's glasses with his thumb and index finger and takes it off. "Has your eyesight improved?"

Jeongguk is silent for few seconds. He attempts on getting his glasses back, "It's pretty good during the day," but he fails.

Taehyung sighs, putting the glasses back for Jeongguk. "I'm sorry," but I still can't forget that time. As a detective who was in your side, I always think,

 "Why're you apologizing?"

Why should it be you? And not me?




"I see."

The voice he hears as he steps out his client's yard makes Jeongguk freezes in his place, he knows this voice very well.

Jung Hoseok.

He groans inwardly, clutching on the thing―a big something covered by brown cloth―on his hand harder. And he turns to face the older man, giving his sweetest smile ever. "Hi," He calls, sarcasm thick on his words. "hyungnim,"

"You were right when you said that I wouldn't recognize him right away." Hoseok says, nodding his head in acknowledgement.

Taehyung is behind the older detective, quiet. His almond eyes is looking anywhere but him. Jeongguk doesn't like this at all because Taehyung never been quiet. And he always looks at me.

Hoseok clears his throat. "Long time no see, Detective Jeon," He says. "No. Mr. Jeon."

Jeongguk just shrugs.

"Could you come down to the station with us? Or more like, I demand you to come down to the station with us."





Finally I update lmao. So can you imagine Jeongguk with a thick glasses? What do you think about this chapter? Please give me comments so I can do better for the next chapter.

Sorry for grammar mistakes and typos. And please do follow me at twitter @rapkookies lol

Thank you


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the title doe

rolls around

so, when is your 'next week' again?

squints eyes dangerously @ you

le sighs
