Final Words Of Luhan

All That I Couldn't Say

I thought that I would be a manly man and fight the pain. I thought that I wouldn't be like Kris hyung, but turns out I was wrong. I couldn't live up to everyone's expectations and I'm truly sorry. It's just that I can't help but to fall and let my guard down. I've made many precious memories with EXO and EXO-L and I will never forget them. Thank you for all your love and support in the past few years. And my dear EXO brothers, thank you for being there and making happy memories with me. I'm sorry for not being able to continue my journey with you, but I know that you'll do well in the future. Sehun-ah I won't be able to grab some more bubble tea with you so just nag Suho hyung for some. Xiumin hyung, thank you for watching over me. I want to thank you all again with my deepest gratitude. I'll work hard to show you a better me so be waiting. Exo Saranghaja! 👍🏻

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