Final Words Of Kris

All That I Couldn't Say

It all happened to quick. It was to the point where the pain was unbearable and there was no one that could comfort me.  I just wanted to go home and leave this world behind. I never wanted to leave my brothers, but they didn't understand all the pain that I endured. It was always this way. I, along with all the other Chinese members never felt like we were treated fairly. I know that I would be leaving many promises hanging and I'm sorry. I've put up a fight with the pain and now I finally let my guard down. I know that my departure will be sudden and that I wouldn't be able to give my proper goodbyes. So now I'm here to say that I, Kris Wu Yifan, member of EXO-M will leave. I will leave EXO, SM and all my hard work behind and start fresh. To my dear dongsaengs, I am truly sorry for my actions. I'm also thankful that you continued to stay be my side and be like my family. Don't ever give up and work for your dreams. I will always keep you in my heart. EXO We Are One! 


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