Chapter Five


“The Patronus Charm is difficult, and many witches and wizards are unable to produce a full, corporeal Patronus-”

“What’s a coral Patronus?!” 

“A corporeal Patronus,” Yerin corrected as she lifted her head from the textbook she had been reading aloud from, to shoot Youngjae a half annoyed half amused look. “Is a Patronus that can take full shape. A guardian in the form of an animal that has the greatest affinity with the wizard casting the spell.”

“You want us to start by casting a full Patronus?!” Myungsoo asked scandalized. “Do you know how hard it is to even conjure a Patronus charm? Let alone a Patronus that can actually take a shape? There’s tons of adult wizards who can’t even manage that!” 

“I know.” Yerin sighed as she finally placed the book aside. “I know it’s hard, but I think it’s something we can all achieve. Professor McGonagall has put a lot of faith in us, we need to start believing in ourselves as well.” 

After that, no one objected again. Almost as though they had been mesmerized by Yerin’s speech. It’s no doubt as to how she became the head-girl. She was born to lead. 

However fifteen minutes on, they do in fact start to doubt their faith in her and themselves. Indeed, the Patronus charm turns out to be every bit as tedious as Myungsoo had warned. Only a handful of them can do it. Yerin’s small tabby cat, Elea’s rabbit and Sunggyu’s wolf are the only animals to be seen. 

“This. Is. Stupid.” Jinyoung huffed as he once again only managed to conjure a wisp of smoke, more feeble than what he had even started with. It doesn’t help that Elea’s Patronus is seated only a couple of feet from him. Unwavering and almost mocking. 

“You can do it!” Elea encouraged her partner, eyes completely focused on her friend. “Just think of something happy! The most happiest thought you’ve got.” 

“That’s what I’ve been trying to do.” Jinyoung mumbled. Eyes scrunched up as he once again recited the spell. “EXPECTO PATRONUM!” Nothing. He let out a sigh as he let himself slip to the floor, wand lying dejectedly in his palm. He was always used to being one of the best in his class, no matter what the subject, he would without a doubt succeed in it, but yet there he was, performing the worst magic he had done since he had received his letter for Hogwarts. 

“You can’t just give up like that!” Elea nearly shouted at him, barely keeping her frustration under control. 

“What use is it? I can’t ever manage to do it. I probably don’t have enough magic in me- OW!” Jinyoung yowled as Elea placed a hard punch on his arm. “What?!” 

“Don’t you dare Park Jinyoung. Don’t you ever dare to say that again.” This time the anger was all to evident in her voice. Jinyoung was a muggle born, he’d always been self-conscience about it and Elea hated him for it. Her best friend was probably one of the best wizards in the school and she hated that he couldn’t notice that.


He refused to meet her eyes, and his voice is barely more than a whisper, so at least Elea could be sure that he meant it. “Come on let’s try again! What’s the happy memory you’re thinking of?” 

“The day I got my Hogwarts letter.” Jinyoung explained as he pushed himself up, dusting away the gruff on his robes. 

“Well that’s obviously not a good enough experience. Think of something happier.” 

“What do you think of when you cast your Patronus?” Jinyoung asked curiously. Wanting to know exactly what she could be thinking of to produce a full Patronus. 

Elea quickly turned her head away, refusing to meet his eyes or to reply to his question. Jinyoung didn’t need to know that her favorite memory went back to nearly five years ago. When a shy boy her age had come up to her and asked if they could be friends. The very same boy who was standing in front of her now. 

“Nothing… nothing special.” 

“It’s… it’s… it’s a dog?!” Yeon deadpanned, all previous excitement of forming a full Patronus completely faded away. “A bloody bloodhound. Why?!” 

“It’s cute though.” Jaebum said, hands almost reaching out to the big dog, only remembering at the last second that it wasn’t even a real animal. “Like you.” 

Yeon’s eyes were instantly on him, scrunched up in a frown. “I. Am. Not. Cute.” 

“Yeah yeah whatever.” Jaebum completely dismissed the older girl. Yeon would forever be cute in his eyes no matter how much she may try to hide it. 

After a couple more seconds of staring at Jaebum and her new found Patronus, Yeon could feel a smile start to tug up on her lips. “He is kind of cute, isn’t he?” 

“He’s not supposed to be cute, he’s supposed to protect you.” Came a voice from behind her and Yeon turned to see a smiling Sunggyu. “But good job on doing the spell. Good to see a Gryffindor manage to do the spell first.” 

Yeon gave a chuckle as she turned to give the older boy a small whack on the shoulder. The two acted like good friends and seemed to completely ignore Jaebum, who was seething because of it. It wasn’t that Jaebum disliked Sunggyu, not in the least bit. It was just that he couldn’t forget how Sunggyu had been a good friend of Sungyeol. Just how close of a relationship had Yeon and Sungyeol shared for her to be this close to his friend?! 

After being drained from an hour long session of useless spells, Seulyi found herself lying down on a sofa in the Gryffindor common room. She was too tired to even drag herself up to her bed. The DA session had turned to be a lot harder than she had anticipated. In the end, only Yeon had managed to perfect the spell, which had resulted into Yerin announcing that they would spend the next session on the Patronus charm as well. That had straight away dampened everyone’s already sour mood. 
As she was thinking this, the common room’s door opened and in walked a sloppy looking Jackson. Seulyi felt a pang in her heart once she remembered just how little she had seen of her best friend over the course of the first week back. She felt the urge to apologize, even though she wasn’t exactly sure why she should be sorry?! Jackson had been the one ignoring her. 


The boy looked up, startled. It was already past eleven, he was lucky Filtch or Mrs Norris had not caught him, he had thought the common room would be empty by then. Upon noticing who had called him, Jackson threw his face back down and quickened his steps to get to his room faster. 

“Are you kidding me Jackson Wang?!” Once again Jackson stopped in his tracks wondering what to do. He didn’t want to face Seulyi, yet he also knew that he couldn’t ignore her forever… and really he missed his friend a lot. 

“What?” His voice was as light as a whisper, and Seulyi wondered if she had imagined it. In any case at least he was standing still and not running away for once. 

“What’s going on Jackson?” Her voice had lost all it’s earlier spite. Now she was just tired. Tired and confused as to what had lead their relationship to this. 

“Nothing.” Jackson finally turned around, giving her a bright smile. If Seulyi had known him any less than she did, she would have probably bought it. “Nothing’s wrong.”

Lies. She could easily see the hurt in his eyes and the strain in his smile. He wasn’t ok, they weren’t ok. And she had no idea why. How was she supposed to fix it if she had no idea exactly what she was fixing?! 
“Please… Jacks-”

“Goodnight Seulyi.” 

He didn’t look back once as he walked away. 

Tuesday night after their classes had ended for the day, Heejin and Minseok were on a patrol to find a good place to practice. Finally they slipped into an empty classroom, praying that none of the teachers or Peeves would find them. Minseok whispered a quick spell to lock the door, it wouldn’t help to keep out anyone if they were caught, but at least it made him feel safer. 

“Ok so it says in here,” Heejin mumbled as she flipped open a page in the book she had taken from the library. “That by being able to produce an incomplete Patronus we’re already half way there. In order to make our Patronuses take shape, we need to either be faced with a danger or use a more powerful memory.” 

She finally lifted her head to give Minseok a look. “So it’s either we find the happiest moment of our life, or we escape the school and go looking for a dementor who can potentially kiss out our souls… so what’s it gonna be?” 

Minseok only needed to lift an eyebrow for Heejin to get her answer. 

“Ok so the happiest memory I have…” Heejin broke off as she tapped her chin in thought. She had rather a lot of good memories, but which one was the happiest? Which one was the strongest feeling she had ever had? 

Minseok sat dejectedly beside her as well. He’d thought that his memory of making it into the quidditch team would have been enough, but obviously not. Now that he actually thought about it, he had been happy but not overly joyous on that day. In fact Heejin had been happier and prouder than him. On that day he’d been more happy to see Heejin’s wide smile rather than getting into the actual team. Minseok could still picture how Heejin had been perfectly, the chime in her laugh, the twinkle in her eyes, the comfort of her hug. He remembered it all too well. Maybe that was the memory he had been looking for… the pure happiness that he had felt when he had hugged Heejin; maybe…

“Who’s in there?!” A voice that was unmistakably Filtch’s shouted as he rattled the handle of the locked door. “Stupid students! Come out!” 

Both Heejin and Minseok jumped up, all thoughts of happiness thrown away as they gave each other a fearful look. 

“Now would be a good time to use that invisibility cloak Minseok,” Heejin whispered in the lowest voice she could muster. “Maybe we can slip away before he notices us.” 

“…” Minseok could only stare dumbfounded. “I thought you were going to bring the cloak!” 

They had only a moment to share another look before they heard Filtch again. 

“Yes Professor Flitwick, nasty students! Hiding in there, who knows what mischief they’re up to?! Locked the classroom after lights out. They know I can’t do magic, thought they could get away with it. Open the door professor, open the door!” 

“Now calm down my good man,” Professor Flitwick’s squeaky voice answered. “It may just be Peeves who’s blocked the door. But I’ll have a go none the less. Alohamora!” 

The second it took for the door to open completely felt like a minute to Heejin. Her mind was in overdrive as she thought about what would happen to them. They would get detention for sure, maybe some points would be docked from their house as well. But that wasn’t the thing that scared Heejin the most. What she most worried about was how she would explain what they were doing in the abandoned classroom in the first place. 

The headmistress had put her whole trust in the DA, she had told no one but them. This was one secret Heejin couldn’t let slip. She had to act fast. She had to come up with a decent excuse to throw off Filtch and Flitwick. She thought back to all the times she had caught students in empty classrooms. What had they been doing? Most of them had been… making out. That was what she remembered the most. She didn’t need to think twice before she grabbed Minseok’s hand and let her lips crash into his.

If there’s was something Hoseok was good at, it would be at being obvious. His actions spoke so loud that no one needed to wonder what he was thinking about. 

“I swear to god Hoseok, you drop that Quaffle one more time and I will come at you.” Chanyeol shouted from the goalpost as he gave the younger boy a scrutinizing gaze. 

Pika winced as she saw Hoseok flinch. No one could survive under Chanyeol’s scary eyes. Well no one other than the Ravenclaw Captain that is. Yerin and Chanyeol still made a show to get back at each other anytime they could. But not everyone was as brave as the headgirl. One of the things Pika loved most about being the seeker, was that she could fly around the field, far away from Chanyeol’s gaze. However even her distance did not stop her from shivering slightly at the Captain’s ice-like gaze as Hoseok dropped the ball once again. 

“Are you mad?! What are you doing?!” 

Chanyeol’s voice was so loud that Pika was pretty sure every last student in the school could hear it by now. Hoseok looks petrified, and in an act of bravery she would later question, Pika had already tilted her broomstick to dive next to him.  

“Back off Chanyeol.” She came face to face with the older boy and shot him a dirty look. “He’s obviously not doing it on purpose so why don’t you let him breathe a bit?!” 

The amount of shock that followed those words were palpable. No one had ever heard Pika raise her voice, let alone look like she’s seconds away from shoving Chanyeol off his broom. 

“Pika…?” Hoseok’s voice was weak as he reached a hand to tug at her sleeve. “I’m fine. Seriously.” 

“Right.” Pika gave an awkward laugh as she finally noticed the horrified looks of her teammates. Instantly her cheeks fired up and she refused to make eye contact with anyone. “Right. Ok... I’m heading off to get changed.” 

Pika was certain that she had never flown away on her broomstick so fast. 

“What is that even?” Woohyun mumbled as he an accusing finger to the creature crouched before him. 

“It’s an Aardvark,” Hyunmi answered in an annoyed voice, unhappy that her boyfriend couldn’t tell what shape her Patronus had taken. “Isn’t he cute?” She was almost cooing by now and Woohyun did not like how her attention was no longer on him, one little bit. 

“Well it looks like Arthur to me.” He grunted, letting out an almost happy sigh as the creature finally evaporated in a cloud of smoke. 

“Arthur?” Hyunmi asked confused, finally turning around to look at him. 

“It’s a muggle cartoon. You wouldn't understand.” Was the curt reply and at last Hyunmi managed to notice the fowl mood he was in.

“Are you ok?” He obviously was not, she knew him enough to notice that, yet she wanted to give him a chance to talk about it himself. 

“Yeah. Perfect. I mean why wouldn’t I be? The next D.A meeting is tomorrow and I’m probably the only year six student who has failed to do this stupid spell.” 

Hyunmi looked on in worry. Despite Woohyun’s strong and cocky front, she knew full well just how insecure her boyfriend could feel. Especially if anything magical was involved. Woohyun was a muggle born, always worried about if he didn’t have ‘enough magic’ in him to stay at Hogwarts. 
It didn’t help that her own family had asked her to date a pure blood rather than the boy she had loved. Given, that had been before they had personally met Woohyun and now she was pretty sure they saw him as more of their child than they saw her… yet she also knew that their early unhappiness about their relationship had left it’s toll on Woohyun. Crushing down his self-confidence to a new low. 

“Don’t be silly. Of course you won’t be the only one. And besides we still have plenty of time to practice. I know you can do it.” She hated how Woohyun refused to look her in the eyes. She was a great motivational speaker, she prided herself for it, but there was some things that even she couldn't fix wit her inspiring words. 

“Yeah… you know what? I’m actually pretty tired, I’m heading back to my dorm.”

“Woohyun…” Hyunmi tried to not to be bothered by how he didn’t even look back once as he walked away.

The D.A meeting for the week was probably the most awkward experience Kimmi had ever had. Woohyun and Hyunmi, the ‘power couple’ as they had been dubbed, had been avoiding each other compeltly. Minseok and Heejin were standing at opposite sides of the room, jumping two feet when their eyes accidentally met. At one point Yerin had tried to reason with them, saying that ‘partners’ were meant to actually partner up together and practice; however one dark look from Minseok’s usually calm face had her retreating. Youngjae stood lost to one corner as his partner, Myungsoo, stood between to overly smiling girls, looking confused. Despite their wide grins, even Kimmi could tell that Seulyi and Dia were anything but happy. 

But really Kimmi couldn't pity the others too much, because she herself was in an equally bad position. She had been lucky to escape her partner the week before, but obviously her luck would run out at some point. She couldn’t run away from Mark forever. And now there they stood. Both refusing to meet the other’s eyes or to say even a word. 

Kimmi knew that she was meant to think of happy thoughts to conjure her Patronus, yet the only thoughts running threw her mind were anything but joyful. ‘What if he really is as evil as everyone says?! Please don’t kill me, please don’t kill me, pleas-’

“Umm, so do you want to try?” Mark’s voice was barley more than a whisper yet Kimmi had to use all her willpower to not jump and step back from him. She wasn’t even sure why she was acting like that, the older boy couldn’t really do anything to her in a room filled with her friends, and yet Kimmi couldn't help but be intimidated by him. 

“Yeah… right.” Kimmi winced at her dry voice and cleared with as much dignity as she had left. “Expecto Patronum.” The spell was weak even to her own ears, and she had forgotten to think about any happy thoughts. She wasn't at all surprised that a weak wisp was the only thing her wand managed to make. 

She was already readying herself to hear a mocking laugh from Mark, well that is if he could even laugh. Or maybe he’d throw her a snide remark, anything that would proclaim just how badly she had done.  

“You need to be more confident.” Again his voice was a whisper. This time Kimmi wasn’t so surprised at him talking, rather than what he was saying. She quickly looked up to see that there was no smirk on his face or malice in his eyes. He was simply trying to offer her some advice. He was actually trying to help her. 

“Umm… right.” 

“You have to really mean it.” His voice gained more confidence with every word he spoke. “You have to think that the dementors are really out to get you. That you’re moments away from dying. That you can only trust your skills…at least that’s what my dad always told me.” 

Kimmi quietly bit her lip, wondering why any father would say that to their child. 

“I’m…I’m from a pretty well known family.” His voice had dropped again, as if he was admitting to some embarrassing action. “Well, well-known for all the wrong reasons… it’s not very uncommon to have ministry officials at our door steps, sometimes they'll bring a dementor or two with them…I was accidentally attacked by one when I was five... I-I had to learn how to protect myself after that.” 

Kimmi looked dumbfounded, and Mark suddenly blushed. As though he couldn’t believe just how much he had talked about his life to a compete stranger. Mark could only thank his lucky stars and Sunggyu, as the older boy decided to announce the end of the session. Based on everyone’s weird mood, they weren’t really making much progress anyway. 
Mark had already shot out the room, the second Sunggyu made the announcement, leaving an utterly confused Kimmi behind. Confused as to why her heart tugged as she imagined a small five-year-old boy cowering before a black hooded creature with scabbing skin. 

A/N: Soooo this chapter has been on my phone for weeks gathering dust. Seriously, I had no idea on how to wrap it up so in the end I just ended it like this. I apologize if it’s short and all the characters didn’t make an appearance but I think I pretty much have writer’s block and don’t know what else to add. I’ll try to think up some ideas for the next chapters. Again this was typed on my phone so sorry if there's a bunch of mistakes, I’m too lazy to proofread lol. 

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Shino159 #1
Chapter 7: Ohmygosh I'm rereading the chapters and I noticed I didn't read the last chapter yet >.<
AHAHHAHA XD up his nose!!! ohmygosh i love this T^T woomi feels so much more real with also the fight and making up like not only cheese but you see like behind the scenes when they're alone... I don't know how to explain it xD but this is now my favourite scene hehehe
Yerin <3 sister in lawwww xD
awwww Seulyi don't put homework for last!! >.<OHMYGOSHHHH together to a secret place~~~<3 ahhhh Myungsoo could maybe help her with homework first xD
Hye T^T you're not crazy!! i think? xd it suddenly turned so dark dundundunnn will there really be something bad going on?? T^T but they wouldn't have these meetings if everything was alright hmmm
destroy T^T what if someone is going to pass away...:(
POOR BAMBAM XD i feel so sorry for him xD omg xiuhee even looking at him like that xD he did nothing wrong xD this is such a funny and awkward situation hehe
HAHAHAH POOR CHANYEOL XD he has a trauma XD i can see him bumping his head when he comes from under the table again xD
oh~ is heejin going to ilvermorny?? :p
awww i feel bad for minseok now T^T like he does like heejin but heejin doesn't like him (yet, i hope xD ) so this situation is so super awkward xD and painful too probably xD
Nuuuuuuuuuuu be proud T^T words are still words~! and they are pretty words <3
Chapter 7: Whatever u decide to to with it, I love the WooMi part nonetheless~ it's just so cute and sweet >.<

If it ges too hard with so many characters, mau I suggest killing them off? That's the only way writing many characters is a good idea xD
Chapter 6: OMG jackson and seulyi need to make up already!
XiuHee <3
Wait they both have a invisibility cloak? In hp there's only one right? Harry has the only one, one of the Deadly Hallows?? :O
The kiss though :D
An Aardvark xD But they are cute though
wow do all muggle-borns worry about not having enough magic in them? Don't they know Voldemort was a halfblood yet one of the most powerful wizards of his time?
Oh my Mark is so cute <3
Poor baby-Mark attacked by a dementor (I thought they weren't allowed azkaban because they were uncontrollable... they'd out the ministry officials souls as well)
Shino159 #4
Chapter 6: Ohmygosh Kimmi I love it~!!!! Every scene is so fun to read and kyaaaaaaa really what's wrong Jackson?!?! Poor Seulyi, I want to know what made their friendship bend so.... And Ohmygosh Heejin XD xiumin!!!!!!!! XD Ohmygosh I love how Woohyun and Hyunmi like how you see there's more than only cheesy? I love it. And Jaebum whoooo step up your game man if you're so in doubt XD Ohmygosh il probably forgetting to comment to all because I read from phone >.< I love love love and can't wait for more hehehe and fighting with studies T^T it must be so tiring and hard but I know you can do it Kimmi~!!! You'll hard carry it through the year
Chapter 6: LOLLL!!! Hee-Jin was taught well. I assume a certain cousin might have been involved? XD loll jk.. But i really laughed out for that part..

And nooooo, it's the aardvark. You know my initial reaction was that i really dislike it, cause what is an arrdvark? Is it an anteater? No. Is it a pig? No... But a baby one is kiiiiinda cute. But poor woohyunnnn.. Nooo, we can share the aardvark. You can entirely take it actually~ then woohyun can be my patronus cause he'll be the one guarding mee~~ xD
UyuJoah #6
Chapter 6: Did I get friendzoned already? Ouch. HAHAHAH. jk.
Kimmi i took the official patronus wuiz from pottermore and got an aardvark
Shino159 #8
Chapter 5: Ohmygosh reading this update, I missed querencia so much T^T your writing style is love and how you give all the characters their moments~~~ I already see rivalry, jealousy, love~ kyaaaaa I just love it~ T^T and Ohmygosh good job!! The chapter is so long and to imagine you typed it all on phone T^T massages your fingers. I love that Neville is in it though!!! It makes it more, how do you say?? Like it was really later than Hogwarts XD I don't make sense probably loll XD I did one quiz before my phone died XD and my patrons is a rabbit XD
Chapter 5: Yay u updated!!! Ah I can hear a fairytale like voice narrating everything out loud in my head since this chapter was very narrative heavy instead of dialogue. And the Hogwarts bgm plays along to it xD ahh.. No Woohyun.. Bhay woohyun

For Hyunmi it can be either a horse, squirell, unicorn, butterfly, or an otter.. (Yes this is after i went through a list of every patronus' meaning, and after taking several quizes xD)
Chapter 5: Aw its updated! Thankyou for update in midst your busy schedule~
You can use any animal as my character patronuses :) you had work hard! Hwaiting for your pre-cliniccc❤