
Hello Venus

After laying your on the ward for about 2 weeks, you were dismissed from the hospital. You didn't have to pay for your treatment because you were a "special" patient. Those 4 were friends with the 3 s , but why were they being so kind and gentle to you? You kept thinking about it for the past few weeks and had no idea. They seemed like no harm to you like how Bobby was but who knows what was their intention. "Make sure you take those on time okay?"said Dr Jung giving you your medications. "How can repay you?" You asked. "Ahahaha, its not me whom you shall repay. It's my son Jung Chan Woo. He insisted me to treat you as a speacial patient, so I can't deny my son's orders right? You must be someone special to him? I've never saw you hang out before with my son, are you new in school? Aigoo no wonder Chanwoo was so nice to you. You are one beautiful young lady," said Dr Jung smiling at you. "No, I am not his friend to be honest but I really am thankful for your kind hospitality. And please say thank you to Chanwoo sshi as well," you said bowing. "Well young lady, you should pass that to him by yourself. I must get going, I have lives to save now. See you around, Ryu Sera," said Dr Jung. You bowed to him politely and proceeded to the exit when 3 familiar figures popped in front of you. Yup, it was the 3 ed up s. "Woah woah woah, if it isn't the almighty Ryu Sera walking up," said Bobby laughing. Suddenly BI harshly grabbed your wrist and dragged you to a alley and pushed you on the hard brick wall. "Who the do you think you are seducing my friends?"yelled BI. "Hyung, what does she even have? What did they even see in her? Look at her, she looks like she is going through malnutrition and her chest is even flat. There are more hot chicks in SM High for 's sake," said Junhoe. "Why don't you try seducing us as well huh? Show us what you're hiding inside," said Bobby leaning closer to you. "Leave me alone you bastards," you yelled trying to get rid of BI's grip but every inch you move he grips it harder. You were struggling to free yourself from him. "What do you think you are doing?"asked Jinhwan along with Chanwoo and Yunhyeong. The 3 of them with disgusted and disappointed looks. "We were just checking on her hyung. We were seeing what made you so attracted to her that you want to protect her so bad," said BI smirking at his hyung. "You..little" said Jinhwan grabbing BI's collar when Chanwoo stopped them. "Hyung, he's not worth it ! Karma is gonna come for him," said Chanwoo. "I did not know you guys were gonna take it this far just because we protected an innocent girl," said Yunhyeong pulling you towards them. "Hyung, really. That's all you guys can say? This ,uh, what is so great about her? She is poor, dirty,ugly and corrupted. What is so great about her that you guys are so attached to her?" Asked JunHoe. "I dont know about you guys. But you guys never noticed her did you? I have noticed her since last year. She ranks 1st every year in every exams. She stays in school and studies till 7pm and rushes to her part time job and helps the grandma until past midnight. She lives alone doesn't have any parents who can feed her, dress her or give her company when people like you try to bring her down. No matter how much she falls, she doesn't just sit there, she stands up and builds even more stronger walls rather than getting revenge. She is 17 yet mature. Its time that you guys grow some balls and act mature. You guys are the same age as her,but you keep on acting like this. If you don't change this filthy habits of yours, then its no good for you and us," said Jinhwan. "Who paid for her in the hospital?" Said Bobby looking at Jinhwan. "I did," said Chanwoo. "As expected, gold digger," said Junhoe. "You know what hyung, you don't understand. All girls are the ing same. When they are poor, they run to people like us so they can spend money recklessly while we work our off. You pity her but we don't. She is just like Lee Ha Yi!," yelled BI. Everyone gawks at BI. "So you are treating her like this just because you think she is like Hayi?" Asked Yunhyeong scoffing. "I did not know Hanbin, that you are such a coward and idiot," said Jinhwan shaking his head in disapproval. "Come Sera , let's get you home. Grandma might be worried,"said Yunhyeong gently walking you away from those trouble makers.

"Omo, aigoo my little puppy, what happened to you? You got paler and thinner," said grandma running towards you to hug you. "I am fine granny, your puppy is fine okay," you said smiling. "It's good to know you have such handsome friends. And that young man especially worked here on your behalf," said grandma pointing towards Donghyuk. "Donghyuk-sshi, thanks alot but you didn't have to do it," you said. "I wanted to do something and earn by my own so its not really a problem. I might have a high profile background but it doesn't mean I am not allowed to do something I want to, right?" Said Donghyuk smiling. "Come on , we will finish these customers and have dinner. Stay for dinner okay boys," said Granny patting Jinhwan's head. "Come on, I'll take you to our apartment," you said taking them to your apartment. "Its a little cramped okay, please don't mind,"you said feeling slightly embarrassed. "Wow, its cute. Makes me want to live on my own," said Chanwoo smiling widely. "About those 3,we are sincerely sorry," said Jinhwan. "You shouldn't be the one apologizing,they should be,"you said. "But still, they are my dongsaengs , They will definitely apologise so please don't hate us because of them. They may be violent but we aren't. We don't like violence," said Jinhwan. "Ryu Sera-sshi, if you do not mind us asking, where are your parents?" Asked Chanwoo. You were quite taken aback with the question. "Jung Chanwoo-" "It's okay. You guys did a lot for me so spilling the beans won't hurt. Woah, I'm finally telling someone about this," you said smiling helplessly. You really wanted someone by your side to listen to your story. How much you wanted the pain to be thrown out. "Its fine Sera-sshi you don't have to say it if you're uncomfortable," said Jinhwan. "No, I trust you guys. I have been wanting to have someone whom I trust to be by side so someday I can tell them my story but I had no one. Now I have the chance, I shall say it," you said. "So Sera-sshi, where is your parents?" Asked Yunhyeong. 



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Michaelamonic #1
Chapter 7: I really love thizzz fanficㅠㅠaaa
Please update soon author-nim~!!
Chapter 7: OMG It's like the best ikon fanfic I've ever read... like ever!!!!
I finished it all in one go.... OMG I love it I love it!!
I'll be looking forward to the upcoming chapter!!! Please update soon I really love it ^_^
_meixing #3
Chapter 7: oh my gosh it's a damn great story!!! pls update soon
Chapter 7: great plot!!! Please update soon! (• 3 •)/
Chapter 7: Well,it indeed is short! Too short! You're torturing me! Can't help but ask for a quick update. ^.^ <3
un_known99 #6
Chapter 7: what the ?? wow!!! this story was totally amazing!!! thumbs up author-nim!!! this story totally caught my attention!!
I REALLYx5 LOVES IT!!! update soon please!! can't wait for the upcoming chapters
yangyoseob19 #7
Chapter 7: Oh My god,i'm glad i found this love with it,keep updating, i'll patiently wait.!fighthing!
Chapter 6: Woow!! BI is good to her! I'm so glad that they were there and saved her! Another perfect chapter! Thank you,author - nim! <3 Update soon, please.
un_known99 #9
Chapter 1: yahh!!! this story really makes suspense to rose into mine..... please update soon!!! i can't bear to wait for a long time
vanilla23 #10
Please update more. The suspense is killing me ><