[Vixx] Coffee Shop 2/2

[Vixx] Coffee Shop
  • Leo sighed, trying to figure out how long he’d be stuck in the filthy, cramped mens room. He reached to his pocket to find nothing was there. He had forgotten his phone. He threw his head towards the toilets wall.
    "Now what do I do?" He asked himself, no one else was around to hear him.

    "Since when did he start talking to you?" N shouted back.
    "Since always! I’ve always been there for him, sorting out the stress you’ve caused him!" N took a step back, going red in the face.
    "W-w-what stress?" He stuttered. People sitting around them were staring. "Y-you know what, I’ll just call him!" N said, stopping the argument whilst reaching for his phone. Ravi could do nothing for he was frozen with frustration. N dialed the number and placed the phone to his ear. Ring, ring ring. Leo’s phone went off.
    "What?" N took his phone away from his face in confusion. He looked at it as the call ended. Whilst dialing the number again he looked over to Ravi who had now also turned red in the face. It started ringing again. This time Hakyeon turned his head towards the sound. He frowned. "Open the bag Ravi!" He pointed at the almost broken rucksack sitting on the seat behind him. Wonsik took in a deep breath, stood up straight and tilted his chin up.
    "No" he said calmly however you could tell that inside there were both fearful and frustrated emotions.
    "What did you just say?" N screamed. Ravi stared Hakyeon down.
    "I said N-" N readied his right hand in the air and slapped.
    "Where is he! He’s here isnt he?" He shouted whilst looking around the room in a panic. Ravi didn’t answer, He reached for his bag and stormed out from the Coffee shop.

    Leo, who had now been stuck where he was for long time thought it would be time to exit. He tried to stand up however his legs had fallen asleep. After a quick shake, he tried again. He pushes open the bathroom door and continued down the corridor towards the bathroom area exit. His arms were still shaking ever so slightly as he reached for the handle. As the door was pulled, it squeaked loudly. Taekwoon scanned the room, starting with the left side where most of the tables were positioned. The coast was clear so far, yet as his vision moved towards the center of the room, he found a short, dark dressed figure standing there waiting for him. He swallowed. Leo realized he had no choice but to continue entering. The boy caught a glance of Leo from the corner of his eye, His frown changing to a wide grin in a matter of seconds.
    "Taekwoon!" he called, hopping towards the tall man. "There you were." N said pretending he didn’t know the reason why Leo disappeared. Hakyeon gave Leo a strong hug and reached to his fluffy blonde hair. "I brought you something!" N
    exclaimed with the huge grin still growing across his face. He dug into his pocket. Leo rolled his eyes and sorted out his hair which N very kindly messed up. Hakyeon later picked out a small square of purple colored plastic with earrings pierced in it. "You were the other day that you keep losing yours, so I bought you some more." N was now jumping up and down with excitement, waiting for Leo’s response to his gift. "do you like it?" Leo nodded and put it into his pocket.
    "Where’s Ravi?"Leo asked , looking around.
    "Oh, Ravi, he left a while ago." Leo’s head sunk. "come on, let’s go back now." N wrapped his arm around Taekwoons neck and they both exited the store.
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Chapter 2: What the??!! Leo.... if you don't like it then say something!!!! Ugh!!! I'm so frustrated!! :(((
....What will happen now??
Chapter 1: Aww!! I hope this will end with WonTaek....
..But..seriously, N needs to listen too...
Benafsha23 #3
Update soon please...
Benafsha23 #4
Update soon Please ❤️ Fighting
Chapter 2: Cant wait for next chapter (digging for wontaek but eh xD )
Chapter 1: Wohooo can't wait~~~
BBC4Life17 #7
Chapter 1: Oh man s about to go down xD
Update when you can love <3