[Vixx] Coffee Shop part 1

[Vixx] Coffee Shop
  • "Ta-da! One spiced latte for you," Wonsik place the beverage down in front of Taekwoon and smiled. "And two scoops of green tea ice-cream for me, hope you enjoy" He smiled again. Leo said nothing but returned the grin. He was busy looking at instagram
    whilst ignoring the millions of texts by Cha Hakyeon pouring in by the second.
    "So how’s the new songs coming along? Didn’t you say you were struggling to come up with a melody for the last couple of songs?" Ravi asked, putting a spoonful of Ice-cream into his mouth, not expecting an answer. And indeed all he was given was a nod. Taekwoon took a sip from his latte, it was still too hot.
    "This break is just what I needed" Leo said in his highly-pitched, soft-toned and unpracticed voice.
    "Well I’m glad you’re enjoying it, we’ll have to head back soon though. N will be looking for us again, or should I say looking for you at least." Ravi chuckled softly whereas Taekwoon didn’t laugh at all, his face was serious. "He’s been annoying you a lot recently, hasn’t he?" Ravi’s cute little smile disappeared from his narrow face. Leo looked down and rested his arms on the table in front of him.
    "He won’t give up..." Leo sighed. Ravi placed his hands on Taekwoons.
    "You just need to tell him"
    "I already have, too many times..."
    "Then tell him again and again, ’till he gets the message!"

    Taekwoon turned towards the window in frustration only to find a familiar figure in a crowd of people walking in the streets, they seemed to be walking this way. Leo’s heart started beating faster, he started feeling faint in the head and was unable to focus.
    "Hyung, are you okay? What’s wrong?" Ravi noticed that Leo’s skin had gone almost a pale as the white jumper he wore. After looking around, he too noticed the man in the crowd, it was N. Ravi was quick to think and told Taekwoon to hide in the bathroom swiftly.
    And he did, Leo sprinted towards the toilet whilst Ravi hide his cup of coffee and other items, removing the evidence. He sat down quickly as continued consuming his half melted ice-cream. His acting skills were almost convincing.

    Hakyeon entered. Ravi was amazed how he was able to arrive without having any fans following behind him. He began walking towards Wonsik.
    "Hey Ravi, you alright?" N asked taking a seat next to him. Ravi replied with a nod after swallowing a huge spoonful of ice-cream, which he probably shouldn’t have done. "Have you seen Leo?"
    "No, why are you looking for him?" Ravi spoke on a deep, tough voice.
    "He hasn’t answered any of my texts."
    "Have you ever thought the might be a reason for that?" Ravi shot, dropping all formality.
    "Ya, what’s wrong with you, and why are you speaking to your oldest Hyung like that?" N questioned, shocked at Ravis sudden attitude.
    Ravi slammed his phone down on the table,
    "Can’t you just leave him alone for one day, or even just a second!" The coffee shop
    they were in had gone almost silent.
    "Leo’s fine with it." Hakyeon exclaimed.
    "How do you know, did you ask him?"
    "Why, did you?"
    "Yes, ’cause unlike you, he actually talks to me!" Ravi explained in a low leveled shout.
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Chapter 2: What the??!! Leo.... if you don't like it then say something!!!! Ugh!!! I'm so frustrated!! :(((
....What will happen now??
Chapter 1: Aww!! I hope this will end with WonTaek....
..But..seriously, N needs to listen too...
Benafsha23 #3
Update soon please...
Benafsha23 #4
Update soon Please ❤️ Fighting
Chapter 2: Cant wait for next chapter (digging for wontaek but eh xD )
Chapter 1: Wohooo can't wait~~~
BBC4Life17 #7
Chapter 1: Oh man s about to go down xD
Update when you can love <3