The Five Basic Temperaments

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The Five Temperaments


Date posted: 19-November-2015
Source: Link

The Five Temperaments


STRENGTHS - Sensitive to others, talented and creative, deep and thoughtful, perfectionist, schedule-oriented, persistent and thorough, faithful and devoted, will listen to compaints, seeks ideal mate/partner

WEAKNESSES - low self-image, moody and depressed, remembers the negatives, hard to please, deep need for approval, self-centered, socially insecure, full of contradictions, holds back affection

BRIEF DESCRIPTION - One thing melancholies can improve on is how to communicate their feelings as melancholies are very emotional people and are protective of them. The melancholy's second temperament balances the extremes in this temperament, as people in general aren't of one temperament only. Melancholies may tend to be introverted and may be loners. However, melancholies are very loyal, keeps promises, and very artistic and creative.

STRENGTHS - Easy going and relaxed, witty, sympathetic and kind, peaceful and agreeable, mediates problems, steady, easy to get along with, good listener, inoffensive

WEAKNESSES - Fearful and worried, avoids responsibility, too compromising, lacks self-motivation, lazy and careless, would rather watch than participate, sarcastic and teasing, judges others, dampens others' enthusiasm

BRIEF DESCRIPTION - The plegmatic is described to be slow-paced, stubborn, and prefers to use little energy. This temperament is very stable, diplomatic, and likes to negotiate but not to get too involved in things. Phlegmatics and Cholerics may clash as the latter find it difficult to control the former.

STRENGTHS - Born leader, confident, strong-willed and decisive, organizes well, goal oriented, moves and acts quickly, team player, self-sufficient

WEAKNESSES - Bossy, impatient, Quick-tempered, may make rash decisions, manipulative, may be rude and tactless, dominating personality, has difficulty apologizing, know-it-all

BRIEF DESCRIPTION - This temperative is said to be the most powerful of the five, as cholerics are very strong-willed and may have problems controlling their anger. Dictators are said to be cholerics. Cholerics like using other people as well. However, cholerics are also outgoing and are usually open to those around them

STRENGTHS - Life of the party, good sense of humor, curious, sincere at heart, likes to volunteer, has energy and enthusiasm, charming, makes friends easily, likes spontaneity, doesn't hold grudges

WEAKNESSES - Exaggerates, egostical, never grows up, forgets obligations and responsibilities, easily distracted, driven by feelings, makes excuses, needs to be at the center of attention, forgetful

BRIEF DESCRIPTION - Saguines are social persons and the easiest to be around with. Sanguines are very good communicators and have a warm and optimistic personality. They can be rude, uncaring and unloyal at times, shying away from commitments and not learning from previous mistakes.

STRENGTHS - Intensely loyal, dependable, of gentle spirit, diligent, likes to please others,  likes people, seeks counsel when making decisions, can undertake numerous tasks especially if it means improving relationships with others

WEAKNESSES - Unable to express themselves, hurt easily, fears rejection, needs constant reassurance, cautious, too sensitive, feels inferior to others, expects others to understand them and read their minds

BRIEF DESCRIPTION - Supines have a great number of likes and interests and will work to please others. People of these temperament are easily offended. Supine is said to be a combination of Melancholy and Sanguine. Supines are dependable but have the inability to initiate love and affection.




Please note that a person can be a combination of these temperaments instead of being of just one. For example, a person can be melancholic and phlegmatic at the same time.

Everything on this thread unless otherwise stated was not created by the callback admin.
This theme is by Nefelibata Themes.

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