All Our Bruised Bodies And The Whole Heart Shrinks

Crying Game

Chapter 6

September 23, 2014


Hyuna wasn’t sure when her world became so dull. Or yet, she wasn’t quite sure how she had reached such a bleak point in her life. It was as if one day she woke up to find that she had been glued to the bottom of a dark pit.

And then all of a sudden, Jiyong stood at the top of that dark pit, looking down. He was nice. He was patient with her, and tolerated her angry outbursts. He never raised his voice towards her, and gave into her demands with little complaint. But Hyuna refused to reach for his outstretched hand that beckoned to pull her out of the darkness she had been in for years. Because Hyuna wasn’t sure how long planned on holding on before dropping her. She wasn’t sure if he was friend or foe.

So she watched Jiyong. She watched him with a constant, cold scowl. Since the two weeks that Hyuna had decided to make things a little easier and attempt to work with him, Jiyong seemed to have quickly adjusted to her bipolar attitude.

“Doesn’t this melody sound nice?” he asked. They had moved their meetings from YG to Cube- for Hyuna’s convenience, of course.

“It’s too slow.”

“How about these lyrics?”

“Too bland.”                          

Jiyong nodded, furrowing his eyebrows in concentration, his eyes practically glued to computer screen as he began to rearrange the melody again.

It wasn’t that his lyrics were bad- because they were far from it. He was G-Dragon, after all. The guy was practically a musical legend. There was no way that his lyrics could be as terrible as Hyuna made them out to be, but this had become a game to her. She wanted to see how far she could push the ‘kind’ Jiyong before he snapped and showed her his true colors.

Hyuna sighed, slumping into her chair. Seunghyun definitely wasn’t lying when he said that Jiyong took his work seriously. He was professional when they met up in the studio, and quickly got engrossed in his work. He took her criticism seriously as well, and strived to improve himself in areas he was already perfect in.

There were days when he would come in bare face, hair disheveled and bags under his eyes. Hyuna didn’t bother asking him where he had been to cause him to look like such a mess, but it was obvious that he had been spending a lot of his time at his own studio writing music. Today was another one of those days.

Beanie over his unkempt hair, Jiyong had arrived in nothing but sweatpants and a plain, white t-shirt.                 

Jiyong let out a yawn, his eyes glazed over as he blinked tiredly at the computer screen.

Hyuna watched him silently, like she always did. Strangely enough, Jiyong didn’t seem to mind the fact that she never had much to say unless he asked her, despite the fact that it was her song they were collaborating on.

She still hadn’t shown him her lyrics, and although he had asked her a few times, he hadn’t constantly pestered about it.

That’s what Hyuna really hated about Jiyong. He always acted as if he understood her.

Glancing to the clock, Hyuna realized that it was already 12am. Her eyes slowly made traces upon his face, noticing how the bags under his eyes were stark against his milky skin, and how his eyelids dropped as if gravity was pulling at his feet. Kwon Jiyong was beyond exhausted.

“Go home,” she ordered.

Tearing his gaze away from the screen, he blinked. “But-

“You’re boring and you look like you’re about to die. Your unkempt appearance is gross. Please go home, GD sunbaenim,” she said bluntly.

He smiled tiredly. “Thanks for the concern, Hyuna-ssi, but I’m alright.”

“Don’t get the wrong idea. I don’t care,” she bit back bitterly, whisky eyes narrowed in annoyance. “I stopped caring long ago when I realized that I was giving too much.”

For a moment, Jiyong just stared at her, his tired eyes much more aware than they’d had been before. Hyuna’s words seemed to resonate within him.

She wish that he wouldn’t say anything. She wished that he wouldn’t pay any mind to her words and just get up and walk away. Hyuna hadn’t meant to overreact, but when Jiyong implied that she might have cared for him, she snapped. She said too much. And when he stared at her with such enigmatic intensity, Hyuna felt like he had just discovered a piece of her broken soul.

After a moment of awkward silence, Jiyong nodded. “You don’t look too well yourself, Hyuna-ssi. You should rest. We can continue this tomorrow.” Standing up from the chair, he politely bowed. “I’ll see you tomorrow then.”

Hyuna didn’t answer, mouth pressed in a firm line as Jiyong smiled and left.

She sat in the studio for a while, mulling over how awkward she had felt. Hyuna was bold and brash, she was the one who made others feel awkward. But when the two of them were alone in the studio with nothing but a thick blanket of knowing silence as his October eyes gazed at her with such depth, Hyuna felt like she was burning alive. felt dry and she had to resist the urge to squirm uncomfortably.

Why did Kwon Jiyong affect her in such strange ways?

When Hyuna returned home, the first thing she did was head to the bathroom. She hadn’t been feeling too well for the past week and a half. It had started with an occasional stomach ache and headaches every now in them, which wasn’t something new to her. She drank daily, and when she was sober for too long she would get headaches, which was quickly cured by more alcohol and some aspirin.

But lately her stomach felt like it was burning and the headaches were more frequent, and whenever Hyuna drank the pain in her abdomen intensified. She was a good drinker who could handle alcohol pretty well, but lately when she drank she felt like gagging, and a few times she had thrown up. Hyuna wasn’t quite sure what was wrong with her. She had begun having dizzy spells four days ago, and felt tired all the time.

It wasn’t as if Hyuna was exhausted from a busy schedule, because her schedule was quite clear. When she got up in the morning she’d had a drink before hitting the gym for two hours. She’d come back home and work on writing music and paintings whilst having a glass of wine. If Seunghyun, her brother, or the girls were free, they’d often spend time together. Then, Hyuna would meet Jiyong around 7pm at her studio in Cube. They’d work for several hours before she became bored. Sometimes she would have photoshoots, but Seungsung had refused to let her participate in any interviews.

And yet, when she woke up in the morning she felt like she had run a marathon the day before.

Hyuna shook it off as simply the fact that her body hadn’t gotten used to getting back into the routine life of an idol.

But when she stared at her reflection in the bathroom mirror, she felt unsettled. Jiyong wasn’t over exaggerating when he said that she didn’t look so well. Her skin had taken on a sickly color, and when Hyuna washed off her make-up she looked like hell. She had purple bags under her eyes and without lipstick, her lips her were dry and a strange shade of grey. She felt dizzy just looking at her reflection.

“You look like .”

Hyuna’s head snapped around in surprise, causing her vision to go blurry for a moment.

Siwon was leaning against the doorframe, nose scrunched up as he observed her with obvious judgment.

Hyuna felt an unpleasant fire burning in her stomach. She popped an aspirin in , swallowing it dry. “Not now, Siwon.”

“Well who in your cereal this morning,” he mumbled.

Biting her tongue, Hyuna sighed. Right now she didn’t want to deal with his frivolous teasing. So instead of glaring and cursing at him, she attempted to make her way silently out the door.

Siwon put his hand against the other side of the door frame, refusing to let her exit the bathroom. Looking down at her, he smirked. “C’mooon babe, I was just kidding.”

For a moment, Hyuna stood there, contemplating whether she really wanted to get into another fight with him. They had been doing well since he had apologised, and she really did not want to start another one, especially not in the mood she was in.

So instead, Hyuna opted to ignore him again. Ducking under his arm, she made her way into their bedroom. She didn’t get far before Siwon had s his hands around her waist and pulled her roughly against him.

Lips on her neck, he walked them to the bed, still holding onto her the entire way. Siwon was quick to climb on top of her as he pushed her onto the water filled mattress. “I’m sorry, babe.” He mumbled carelessly into . “Oppa just misses his princess.” His tongue invaded , pressing his body intrusively into hers.

Any other time, Hyuna wouldn’t have mind if Siwon ravished her right there and then, but this time she didn’t like it. She didn’t like how her right wrist ached as he held it tightly above her head, or how the hand he had pressing down on her hips made her flinch in pain.

Hyuna often liked how rough and wild he was in bed, but this time it hurt.

“Siwon, I’m not in the mood,” she whispered.

He only hummed, his mouth making it’s way from her lips, to her jaw, and her neck. When he let go of her hip to her , Hyuna pushed angrily at him. “I said that I’m not in the ing mood!”

Siwon backed up, eyes wide. “Babe?”

“Why don’t you ever listen to me!” she yelled. “When I said that I’m not in the mood that means that I’m not in the mood! Why are you always so selfish like this? You don’t care how I’m feeling because all you want to do is all the time! That’s all we’ve done since I’ve gotten back from the states! Can’t you give me a break already!”

By the time Hyuna was done yelling, she was breathless.

Siwon stared at her in shock. Although anger seemed to be a constant emotion Hyuna felt, she always expressed it in usual ways. It was cold and detached anger. She never raised her voice or acted violently.She was the kind of winter rage that you would get frostbite from if you got too close.

Hyuna never yelled, so Siwon wasn’t quite sure what to say.

He blinked, and then suddenly his handsome face distorted into ugly rage.

She wasn't quite sure what happened next, but suddenly the loud resoundment of a slap echoed throughout the chilly house. Hyuna hadn’t even registered that she had been slapped rather hardly across the cheek until Siwon ripped open the bedroom door with such force that she was afraid it would fly off it’s hinges.

Once again, she was left alone in the emptiness of the house with the sound of the front door slamming echoing in her head.

Her shallow breathing didn’t slow as she laid sprawled out on the bed, cheek stinging arduously.

Hyuna suddenly found inhaling any air to be difficult, and she quickly found herself feeling as if she was suffocating. Crawling out of the bed, Hyuna began to stumble urgently towards the bathroom. Her vision blurred as she opened the medicine cabinet, hands fumbling for the orange bottle of pills she desperately needed.


tightened painfully.

Just breathe.

Her lungs felt as if they were going to explode.

It’s going to be okay.

Her stomach twisted in a way that made her want to throw up.

Take deep breathes.

Her eyelids became heavy as she finally found the bottle she had been searching for.


The dizziness was overwhelming as her vision began to distort and she started seeing tracers. She wasn’t quite sure what was up or down anymore.



The last thing Hyuna remembered was the sound of the pill bottle dropping to the ground as she hit the cold tiled floor with a painful thud.  


Then, there was darkness.

This chapter's shorter than all the other one's and I apologize. All my chapters end up with over 3000+ words, but this one barely hit 2000. I thought that you all deserved a quick update after waiting so long for the previous chapter because of  the silly mistake I made.  I know you all were so hyped about the cute lil interaction Hyuna and GD had last chapter, and I'm sorry that there wasn't much of an interaction in this one. Their relationship is just now starting to develop, and Hyuna won't always be willing to be 'nice'. Plus, Siwon is still a really important part of this story as much as you all hate him. I'm not one of those authors who writes the antagonist off in favor of cute fluff. The rollercoaster of a relationship between GD and Hyuna has only just started.


Comments and upvotes are greatly appreciated! 





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I promise you all that I'm not dead. I'vee just been really busy lately and will explain myself when I release the next chapter!


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_-HyunaKim-_ #1
huhu whyyyy I ve been searching for g hyuna fanfics why do this?. huhu
vip4nia #2
Chapter 9: I just reread it yesterday and today you discontinued it :( i was so happy to see notification that this fic updated :(
What can i do tho ? I hope you can write a good fanfic again and goodluck .
Ps . This fic is good and not embarassing setiously
Chapter 9: Nooooooooooo don't do this to me T___T I've been waiting for and update for like forever and now you will stop this story? Why do I live
? T_T
Chapter 9: But if you are becoming skillful you should at least end the story somehow. Should think about readers who sticked with you from the start without complaining . I am disappointed
Chapter 9: Why??? I love this story so much....
vip4nia #6
Chapter 8: Hey authornim , its been a long time since your last update. This story is really good i hope you can continue it ,pleaseee
gokcenx #7
Chapter 8: Woah! This story is really good.
Chapter 8: I hope you'll update your story.. i really love the story. I wish jiyong will aware about what siwon did to hyuna soon n help her..
joycedeluna #9
Chapter 8: Update pleasees... It the best story....
Hyunajs #10
Chapter 8: Please authornim save hyuna from siwon