Chapter One: Middle Class

Bad Blood

It was a very hot weather when it all started--how I got involved in the feud of a very perfect-looking family. I was visiting my cousin’s school--elite school to be precise--because she forgot her assignment. I was residing in her family’s home because the university I was studying at was 15 minutes away from the neighborhood.

Seol-ah’s school is a one hour ride away from her home so I used the bus to go there. It was 10 in the morning when I arrived in her school. Only half an hour is left before the deadline for the submission of her assignment yet she still won’t come to get it from me--I’m already at the front gate of her school so why wouldn’t she just come and get it here?

I texted her for the nth time that I will leave her assignment to the guards if she wouldn’t come to me in five minutes; after a few minutes have passed she called me. “Just do me a favor and get inside the school! I can’t come to you right now, Haru. I’m hanging out with my girls. I’m on the cafeteria. Ciao!” she ended the call right after she gave me her nonsense reason.

Calm down, Haru, she’s just 15 and you’re residing in her place so you owe her. I told myself the only reason why I should not get mad at her. I calmed myself more and then I immediately talked to the guards about my responsibility here. However, after many pleadings the guards still won’t let me in because outsiders are not allowed inside the school premises and they said that middle class people are strictly not allowed inside because, well, I’m middle class and it’s a very luxurious school.

I seriously don’t get your point, officer. I rolled my eyes to the officer and texted my cousin, saying that the guards won’t allow me to come inside. Immediately after I texted her, I received an angry message coming from my cousin--I said angry because her message was all in uppercase letters--saying that she’ll be here in five minutes. I leaned on the wall and sighed. This is one heck of a day, I concluded.

I looked down and stared at my old, almost-torn converse. Well, that, I think, is the highlight of my middle class ‘get-up’. I rolled my eyes and sighed. “2 minutes,” I murmured as kicked a pebble away from my right foot.

The concrete floor outside my cousin’s school was made up of gold concrete floor. Bushes with different colors of flowers are on the side and everything from the inside of the school smells really nice. I wonder what the campus looked like.

I turned my gaze to the black luxurious car which I do not know what brand it is. The car is a four wheeled car and it looked like it is the car which accompanies the president or so. Its windows rolled down and a beautiful young man showed. The young man who I think is in my age looked in my way so I shifted my gaze to the gate where I saw an upset Seol-ah.

I sighed, as I felt sorry for her. She’s the kind of girl who doesn’t like the idea of walking yet I made her--just because ‘middle class’ people are not allowed inside her school. I saw her giving me a deathly glare as she drew closer to the gate. I tried my best to give her a warm smile but I think I failed because the intensity of her glare looked way too dangerous.

I handed her assignment. “You brat! You better make sure that I won’t fail this subject or else...” she trailed off.

Okay, what was that for? I furrowed my brows. “Huh? I really am not allowed to come inside. If you won’t believe me, ask the guards.” I breathe slowly to calm myself down. I may hate her attitude but I’m being inferior to her right now. I seriously.

“Whatever!” she stomped her feet away from the gate and quickly went back to her haven. I sighed, why can’t I stand up for myself? While looking down, I turned away from the gate only to bump into someone’s stone-hard chest.

This person smelled rich.

I slowly looked up to see the beautiful young man looking down at me. At this very moment, I literally feel so small and vulnerable. This person is huge! And--and he has a big bulky arms which could almost explode in his tuxedo-looking uniform.

The young man in front of me tsk-ed so I immediately took a few steps backward. I bowed in front of him and apologized. When he didn’t respond, I momentarily stood up straight only to find out that there was no one in front of me.

Great! Did I just take a bow in front of a ghost? Or, is this man too rich that he has to runaway because I’m middle class?

Annoyed, I started to stomp my feet away from this ‘glorious’ elite school to the bus station.




I woke up late in the morning so now I’m doing everything in haste. I have a class in two hours and I have to print the project proposal which I’ve been working on countless nights. 3 pages left until it’s done but the printer isn’t working quickly and I’m becoming so helpless at this very moment.

I stared at the window of my room where I can see the outside. Seol-ah’s family is quite rich so they have a massive house where there is a garden in the front porch. The sky is grayer than usual. It must have been sad like me; it must’ve missed the sun.

I took a glance at my mother’s portrait which is placed on my night table. It was a photo of her when she was young, and she was holding me as a baby. I smiled as I feel my heart break a little. If she hadn’t died in that incident before, dad wouldn’t be very lonely to commit suicide and I wouldn’t live in a house where my cousin hates me the most and my aunt is talking bad behind my back.

The only one I can rely on this house is the senior house maid and my uncle. My uncle is the younger brother of my mother. He is a business tycoon--he actually owns a business which has a huge market capacity--and also a great father. Sometimes, I see him checking his children’s room late at night. He is very kind, but once you see him working, he looks the other way around.

I hurried myself to class because I only have three minutes before I could be late. I;m dressed in a casual clothes--in a white shirt and a green checkered flannel, and leggings as my pant--so I could run freely. Before I could make it to the classroom, I saw the head of The Empire--a very huge and a very successful business around the world-- coming to the classroom.

He looked so young and tall. He wears a blacksuit and a warm smile. His hair is desheveled but every strand falls in the right place. Wait, I think I remember his name. Seokjin

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