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She waited.


She would stare at the door while she sat on her bed, just hoping that he would stumble in for all she cared. She just wanted him to come back.At first Kira thought that Sehun would come back, the worst case scenario he would be gone a full seven days.


But, no.


It was like he disappeared from the face of Earth. As if he didn't exist in the first place.


Taking his place was a boy even younger than Sehun. They replaced him so easily with someone she has never even seen before. How many people did her father keep in the basement? Going by the name of Rui of Japanese descent, he was born only a few months before Kira. He had ashy brown hair that matched his soft beautifully brown orbs. His eyebrows were sculpted perfectly, framing his eyes in all the right ways, and his full, luscious pink lips were her favourite (no, they did not kiss). Apparently he was Sehun's competition when they were training.


He was a very capable and polite guy, and it seemed like everyone favoured him more than Sehun. Rui could do everything Sehun could, except he had a constant glowing smile on his face. He radiated good energy and that always won points with people. As perfect looking and sounding he was, he just wasn't Sehun.


"Kira, Bona told me you have a meeting with Mr Lee at Darius. Would you like me to accompany you?" He squeezed in, walking half a step behind her.


"It's alright, I can handle myself. It's just Mr Lee." She attempted a polite smile but it looked a bit like a grimace.


"I'll drive you there then." It wasn't a suggestion. Kira continued walking while going through both work and non-work related things in her head.


"Kai," she cleared in an attempt to erase her mistake, forgetting that he didn't know Kai personally. "Mr. Kim Jong In will be attending it as well. Do you mind if he comes along?"


"He has his own personal driver, doesn't he?" still not getting why he had to drive this man when his job was to cater to Kira only.


"Yes, he does. He's actually a close friend, and I haven't been able to spend time with him lately." She didn't really know why she was telling him this but it seemed like it mattered. "It's okay if you don't come along, Rui. I can go with him instead. You can go and get some rest in the meantime." This time she gave him an actual smile, not the half assed ones she always gives.


"No, no," he shook his head profusely. "I'm sorry that I hesitated. I should've agreed

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Chapter 3: I'm so happy that I've found this because so far this is amazing 'ㅅ'