Chapter 4

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Earlier in the morning, Hansol were making out with Tzuyu, the '' of the school should I say, at the end of the locker room. He noticed that there were peolpe watching them but he doesn't care at all. All he think was he need to finish his make out session before enter the classroom. After the bell ring, he leave the scene and entered the classroom.

"Mr Chwe. You can be seated. Mingyu have told me about what had happened to you this morning" Mr Lee said. Hansol bow his head and went to his seat, beside his best friend Kim Mingyu.

"You. You owe me a big time mister. If not because of you and your make out session, I don't need to cover for you, hoe" Mingyu knocked Hansol on the head with his notebook. Hansol glare at him and rub the spot where Mingyu hit him.

"Alright alright. I'm sorry. I'll treat you pizza later. Geez. You don't need to knock me that hard" Hansol whined.

"You better treat me or else I'm gonna tell Mr Lee the truth" Mingyu threatened. Hansol nodded and put his head on the table. He's not intrested with the class so he decided to sleep and wait for the reccess time to come.


The time has come. All of the student start to rush out from their class and run to the cafeteria.

"Yah sleepyhead! WAKE UP YOU!" Mingyu shouted. Hansol was shocked and lift his head from the table. That action cause Hansol's head bumped with Mingyu's forehead. Both of them hissed and rub their head and forehead.

"What the hell?! Can you just wake me up gently or something near to gentle?" Hansol groaned.

"Duhhhhh! I didn't know you would be that shock. Look what you done! My beautiful forehead!" Mingyu looked at himself in the mirror that he usually bring to school. His forehead is read due to the impact and pain of what had happened.

"I don't care about your ugly forehead. I'm out of here. I'm hungry. Are you coming or not?" Hansol carry his bag and walk away.

"Yah! Wait for me you !" Mingyu screamed and try to catch up with Hansol.

As soon as they entered the cafeteria, Hansol saw a guy waving toward him and a panting Mingyu behind him. It was Wonwoo, Mingyu's boyfriend, who was waving toward them. They walk toward Wonwoo and take a sit. Hansol sit opposite to Mingyu and Wonwoo.

"What happ

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Chapter 7: Chan is JiHan's child!!!!

Will u update this story again?
sassy_samantha_9 #2
Chapter 7: Please update
Guest2001 #3
I really liked this story ♡
heartz6 #4
Chapter 7: Updateeeeees??????
heartz6 #5
Chapter 7: Updateeeeees??????
floweroone #6
Chapter 7: Baby channie!!!!!
xotaestytaexo #7
Chapter 7: Plzzz update I really love this story so much
Chapter 7: hahaha chan is a baby xD please update soon! :3
DespicableAngel #9
Chapter 7: I hope you update soon... pretty pretty please with a cherry on top...?
Kkaayyrriiee #10
Chapter 7: I'm waiting..