Chapter 2 ~ Taehyung

Family Business

The club was packed tonight. The music was so loud Taehyung could feel it in his chest, his heart beating along with each thump. He smiled at the pretty girl he had his arm around. He didn't know her name, but she had been entertaining company for the night, feeding him shots and food without him even asking. She was nice to look at, but he could tell she was dumb as a box of rocks. He was going to be bored of her soon.

Hoseok, his cousin, was sitting across from him on the VIP couch of the club, a girl on each arm. He was laughing and flirting with both girls at the same time. Taehyung grinned, always in awe of how his cousin could balance more than one girl at a time. He was a much better Casanova than Tae was.

Taehyung took his leave of the VIP section, tired of the girl already. Pushing through the crowd, he ignored the random hands grabbing at his leather jacket and strangers calling his name. He really just wanted to get to the bar for another drink.

He threw back a shot before turning to survey the club. He leaned back against the bar, letting the flashing lights and thumping music lull him into a sense of serenity. He was disturbed from his reverie, however, by a commotion to his right. Frowning, he saw a foreign girl looking agitated, surrounded by  three guys. One of them reached up to grab her arm; she jerked away from his grasp, backing away from the men. Tae noticed she was being backed into a corner and was about to have no escape. He glanced around the club, but no one else seemed to be aware of the confrontation.

Taking a deep breath, he pushed himself off the bar and headed toward the scene. "Hey, what's going on?" he asked, and stepped between her and the three guys.

"Just having a little fun at the club," one of the guys said to Taehyung, offering a less than genuine smile.

Tae looked over his shoulder at the scared looking girl, then back to the three men. With a crooked smile, he asked, "With my girlfriend?"

One of the dudes smirked at him. "She's not your girlfriend, bro."

"You don't know that," Tae countered. He stepped back and put an awkward arm around the girl. She stiffly let him hug her to his side. "See, my girl." He planted a kiss on the top of his head with the hope that it would appear more convincing.

"Yeah," the biggest of the three stepped forward. "No." He didn't believe Taehyung. Tae barely had a chance to register that the guy's fist was flying at his face. He dodged, but wasn't quick enough to avoid being cuffed in the ear.

Never one to back down from a fight, especially when he was tipsy, Taehyung retaliated with his own punch. This guy, however, was twice Tae's size; his punch barely registered. Tae found himself stumbling backward as a fist connected with his cheekbone.

Before any more punches were thrown, bouncers were on the scene, pulling the three guys away from Tae and the girl. Taehyung tried to explain the situation, but his face hurt too much to say many words.

Fifteen minutes later he found himself sitting on the sidewalk in front of the club, the foreign girl pressing ice wrapped in a towel to his damaged eye. Hoseok was pacing behind him, complaining about being thrown out of a perfectly good club.

"Thank you," the girl whispered to Tae in Korean.

Tae tried to smile at her, but it ended up being more of a painful grimace. "You speak Korean?"

"Just a little," she replied. "I'm sorry you got beat up over me,"

"I didn't get beat up," Taehyung protested. "I let them hit me so they'd get kicked out."

She looked as though she wanted to laugh but nodded seriously instead. "Okay," she replied politely.

He made a face at her, which ended in a pained groan. "What's your name?" He asked.

"Breanne," she replied. "Just moved here a few months ago."

"Breanne," he tried to pronounce the funny word as best he could.

"Just Bre is fine," she smiled.

"Oh," Hoseok interrupted. "Her cab is here,"

"Thanks again," she said, giving Taehyung a bright smile before getting into the cab.

Hoseok kicked at Taehyung as the cab pulled away. "I can't believe you got in a fight and got us bounced. Why do I hang out with you?"

"Hey," Tae replied, holding one hand over his heart. "I was defending a girl's honor."

Hoseok made a disbelieving noise, and began to pace again. It wasn't two minutes later that a black car with dark windows pulled up.

The back door on their side opened and Jin stepped out, still on his cell phone, looking handsome in a black suit and tie. He stepped back, motioning for his younger brother and Tae to get in the car. Taehyung followed Hoseok into the car.

Jin finished his phone conversation as he got into the car. He didn't try to hide his annoyance; he glared at the two of them openly.

"The owner of this club is a friend of mine. He called me instead of the police. You have interrupted date night with my wife. Someone needs to explain."

Hoseok jerked his thumb toward Taehyung. "It's his fault this time."

Tae sighed but gave his explanation of the events. He didn't know why everyone was giving him a hard time about defending the girl. He was the one who got punched in the face; wasn't he the one who was wronged?

Jin patiently listened. "While your reason may be admirable," he started. "You have to remember who you are. If this gets in the paper tomorrow, what will that do to Namjoon's reputation?"

Taehyung sighed, shook his head, and stared out the window. It was always the same thing. Put the family above everything else. He hated it.

"You may not like it," Jin continued, straightening the cuffs of his jacket, reading Taehyung's mind. "But it was the family you were born into. You have more responsibility than others. You can't just think about yourself."

Tae mouthed the words as his older cousin spoke them. This wasn't the first time they had heard this speech.

He tuned Jin's lecture out, instead thinking about the foreign girl, Bre. She was cute, which wasn't usually his type. He typically liked super model pretty, a girl who always looked like she was ready to walk a runway. That usually led to a demanding relationship, one that he got tired of quickly. He was always falling in and out of love.

This girl was catching his attention, however. Maybe it was because she was foreign and that was something different. Maybe it was because she'd been so nice to him outside the club. Either way, he realized he was intrigued. Instead of listening to Jin, he began to plan ways of trying to find her again. 

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chokey #1
Chapter 6: Omg.married jin and daddy jin. Love this
Chapter 5: I'm subscribing and I'm ready for some drama. .:D
bianxsantiago #3
Please update soon! Can't wait! :D
Chapter 3: duuuude this is good
i saw the original au post on tumblr and i was hoping someone would write it! <3
already shipping tae and bre btw, im a er for bts being paired with foreign girls. c:
can't wait to read more!
Chapter 2: Ohmygosh, update this!!! It is so incredible. I'm in awe with how you've written Tae's character. I'm so excited for the next chapter!