
Those days with you


“Are you ready?” Jongin straightens his collar smartly, then turns to flash me one of his heart stopping grins.  He offers me his open palm and I accept it graciously before answering, “No, not really.”

He chuckles, then leads me towards the entrance of the familiar brick wall building. When I left this place three years ago, I really hadn’t expected to be back. In fact, I had hoped to never have to be back. But things don’t always go as planned.

Jongin leads me to the main hall and as we walk he tells me about his recent business meeting in New York. I pretend to listen and nod at the right times, but honestly all I can even think about is the how I’m really not ready for this. At all.

He comes to a stop outside the large red metal doors. “We’re only 45 minutes late.” He says, and I laugh with him even though the butterflies in my stomach are going insane- because being late only means more attention on us when we enter. And that’s the last thing I want right now.

The door creaks loudly as Jongin pushes it open, and as soon as he does the room falls silent and everyone turns to stare. I gulp nervously, and Jongin pulls me along with him as he walks confidently down the aisle to our assigned table. I can’t help but admire Jongin. He’s always been so sure of himself, so poised and unperturbed by everyone around him. It’s no wonder I fell in love so easily.

Countless whispers resonate in the hall, and I try my best to avoid eye contact with everyone and to focus on the hardwood floor instead. Even without looking up, I know he’s somewhere in this room, and I know he’s watching me.

We finally reach our table, and Jongin pulls out a chair for me like the gentleman he is before taking a seat himself. Before we even get a chance to acknowledge the other people sitting around the table, our attention is drawn to the front of the room where the principal makes her way on stage and clears loudly into the microphone.

“Thank you all for taking the time to return for this reunion dinner tonight. I sincerely hope that everyone will have a wonderful evening catching up with old friends and reminiscing on happy memories that were once shared in this high school. The food will be served shortly. Meanwhile, please feel free to help yourself with the light refreshments at the back of the room. Once again, thank you!”

Chatter immediately begins as the principals short speech comes to an end. Jongin smiles at me, “she hasn’t aged a bit.” He comments, and I nod in agreement.

Just as I’m about to turn around, I feel a pair of hands grab me as I’m pulled into a hug by the person beside me. I don’t even have to look to know who it is. “Gayun, I can’t breathe. You’re literally strangling me.” I manage to say.

“I know. That’s what I’m trying to do.” Gayun jokes before releasing me. “Seriously? I haven’t seen you in almost three years and that’s the first thing you say to me?”

I laugh, and sit up straight. “I haven’t seen you in almost three years and the first thing you do is try to murder me.”

Gayun rolls her eyes. I’m just about to speak when I hear another voice from across the table. Immediately, I feel my heart hammering so hard against my ribcage that I’m almost worried that my chest will explode.

“Hi Jiyun. Remember me?” 




really short first chapter!! sorry >o<

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Chapter 4: GJ you made me have a heart ache on top of a stomach ache thx frem