Nightmares and Daydreams

Dragon Wars

Chanyeol, Baekhyun, and Chen were all walking to the Dark Moon Beaches. They were being cautious, for they knew any minute now, Yunho’s guards would leap out of hiding and corner them, Chen didn’t always like fighting because of his size, he would often lose, but he had learned how to stun his enemies with his light and illusion magic and surprise them.  However, he still preferred to stay away from bloodshed. Baekhyun, on the other hand, loves the art of combat, he knows fighting styles from werewolves, vampires, elves, goblins, humans, trolls, ogres, and healing from Fae and gnomes. He and Chen were extremely close, Chanyeol found out that Baekhyun saved Chen from being eaten by a rok lizard, ever since then, the two were inseparable. They soon felt a touch of fear in the air.


         They soon came across a mound of boulders on black sand, the saw black and gray dragons, they were sitting or laying on the ground. Talking amongst themselves, one noticed the three adventurers and asked, “Who are you?”

Chanyeol said, “I am Park Chanyeol, this is Baekhyun of the Gold Phoenix Guild, and Chen, last of the Nature Fae, we request an audience with your leader.”

The dragon said, “Yes, I will lead you to Lady Amber.” The dragon then walked and motioned for them to follow.


         Baekhyun asked, “Why do you talk like that to them?”

Chanyeol answered “Dragons are mythical and ancient creatures. They know things we don’t, so they deserve to be treated respectfully, they are temperamental creatures, assertive.” Bakehyun nodded and they walked to the biggest boulder on the mound to see a big black dragon with silver horns and beautiful markings of gray on her chest, legs, and arms. Her eyes were a deep purple. She asked, “Who has requested my presence?” Chanyeol saw the dragon amulet glow a dark purple.


         He answered with a bold voice, “I have, and my name is Park Chanyeol.”

Amber looked at him with her purple eyes, she said, “I know who you are.”

Chanyeol looked stunned, “You do?” He asked.

Amber nodded, “Yes, you are the Dragon Savior. Sent here from the Earth Dragon Lord Siwon.”

Chanyeol nodded and told Amber, “I’ve been on the run with my companions.” (Not really using the word ‘friends’ because they haven’t reached that point yet). He continued, “We’ve been running from Lord Yunho.” Amber narrowed her eyes and growled low in . Apparently, Yunho gets around when it comes to the dragons.


Chanyeol asked, “How do you know about him?”

Amber forced herself to maintain a straight look, she began to talk, “Before you were born, Dragon Savior, Yunho tried to exterminate us, all of us. He hunted us and slaughtered thousands of us. Only the last of the Luminous Breed, Jaejoong, saved us. He vanished from us thirteen years ago.”

Chanyeol looked surprised, he said, “Help me, fight Yunho, take back what he stole, avenge your kin, help me fight him.”

Amber said, “I will help you Dragon Savior, only if my brother agrees to the task as well.” Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun who merely shrugged, so did Navi.


They soon saw a white and gold dragon emerge with more just like him, he had the most gorgeous yellow eyes. They were calm and gentle while Amber’s were harsh and wild. She looked at him and said, “Eunhyuk, meet the Dragon Savior.”

Eunhyuk looked at him and said, “I was expecting him to look stronger.”

Chanyeol looked at Eunhyuk and said, “Sorry I can’t meet your expectations.”

Eunhyuk nodded once and asked, “You called me sister?”

Amber said, “Chanyeol is asking us to join him in his quest to save our kind, from the lowest dragon to Solaris and Luna.”

Eunhyuk looked surprised, he asked, “And why would he, a mere child be seeking us?”

Chanyeol answered for the black and gray dragon, “To save you from Lord Yunho and his soldiers.”


Eunhyuk suddenly looked enraged at the name of the lord. He said very straightly and pointed, “Very well.” He and Amber pressed their muzzles on Chanyeol’s hands, his amulet glowed a mix of purple and light yellow.

 “Thank you.”

Amber said, “The next dragon you seek is complicated to reach, you will need to go to APink Island in order to reach him.”

Baekhyun asked, “How do we get there?”

Eunhyuk looked at him and said, “There is a camp of your lord’s soldiers just outside my sister’s territory, they wouldn’t dare try to attack her and her kind, for Nightmare Dragons are vicious, bloodthirsty creatures when angered.”

Amber nodded and replied, “Good luck, Dragon Savior, and may your deity of Shinwa protect you.”


Chanyeol nodded and walked away, with Baekhyun and Chen, they all soon saw the camp and soldiers, and waited until the moon rose.




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