Im back, For good

Falling Light
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------ This chapter have a lot of time jump, how you guys can catch up xD --------



A month has passed, the weather are getting colder since it’s almost December. Winter break are also getting closer. You and Wonwoo are doing great together, your health are getting better too. Just like he requested, he would pick you on the day you have class and sent you back home. He won’t let you leave his sight. Both parents of you and Wonwoo acknowledge that your relationship are serious, his parents often invited you to their house, your parents also love to have Wonwoo in the house. Sometimes both family even have dinner together.

Life in campus are getting better but stressful with a lot of assignments and preparation for final performance for the semester. You’re glad that you have Mimi and Seokmin by your side in class. Your day in campus are complete with all of your friends, including Jun, Woozi, Seungcheol, Hoshi, Mingyu, Eunseo and Jikyung.


Last week, Seungcheol was called to the rector office. He was confused at first for why he suddenly were called to the rector office, as far as he know he didn’t do anything wrong. It turned out that, the company that were there on the Saturday Night Jam last time wanted to recruit him as trainee. The company was looking for a group of talented boys to formed a group under them. Seungcheol was the first one that they recruited.

The company wanted to hold an audition at the campus the find more possible talent, the audition is open for all male students in the college, outsider also are welcome. Seungcheol was asked to keep the news quiet for now, but he already spoiled it to you and the rest. Seungcheol was told by the company that they want  Woozi to audition, the song that he composed for you and Seungcheol was good to them, but they want him to audition singing and dancing too to make sure he’s eligible to be their trainee.

Jun, Wonwoo, Mingyu, Seokmin and MingHao all wanted to try out their luck. To Wonwoo, Mingyu, Seokmin and MingHao, it’s like a dream come true if they got accepted. While Jun, who is in Acting Department, he said he just want to try new things and he grew tired of just acting. You as their friend support them 100%. You also wanted to tell the not so secret news anymore to SeungKwan, Dino and Vernon. The audition is open for all ages, they should be interested.


Joshua POV

I visited my grandad at the hospital few days ago. I heard that his condition is getting better even if he’s still weak and can’t do any work for now. I guess it’s a miracle, maybe it’s not time for him to go yet. This is the first time I saw him for all the time im in America, he’s kinda shock. He told me that he felt bad that he didn’t visit me often when I lived alone in Korea after my parents passed away, he didn’t even keep in touch with me. I never blame him for that. It was my decision to live in Korea than having a luxury life here.

“ Why don’t you live here with us at the first place? “ , He asked me. I don’t know if I should tell the reason. He might think im a fool, leaving my family for a girl that won’t ever look at me the same way I look at her.

“ Is it because that girl next door? “ , He guessed. He guessed right. When my parents were still alive and healthy, grandad would visit us at least twice a year. So he have seen me playing with Yoora when we’re still kids. I don’t really want to talk about it, and I think he would understand.


“ Grandad.. Why didn’t you give a chance to Jason? “ , I asked my real intention to be here, also I was trying to change the subject.

I know he saw the potential in Jason too, but he’s scared of letting the position to someone that are not blood related to him. It’s not that he don’t trust him, he’s just following the tradition. I talked to him the whole day, convincing him that Jason is good enough. I don’t remember how I did it, but I manage to persuade him to give Jason a chance, with one condition. The condition is he will let Jason take over for a month, at least after he’s healthy enough to go back to work. If he passed the 1 month test, Grandad will hand over the CEO position to him for the hotel at Korea, so his family might have to move there.

Jason accept the challenge, not because he’s greedy about postion, because he know he can do it. Also he want to be responsible to the family too. He’s not from a rich family, but he’s a good student that have complete his study at University in Hotel Management course.

On my way back to the family house, I was stopped by a stranger. He claimed himself from an entertainment company in Korea, Pledis Entertainment. He introduce himself and the company background. The reason he’s here is to find potential talent for the company he’s working. So the situation is, he wanted to cast me. I didn’t know people still street cast these days. I wasn’t forced to give direct answer at the moment, the guy gave me his business card and ask me to call him if I decided to try.


Normal POV:

Joshua comeback to Korea a week after he saw Jason doing well in the company. His grandad are also already discharged from the hospital, from now on he is resting at home.

Joshua didn’t tell you that he’s coming back, but your parents knew it and he asked them to keep it as a secret. His flight arrived in the morning, he took a taxi and straight to your home.

He arrived at your home and greet your parents. You are in your room just finished showering and getting ready. Joshua go upstairs to surprise you. When he arrived in front of your door, he knock on your door.

“ Come in. “ , You said from inside of your room, you thought it was just your mom or dad.

Joshua stays there and didn’t say anything, he want you to open the door. He knocks again on your door.

You’re getting frustrated so you went to your door, turn your knobs and found Joshua standing in front you. He’s wearing a long maroon coat, airport fashion on point. You are stun when you find him in front of you.

“ Op..oppa, what are you doing here? “ , You stuttered. It was too sudden for you.

“ Im back. For good. “



After the breakfast with your family and Joshua, you and him sit on the porch outside the house.

“ Why didn’t you tell me you’re coming back? “ , You asked.

“ Surprise? “

“ So you’re gonna live with us again? “

“ Why you don’t like me here? “

“ It’s not like that.. “

“ For now. “

“ What? “

“ Im living here for now. “

“ For now? You’re renting ? “

“ A week ago, there’s an agency street casted me. “

You make a you’re- not- kidding- me face to him.

“ Im not k

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Jjw_0897 #1
Chapter 33: Aaaww jeon wonuu is so sweet
Jjw_0897 #2
Chapter 23: Wonuuu~ i love the storyline!! Yay
Jjw_0897 #3
Chapter 19: Omg josh...suddenly I want joshua to be my boyfriend even wonwoo is my ub*lol*
xoxosenshine #4
Chapter 33: Awweee, Jeon Wonwoo so sweet tho. ^^
Vkooktaekook123 #5
Chapter 29: I really wanted #TEAMJOSHUA though...
Swtchocolateey #6
Chapter 33: woah... finally it's the end. :) Daebak author-nim!
Swtchocolateey #7
Chapter 31: Set up Mingyu with me! XD
(Stop dreaming dear fangirl!) XD
Swtchocolateey #8
Chapter 30: is... the on Mingyu lost is... Kang Sora? I don't know. hahaha Just my own imagination.
Swtchocolateey #9
Chapter 29: Heol... luckily just a joke. XD
Swtchocolateey #10
Chapter 28: oh... no.... dont you remember? aaaah aaah aaah!!!