Chapter 2

Beneath The 'Perfect'

Its been 3 days since the filming of our show with the guys and now me and the rest of Sugar Kiss along with Unnie was in China, promoting on Happy Camp for the 3rd time.

"Hello! We are Sugar Kiss!" we yelled and curtsied to the audiance.

"Ah, welcome back to Happy Camp, today we have Sugar Kiss with us, please introduce yourselves!" Teacher He says.

I go first and blow a kiss and wink to the crowd, "Hello, my name is Min-ah! In charge of iness!" then I did a mermaid body wave thing, hiking my dress up a little, "And I'm thrilled to be back! Let me tell you, Changsa has some really cute guys!"

The crowd laughed at my antics before continuing on with Rei, who also winked and waved to the crowd happily.

"Hello Changsa! I haven't been home in so long and I LOVE YOU! Please continue to love us, especially me, Rei!" she did our sign, a super man 'S' with her hands. our logo was that with a kiss in the middle of it.

"Hello! I am Himitsu! Japanese, but I love China! And I'm happy to see you again!" yelled Himitsu.

We all bowed togther and waited for the Happy Family to start the show.

"So today, since these girls haven't been here in a year, we're going to have small surprises for them that they were not expecting on this show! But first things first, to welcome them with a big bang. We have prepared our very classic game of please avoid the ring of fire!" smiled Xie Na.

The game was pulled out and I put on some goggles, my dress was covered by a plastic bag so my clothes wouldn't catch on fire. Rei went first, her hands were slowly shaking as she passed the first obstacle and then half way to the second. Then went Himitsu, while she was at the circle, the circle suddenly rolled backwards!

"Eeek!" Himistu shrieked and dropped the thing, causing fire to spray everywhere.

"DUCK!" yelled Weija as the thing spun out of control.

we screamed and ran in different directions, it was Chaos!

"Well, we're not using that until it's fixed," says Hitao, still catching his breath.

We all laugh in relief as they take the contraption away and we all sink to the ground laughing. Nana was laughing so hard that her face was turning a little red.

"Okay! So next up, we stole this game from Weekly Idol! With extreme tatics, like having to do it on a 3 meter cube withought falling and dancing on a platform beam 4 meters up! Or on a jumpy house!" Rei paled, she was scared of heights. Oh wait, so was I.

"Game, start!"

The music cued and we got into position, dancing to No first. I got into my position on the left and started dancing when all of a sudden the ground left the ground in a 3 meter block. We continued to dance anyway without heasitation. Well, from Himitsu's right was Rei who shook a little.

Then the music changed and we paused a little before jumping into position. Poor Rei got scared and fell off! But luckily there was a trampoline to catch her below. Shaken, she went back up when the cube turned into a diving board like plank. One for each one of us.

We started dancing to womanizer and this time not only Rei fell, I fell too. I clung onto the board for my dear life and they spent a minute trying to get me down. As a punishment for falling twice, Rei got sprayed by icy cold mist 2 times. It didn't help that she was wearing something with short sleeves. Then she got to take a break which I was really happy for her. But then the boards turned back into a spinning cube! I felt like puking but I held it in even when we rose higher off the stage.

"Oh! And this is our first time so I don't know if this is safe or not!" Weija yelled to the audiance.

I started freaking out, "WHAT!?"

Too late. The Music cued again and it took me a second to recongize the tune, it was Edge og Glory! I jumped into place and scared Himitsu in the process, making her fall on me and we tumbled off the stage, barely making it to the trampolines. I breathed a sigh of relief to see I still had my body parts on me.

"Well! Next is...uh. What's next again?" asked Hitao.

"Next it the helium challenge! While being dangled in the air, you will be forced to sing or rap one whole verse in your helium voice before being set down!" said Teacher He.

We were strapped to some strappy thingy and lifted in the air. This time I really wanted to puke, I wonder what was happening to me? I wasn't sick, and no. I was NOT pregnant! When I was handed the balloon I took one good look at it and took a deep gulp of helium in.

"My name is no, my sign is no, my number is no, you need to let it go! You need to let it go, I tell him I tell him no no no," I sang, tryi

I tripped a little and they offered me a seat.

Time Skip!

We had finally finished Happy Camp and we were back at the hotel absolutely done and tired with everything. I quickly through on some sweats and a tank to go to the gym.


I looked down at my phone and opened up the text.

I'm Back.


whoops quick update. It's a bit messy though so sorry!

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