Chapter 1

Beneath The 'Perfect'

"Min-ah! Min-ah! Min-ah!" The crowds screamed my name over and over and over.

"And baby now we've got BAD BLOOD! WHOO!" I sang and finished the song with a nice flip. The crowd went nuts, they loved it!

"THANK YOU SEOUL!" We screamed in unison.

We then ran off the stage, still feeling the adrenaline inside of ourselves. I gladly took one of the water bottles offered to us and downed it down in one bog gulp. Whew! How tiring!

"Great show tonight girls! Go and pack! We're going to Japan tomorrow morning!" congratulated our manager.

We bowed respectfully, "Yes Unnie!"

Rei slapped my back, "Awesome job!"

I smiled, "Thanks!"

"Wow! I love your voice! Even if I am in your group! I always get so surprised," exclaimed Himitsu.

I just smiled good naturedly before going to change out of this get up. It was lovely, but then, I hated being in charge of ness in the group, it always left me with revealing-ish outfits that I would normally not wear.

After I changed, my phone buzzed in my jeans pocket. I froze, already knowing who it is, knowing what to expect. And the prospect of readint this text message scared me to no end.

'lovely show tonight darling, we'll be reunited soon.'

~You're one and only love

I deleted the message immediately, stuffing my phone in my bag hurriedly.

"MiMi!" Rei called out my nickname, "Hurry! We're leaving!"

"Coming!" I called back.

I quickly grabbed my bag and swung it over my shoulder, then I ran to catch up with the girls. We all were cramped inside the taxi as it drove us back to the dorm so we could pack.

"Man, we have such a busy life," murmurs Himitsu, rubbing her ankles tiredly.

Rei twirled around the living room, "Tell me about it, I'm beat!"

I flopped down on the couch, "Fine, 4 minute break and then we pack, I don't want to forget anything."

"Yes mom," they teased me.

I just rolled my eyes and closed my eyes, savouring the moment of rest and silence as the girls were to tired to speak. This was a small little tradition we had, rest about 4 minutes before packing and going to wherever we needed to go.

"GIRLS!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? You're filming your show with Exo in 15 minutes! Go change and pack!" our manager scolded us lightly.

We all groaned but did what she told us to do anyway, she was scarier then I canibal dragon when she was angry. When I finished packing and changing I went outside to the living space once again.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING MIN-AH!? You're in charge of iness. It doesn't mean you have to wear only your uder garments but it does mean you have to wear something more revealing then jeans and a cute shirt! You can wear that when you're at the airport or something!" she yelled.

I lowered my head, "Yes ma'm," and then I trudged back into my room to change again. It took a few tries but she finally agreed to let me wear a semi-revealing shirt and a skirt. I was relieved that I didn't have to wear what I did during the concert this afternoon.

"Perfect! You're sense finally came out Min-ah! Good for you!" Unnie smiled.

I crossly crossed my arms against my chest, "Thanks Unnie."

Rei and Himitsy snickered behind me as Unnie went on and on about how I had to be in charge of my part at almost all times. I just stood their and pouted until Unnie finally stopped.

"Oh my goodness! We have to go now! Or you're all going to be late! Fans have been waiting for the next episode for 'Behind the Smile'! Let's go!" she panicked when she looked at her watch.

She ushered us out, locking the door behind us. A sleek black car was already waiting for us outside and we climbed in. The car ride their was full of silence, with us trying to make sure we stayed presentable and not get any of ourselves.

"Min-ah! You're hair is getting messy! Re-do your ponytail!" checked Rei.

"Thanks! Himitsu, you're hair, the bun is falling! Rei, you're headband is getting crooked," I replied back.

Unnie just watched amused at our antics. I puffed out my cheeks, she was the one who always told us to alwyas look presentabe when we could control it! I narrowed my eyes and stuck my tongue out at her, which she just laughed at.

"We're here! Come on ladies! Go! Go! Go!"

We ran as fast as we could in heels to go greet the boys. We bowed at all of them, gave hugs, hellos, greetings, and more.

"Wow! Only 1 minute late this time!" joked Tao.

I smiled and punched his shoulder lightly before smiling and laughing along with him.

"Okay, so today this is what's going," started the director, "I want Rei and Himitsu to go with Exo-m to the mall! And I want Min-ah to go with Exo-k to the Festavile that's taking place a few mile from here, go!"

We all ran to our places and got in a car as cameraman video taped us.

"So, what should we do as we wait to get their?" asked Chanyeol.

I tilted my head, "Oh! We should do telaphone!"

The guys agreed to the idea and it would start with me and end with Sehun. I tapped my chin as I thought of one....hmm. I got it!

"SeBooty actually has no booty," I whispered over to Baekhyun who was waiting.

He snickered and passed it on. When it got to Sehun, he got confused.

"Sehun has no booty?" he asked confusedly.

We all burst out in laughter. This time Sehun started and I anticipated my turn.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "MiMi is a mule?"

Then they burst into laughter. I pouted like a little child.

"That's enough! Let's play something else," I whined.

"Like what?"

I shrugged, "Let's have a Aegyo competition."

Chanyeol groaned, "But you and Sehun are the youngest! This is unfair..."

I just winked and started.

"Bbuing Bbuing!" I said cutely.

"No! I'm better at that!" claimed Sehun.

"Bbuing! Bbuing!"

Baekhyun stuck out his tongue, "No, me!"

"bbuing bbuing!"

You can only imagine what happened after, they all wanted to win. It was funny, I would think they would want to be many, not cute! I laughed my off at their cute ways.

Suho sighed, "I'm getting old, nobody is good at it like Sehun and Min-ah (I probs forgot but her name is pronouced MEAN-AH)."

I cheered along with Sehun and the other guys sighed in distress.

"We're here!" yelled Kai.

He pushed D.O out of the way to jump out. D.O got angry and yelled.

"yah! You punk! Camera man! Follow me as I chase him!"

A camera man jumps out and follows them while we laugh. Sehun takes Suho's hand and drags him out.

"Hyung! Come buy me treats!"

Chanyeol follows, "Me too Hyung!"

A camera man follows them as well. It's down to me and Baekhyun.

"Let's go Baek," I smile.

He smiled back and I take his arm as we head out, the air outside was cold and thanks to Unnie's nagging I was in something not so warm. Baek on the other hand, was like a heating pad.

"You're shivering Min-ah," Baek says worriedly.

I shiver again, "Sorry." I then lower my tone so they can't catch what we're saying, "Unnie made me wear this, because I'm in charge of iness." I put my hands up to make quotation marks but a breeze comes and it make me hug myself.

"here, Min-ah, stay healthy," he drapes his jacket over me and had a sweater underneath, "I want you to stay non-sick." he then cringes remembering how horrible it was when I was sick.

I smile and lean into his shoulder as he throws an arm around mine, "Thanks Baek."

He smiles, but it looks like something is bothering him, "Y-you're welcome."

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