Moment 이 순간 (BONUS STORY)

The Time I Loved You 너를 사랑한 시간
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It's just another one-shot of Taeny but this one have no relation at all with the previous chap. Like totally different story but still the main characters are TaeNy. I decide to put this one shot as a bonus here because i get the urge to write (again) after listen to Davichi new single, 'Moment (이 순간)' and also because of the MV.

 떠오는 태양을 막을 수는 없잖아.

we can't stop the sun from rising.

이게 우리 마지막이 아니라고 말해줘.

please tell me this isn't our last time.







"You called this food? Cih." The judge spitting out the food that i made and harshly throw the napkin he used to wiped his dirty mouth on the plate.

"You bastard!" I lost it. My temper. I totally lost it. Without think twice, i launched myself forward and attempt to at least slap him hard but the crew already get the hold of me and separating me away from that bastard.

How dare he's embarrassing me in front of the camera of TV national? I mean, how many korean people watch this TV show? My family and friends included, and yet he cruelly throwing to my face like this.

I go home and crying myself to sleep. My phone keep on ringing, maybe from my parents or my siblings or friends who's worrying me. But i don't care. I don't want to talk to anyone right now. I just can't face them. They have a high expectation on me, hoping i will win that cooking competition. My parents even enthusiastically told everyone they know in Jeonju and our other family members to watch the show because their daughter will be on TV and will make them proud. But sadly the reality telling otherwise.



The next morning, i absentmindedly playing with my phone. I'm playing a game in my phone when suddenly i see a small advertisement below. It's promoting an application that will able to create a friend for you. And this friend will automatically vanish after they accomplish a mission given by you. That's what written there.

The hell. What a bullsh*t. But since i have nothing to do, let's try this stupid application.

 After it successfully downloaded, i open the application.

"Say your wish out loud.. A mission that you want your soon-to-be friend to accomplish." The machine said.

"I.. i want to open up my own restaurant and become successful restaurateur." I desperately said.

"Processing... 1%.. 20%.. 43%.. 66%.. 98%.. 100%. Completed."



I can't believe my own eyes! Out of sudden, a pretty girl standing in front of me. She's sparkling under the blinding light that soon vanished into the thin air. She looks real, too real. Just like a real human. Just like me.

"Hi, i'm Tiffany! From now on, i'll be your friend and help you to accomplish your dream." The girl exclaimed cheerfully. But what makes my breath hitched is when she flashed me a beautiful, a very beautiful eyesmiles.

"O-okay." I still in dazed.

"Okay, let's we start to work, Taeyeon." She clapped her hand once and i can see a strong determination in her eyes. But wait.. how did she know my name?

"H-how do you know my name?"

"*giggles* you input your name before right? I mean after you open the application, they were asking you to input your name first right?"

"Ah, yeah. Right." I awkwardly scratched my not so itchy neck.

"Since you want to open up your own restaurant, let's first think about how can we get the money needed. You know the capital." Tiffany said and walk closer toward me. Damn, she looked just too real. There's no way for the other to see the oddness in this 'creature.' I would do the same if only i wasn't the one who witnessing with my very own eyes how she literally popped out from my smartphone application. Maldo andwae. Unbelieveable.

"Tae? Taeyeon?" She frantically waved her hand in front of me, successfully bring me back from my daydreaming. About her.

"Uh- huh? Y-yes?"

"Cute~" she squealed and pinched my cheek lightly. 

"Y-yah!" I slapped away her hand. I don't know why but i can feel myself blushing because my face gets heaten up after she touched my cheek. What the hell is wrong with me?

"Now let's get down into the business, shall we? Like what i said before we need money, Taeyeon. Where can we get money?"

"Uh.. i don't know."

"Ughh seriously, think about something. Like maybe you have a precious property that you can sell so we can get the money. Or maybe borrow money from someone? From bank maybe."

"Ah.. i have a car and a motorcycle. Maybe i can sell my car."

"Okay. What car is it?"

"Xxx car."

"Well, i don't think selling that car will be enough. We need more. How about trying to look for investor? Business partner?"

 "I think i have few persons in mind. They are my friends who already successful in their business." I said as i try to recalled them one by one in my head.

"Good. Now let's make the plan and also the list of things we should do tomorrow."


"Yeah, problem?"

"Uh.. i just don't think we'll start this fast." It's good to say "we" instead of "i". It feels like i'm not struggling alone by myself anymore like what i usually going through because now i have someone else beside me. We both heading to the same direction since we have a same purpose. It's true that I haven't know her for long and yet her presence already mean something for me. Somehow this fact kind of scared me.

 "We should move fast, Taeyeon. We have to make your dream comes true. And i know we can do it." She smiled at me. I don't know how she did it, but i start to believe on her words. She said we can do it, and i believed her. I want to believe in her because she gives me hope. Something that the normal me won't believe in. I believed this stranger. This beautiful stranger.



"I'm sorry, Taeng. It's not that i don't want to help you. My business just keep on degrading in these past few months. I'm afraid i'll have a huge deficit by the end of the year. I don't think i can use my money to invest in another business for now. I'm so sorry." Yuri looked at me apologetically. I can see how tired her eyes. And also the big dark eyebag under her eyes. She must be facing lot of hardships too. Because the Yuri i remember in my head is a kkab bubbly girl. This person in front of me almost shared nothing alike with her except for their exactly the same face.

"It's okay, Yul. I understand. I hope your business will back to its success time soon." I patted her back and take my leave. Tiffany and i excused ourselves and leaving Yuri's company with a heavy heart.

"Sigh.. i feel bad for her."

"Me too. But i feel bad for you too. Yuri is your 5th friend we asked to be our investor and so far no one say yes to the proposal we made." Tiffany said.

"Let's try once again. I think this friend of mine will help me. Let's go." When i just took one step forward, i feel something holding my arm rather tightly, preventing me from moving any further.

"Let's just go home and rest for today, Taeyeon-ah. It's late already. We've been walking for hours today."


"You need to rest. You can't be sick if you want to reach your dream faster. I don't want you to get sick." Her last sentence came out as a low whisper but i still can hear it since i'm standing very close to her. I smiled at her and nodded.

"Okay. If Tiffany told me to go home and have a rest, that is what i will do." I daringly hold her hand as we walk together. We're going home. To our home.



"Omg Fany-ah! She said yes! Can you believe it?! She will be our investor!!" I literally jumping up and down like a crazy kid after we exited Sunny's company. Sunny is my close friend back when we were in high school. She is a successfull business woman now and also become my last hope. If she said no, i don't know who else i should go to.

"Yeah finally." Tiffany smiled at me and hold my shoulder firmly with both of her hands, stopping me from doing the silly things.

"You've work hard, Taeyeon-ah." She patted my head softly just like a proud mother. I never like this kind of gesture because it made me feel like a little kid when in fact i'm not a kid anymore. I'm a young lady FYI. But i don't know why, when Tiffany did this, i didn't dislike it even a bit. Instead i enjoyed it. I enjoyed every sweet caring gesture she did for me. I know i shouldn't feel this way toward her. I can't be enjoying this too much for i know Tiffany is not real. She might vanish anytime soon. And that's what suffocated me the most every night before i sleep. Because for me Tiffany is real. She's there right in front of me. Talking and smiling at me. I can touch her. I can hear her. She's just too real.

"Tae? Taeyeon?"

"H-huh?" Her melodic husky voice brings me back to reality. She tilted her head and look at me worriedly 

"You're alright? I've been calling out for you for few times before you responded. Were you thinking about something? Is there something bothering you? You know you can always tell me about anything if you want to." Fany-ah, stop being so kind and attentive toward me. You're just making it harder for me.

"I'm fine. Can i hug you?" She looked surprised at first but soon when our eyes met, boring deeply into each other dark orbs, her eyes get soften. Somehow i can see something in it. If i didn't know any better, i might thought i see love in her eyes. Which is impossible. She's not real. She's not a real human like me. So there's no way she can love me. Everything she did for me is based on the computer settings that set in her. That's what i belived is true.

She takes few steps forward and let her body to pressed against mine. She slowly wrapped her hands around my body and let her head to resting on my shoulder.

I feel like crying as soon as her warmth engulfing me. I'm so afraid because she made me feel complete. I feel like i belong to be in her embrace like this. It feels so right to be hugged by her and hugged her back. It feels like the rightest thing i ever do in my life and i don't mind to stay in this position forever.

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NekoLS #1
Chapter 3: Awww beautiful ending i likeeee heheheh
NekoLS #2
Chapter 1: This shot make me miss my high school moment tooo omgggg huwaaaa good old days
Chapter 3: The last story was my favorite since it had a WAAAAAAYYYY better ending<3
kimtaengoo99 #4
Chapter 3: It's good that tiffany come back. I watched the MV and the girl turned into a doll. Lucky you Tae because you got your girl back ^_^
locksmithforever #5
It's sad :(
Chapter 3: Sad but good. Write more :-)
Chapter 3: what is this?
dayanataeny #8
Chapter 2: you.... cant.... end..... it..... just..... like..... that..... T.T
Chapter 2: But Fany's not real. >.<
sayamomo #10
Chapter 2: sequel please!!