Chapter 7

The Colors Of Winter


“Tag, you’re it,” Taemin said suddenly, brushing his hand against Minho’s shoulder and running off ahead.

The elder cracked a smile at the sudden childishness of his dongsaeng. “Yah, that’s cheating,” he called.

The blonde in front of him just laughed in answer.

Minho took off into a light jog to catch up with him. When Taemin turned his head slightly and looked back to see his hyung, he ran faster. It wasn’t long before the two were playing a game of cat and mouse, sprinting across the streets.

“Tag, I’ve got you,” Minho panted out through heavy gasps as he wrapped his arms around the younger’s neck. For a small person, Taemin was faster than he looked.

The two stood still for awhile, both trying to catch their breaths. Though, Minho didn’t let go. The younger’s back was pressed against his chest, and Minho was sure that he could feel his heavy heartbeat.



“What’re we doing in the suit department?” Minho asked in confusion.

“Girls can look at dresses and not get questioned, yet a guy can’t look at a suit?” Taemin raised his eyebrows.

Minho chuckled. “Suit yourself.”

“…That was a horrible pun, hyung.”

The elder groaned. “I didn’t mean it as a pun,” he sighed.

Taemin just laughed. “I’m going to go try this on, okay?” He stated, holding up a few hangers.

“Yeah, yeah.” Minho nodded.

It was only a few moments later when Taemin called Minho over to the dressing rooms. “This looks okay, right hyung?”

Minho took one look at Taemin’s figure in the black material, the fitted jacket accentuating just how tiny his waist was. A white collared shirt peeked out from the jacket and a red tie hung around his neck. He looked gorgeous.

“Yeah,” Minho smiled. “It looks great.”




Minho hummed in response.

“Have you ever lost someone important to you?”

The question startled the elder. “Why, Taemin ah?”

The younger peered at him with heavy eyes. “My grandmother died yesterday,” he said, his eyes moistening with fresh tears.

Without thinking of his actions, Minho pulled the blonde into his arms and rubbed soothing circles on his back.

“She pretty much raised me, Minho. She’s gone,” Taemin cried into his chest.

“It’s okay, Taemin ah. She’s watching over you,” Minho whispered into his ear.

“You won’t leave me like she did, right?”





Hours felt like minutes, days felt like hours, and weeks felt like days. Pretty soon, a month had passed since Christmas, the New Year along with it.

Minho had never been happier in his entire life.

Throughout the time, he’d spent more and more time with Taemin and had seen many different colors. But during each encounter, he’d noticed one thing: the color pink had gotten darker; deeper.

“Hyung, come on!” Taemin called from the main doors of the café.

“I’m coming,” Minho smiled at the younger’s enthusiasm as he practically bounced on the balls of his feet. “Bye hyungs,” Minho waved at the other three workers.

Jonghyun, Key, and Onew shared a knowing smirk as they waved back, causing Minho to tilt his head in confusion.

The two maknaes exited the coffee shop and headed in the same general direction as they did every day. The towns were no longer unfamiliar to Minho, having weaved his way through them on a daily bases.

Having scavenged around practically every shop that the Busan suburbs had to offer, the duo had absolutely no interest in them at the moment. Instead, they opted to walk around in circles listening to Taemin’s iPod.

Because of the earphones, the two bumped shoulders constantly.

It was then that Minho found himself resisting the urge to hold the younger’s hand again. But every step they took brought their hands closer, and Minho threw caution and reason to the wind.

He slowly reached his hand around Taemin’s, the boy so very oblivious to Minho’s inner warfare and current actions as he hummed along to the familiar tune. As soon as his fingers tentatively brushed the blonde’s from a different angle on his inner palm, the other jumped.

Taemin’s steps faltered for a second, but he made absolutely no move to pull his hand away. With a boost of confidence, Minho wrapped his hand around Taemin’s.

He cursed himself when he felt Taemin go rigid. “I-” He started to apologize as he quickly released his hand. But when he turned to face the blonde to speak, all ability to use his vocal chords dissipated.

Taemin was facing forward, his eyes glued to what was in front of them. But it wasn’t so much his tenseness that made Minho speechless as much as it was how flushed his face was.

“Taemin,” Minho called after a few moments of gaping.

The blonde didn’t look at him.

“Taemin,” Minho tried again. When said boy still gave him no response, he grabbed his hands and spun him around to face him. “Taemin.”

The blonde’s eyes were everywhere but Minho’s as the elder repeated his name.

“I’m sorry, okay?” Minho said regretfully.

Taemin’s eyes finally met his. “Don’t be,” he said softly. Minho furrowed his eyebrows.

“Let’s go,” Taemin mumbled, spinning around again. But as the maknae turned his head in a direction where Minho couldn’t see his facial expressions and held his arm outstretched slightly, Minho’s heart raced. Hesitantly, he slipped his hand into Taemin’s again, his chest going into overdrive as the younger boy laced their fingers together.

The two wandered aimlessly for a bit more, Minho’s heart going into overdrive as he felt the warmth of his dongsaeng’s hand around his.

I have to tell him I like him, Minho thought. With every single miniscule action Taemin did, it took his breath away. And with their hands entwined, it was all just too much to take.

I’m going to do it.

“Taemin ah,” Minho called out, his steps halting.

Taemin looked at him as he slowed to a stop as well. The younger’s face was red as he glanced down shyly at their hands and then back at his hyung’s eyes.

They stood silent for a moment, the only sound breaking the silence between them being Taemin’s music.

Minho closed his eyes shut and then opened them again. I’m going to do it. I’m going to tell him. He took a deep breath.

“Taemin I…” he sighed. “We still haven’t found all of the colors,” he blurted out. I can’t say it after all. He cursed inwardly.

“O-oh really hyung?” Taemin’s voice stuttered. “Which one are we missing?”

“Red,” Minho said simply. It was only after he had stated the fact that he realized what red would mean.

“Oh, neh. Then where do you want to look?” Taemin asked.

“What does red mean?” Minho questioned, completely avoiding answering.

Taemin tilted his head in confusion. “Huh?”

“I asked what red meant,” Minho said.

“Uh…” Taemin didn’t know what exactly to say. “Danger, strength, power-”

Minho cut him off. “No, what does red mean?”

Taemin’s face deepened in color. “L-love?” he mumbled out.

Minho smiled.

“But how do you plan on finding it, hyung?” Taemin asked quietly, taking another look at their hands and fidgeting his thumbs nervously.

“I think I’ve already found it,” Minho said. The blonde snapped his back up to his hyung’s in an instant.


“I’ve found red,” Minho said again, stepping closer than he already was to Taemin.

“W-where?” Taemin stuttered, his face getting hotter with every press of Minho’s figure onto his.

I’m going to do it.

“You,” Minho said.

It was dead silent between them for a second.

Please say something.

“Me?” Taemin asked incredulously.

Minho nodded. “I love you, Taemin.”

“I…. I,” Taemin tried to start, but his voice failed him.

And then Minho closed the distance between them completely, capturing his dongsaeng’s lips with his own. His eyes fluttered closed as he felt Taemin’s hand free itself from his and grab onto his jacket, clutching onto him.

“I love you, Taemin,” Minho murmured again Taemin’s lips.

The blonde took an audible breath, and Minho opened his eyes. He pulled away and rested his forehead against the younger’s, waiting for him to say something, anything, at his confession.

“… I love you too, Minho,” Taemin whispered, his face beet red.

I used to hate this, to hate winter.

You showed me the colors that it had to offer. You turned my winter wonderland from a drab existence of grey to a vibrant array of shades and creativity.

But most of all, you gave my own world, one that I lived in daily, just as much life as my winter one.

I hadn’t realized that I didn’t know what true colors were until now.

Thank you, for showing me the colors of winter.

Thank you, for showing me love.

Anneyong ^^

OMG the last chapterrr <3 :) (lol i love how the last one is the shortest xD) I hope you guys liked this fic :D Thank you all for supporting it and cheering me on <3 ILOVEYOUALL~~

(...but then again.... what kind of ending is this? =___= I just... I just like...... murdered massacred this fic ;~;)

ANYWAYS, Thanks for reading :3

AND I'M OUT <3 :)

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961 streak #1
Chapter 7: Thank you so much for such a heartwarming winter tale. I love it.
961 streak #2
Chapter 3: I just started reading this.
I am quite enjoying the camaraderie in The new cafe. My daughter works at Starbucks and she enjoys her work primarily because of her partners (how co-workers refer to each other in Starbucks).
I love with how meticulously described their thoughts as well as the scenes.
leeraeah #3
Chapter 7: This was awsome, I mean I'm reading it quite late, it's a year old but this is daebakkkkk...
This is so sweet !!!! Im actually tearing up :)
this was so nice!! <3 ^____^
winter is the season i was born in so to see a whole 2MIN fic all about it is pretty ing awesome! the ending was really good too! so original!
Booky-faliza #6
Cute! Haha, I totally hate winter, though! I live in MN, and I used to live in India... So yeah.

This was super sweet! I think it would have been better if it were longer, but it's still amazing ^^
Cilover #7
That was really good...i enjoyed reading your story..loved it <33
<33333333333 this!!
soo cuteee!!!
imELF- #10
no! You didnt kill it! It was the perfect last chapter! I LOVED IT, srsly!