Chapter 5

The Colors Of Winter


The days seemed to go by quicker, rushing past Minho before he could even comprehend them. But each one never failed to make him smile. He found himself looking forward to the countless hours after work that he and Taemin spent together, spending his shifts either goofing off with his dongsaeng in the kitchen, striking up conversations with the others if there happened to be no customers around, or watching Taemin in periodic glances while he helped Onew with waiting.

Every afternoon until late was spent with Taemin, the blonde showing him around the small Busan suburbs in order to ‘find colors’. It became something of a treasure hunt to them, Minho now completely willing and open to the strangest challenges the younger had for him.

(Which did happen fairly often he decided, as he thought of one account that the other blindfolded him with his scarf and had walked him through numerous streets asking him to find the smells of winter as well.)

But the weirdest thing of all was that he stopped minding. And it wasn’t just not minding. He actually found himself anticipating it, his mind buzzing the moment they stepped out of the café in wonder of which color they would find that day.

Though, there were still times when no matter how much Taemin explained a color, he just couldn’t get it. At those times, he would either keep himself amused by watching the younger’s frustration and completely forget about anything else other than the way his dongsaeng had a habit of his hair and puffing out his cheeks during rants, or become so disappointed in himself and doubt that he would ever see the entire rainbow of winter. But despite his moments of insecurity, Minho refused to give up; not when he was actually getting somewhere.

In all, the colors that he’d actually managed to comprehend didn’t add up to much.

Taemin had showed him orange on a day that the entire café staff had decided to attempt toasting marshmallows in their fireplace in celebration of his birthday. Though Minho wouldn’t have ever thought to see it, it was kind of obvious when the blonde discreetly came up to him in the midst of a rather entertaining argument between Jonghyun and Key about the latter’s ‘overly creepy motherly instincts’ and pointed to the fire, bluntly saying “orange.”

He had come across purple when Taemin had gone rambling about the meaning of colors after he had asked where green and blue fit into the situations they’d found them in. It was then that Minho finally understood fully what he’d meant when he’d said that you can’t see all of the colors of winter. As soon as the younger mentioned that purple was the color of using imagination, Minho grinned, because really, that’s exactly what they were doing. He’d thanked the other by hugging him tightly, somewhat satisfied with the way Taemin’s face got slightly redder when he’d let go.

But all those together only amounted to six colors, meaning he still had a long way to go.

In all the excitement of each passing day, he lost track of dates and numbers, not knowing which day it was until it arrived.

“Do you have any plans for tonight, Minho hyung?” Taemin asked, making conversation as the two were going about making separate pastries.

Minho took a second to furrow his eyebrows in confusion. “I thought looking for colors counted as a plan,” he said, looking at the blonde.

The younger met his gaze and shook his head. “No, I-I mean it does but…”

Minho waited patiently yet puzzled by the other’s reaction.

 “I-I just thought that since it was today and all, that maybe you’d want to spend it… with… someone else,”

The elder had to strain his ears to hear the last part as Taemin practically squeaked it out.

“Today?” he asked. There’s nothing special about today, right? I already finished whatever work I had that concerned other matters, and besides, Taemin wouldn’t know about that in the first place. And, last time I checked, today’s not my birthday either….

As Minho went on with his inner contemplation of what Taemin could mean, the younger nodded meekly. “Yeah, today. I’m sure you don’t want to spend it with me and my annoying self. You probably have someone special you’d want to see.” The way the blonde had went back to half heartedly whisking his batter and mumbling out his sentences just perplexed Minho even more.

“What’s so special about today?” he asked.

“Well, it’s Christmas Eve and all, so I just kind of figured…” Taemin trailed off.

Minho mentally face palmed himself. “It is, isn’t it?” he muttered, more to himself than anything.

“Bwoh? You forgot?” Taemin’s eyes widened as he snapped his head back to Minho, his hands halting their movements on the whisk.

He pursed his lips. “Maybe,” he said lowly as he went back to measuring ingredients in favor of not looking like an idiot. But he should’ve known that Taemin wouldn’t let him forget about it that easily.

“Seriously? You forgot that it was Christmas Eve?” Taemin’s voice laughed in amusement.

Minho’s face burned with embarrassment.

“Oh my god, hyung,” Taemin laughed.

“Yah!” Minho mumbled as he looked at the recipe in front of him and scooped a teaspoon of salt into a bowl.

Taemin chuckled a few more times. “Sorry hyung,” he smiled. “So does this mean you’re free today?

“Apparently,” Minho breathed sarcastically.

“Good.” Taemin said, and though Minho wasn’t facing him, he could hear the grin in his voice.

After four more hours of on and off working later, Minho finally resigned to the dressing room.

Aish, I can’t believe I forgot it was Christmas Eve. He shook his head.

He changed out of his work uniform, sighing contently as soon as he was back in his comfortable loose black jeans and plain grey shirt.

The minute he exited the dressing room, he was surprised to see Taemin waiting outside in the hallway for him.

He’s not waiting at the door? He thought, confused.

“Uh,” Taemin started. Minho waited for him to talk, because in his opinion, if Taemin actually had to wait outside of the dressing room for him, it must be important. “So, I just wanted to talk for awhile,” he coughed out awkwardly.

“We can talk while we’re walking,” Minho said confused. As he made a move to step forward, Taemin stopped him.

“A-Ah, but it’s so much more comfortable here,” Taemin rushed out, the statement coming out as more of a question than anything else.

Minho gave him a weird look. “I hardly think standing in a hallway is considered comfortable, Taemin.”

The blonde just shook his head and stared up at Minho through unintentional puppy eyes. The older had to bite back the small smile that almost took over his perplexed expression at the sight. “Just…. Let’s just talk here for awhile okay?” Taemin asked, flicking his gaze over to the main café.

What’s he looking at?

Minho was genuinely curious now, knowing that no one in the right mind would actually prefer standing in a narrow hallway to a nice walk as they talked to someone. He made a move to step again but Taemin stood in front of him. “So, how was your day?” Taemin blurted out.

“You should know. You work with me,” Minho said, moving his body to the left. When Taemin shifted to block him, he immediately dodged to the right, managing to escape past the boy.

“Ah, no, hyung! You can’t go-” Taemin tried to stop Minho again, following him out of the hallway. He was cut short as he almost ran into said person.

Minho stood frozen in the space between the hallway and the main café, utterly stunned at the sight that greeted him.

A cake rested on the barista counter. Beside it were many bowls filled with different snacks: peppermint bark, chips, trail mix, and other things among those. The edges of the counter were decorated in holly and Christmas lights that twinkled brightly. The fire was burning strong, despite it being after hours, and Minho could smell the faint sweetness of marshmallows and melted chocolate. Behind the counter, where the menu was usually listed on a chalkboard, was only one message: Merry Christmas.

“Aigooo, Taemin! What happened to holding him back?” Onew cried from the middle of the café.

“Mian, he wouldn’t listen,” Taemin flustered as he walked out from behind Minho.

“Yah, we weren’t ready yet,” Jonghyun said from behind the barista counter, mixing who-knows-what into a mug. Key chuckled from behind him, grabbing a few spices from off the counter and tossing them into the drink as well.

“Well he already ruined it, so… surprise!” Onew smiled, gesturing at the café.

“Surprise, Minho!” Jonghyun and Key echoed from where they were.

“What is all this?” Minho asked, having not moved from his place rooted on the floor.

“A Christmas party,” Key grinned. 

A Christmas party?

“Well don't just stand there. Get your over here and eat!” Key commanded with a smile, his hands pointing to the myriad of snacks.

Minho made his way to the barista counter and picked up what looked to be a brownie. Taking a bite out of it, he glanced at his coworkers. “So, why exactly are we having a Christmas party? Is this a tradition or something?”

Onew shook his head. “You should thank Taemin. It was his idea. He wanted to do something for you since you didn't have any plans.”

“Hyung!” Taemin whined, his face reddening. 

Minho took one glance at the embarrassed blonde, his plump lips pulled into a slight pout and his hands fiddling with the hems on his oversized sweatshirt, and felt his heart soften completely.

“Thank you, Taemin ah,” Minho said.

“I-It's nothing,” The blonde mumbled shyly.

Minho smiled at the boy until their gazes met, Taemin’s eyes flying back down to his fingers. He chuckled at the fact of seeing the boy so uncharacteristically shy.

“Well, I don’t mean to ruin the moment, but there is a party that needs to get started,” Jonghyun said after a pause. Minho coughed and pulled his eyes away from the maknae, not having realized that he’d been staring for quite some time.

“So let’s party it up!” Key cheered, bringing forth a tray of drinks and setting them on a nearby table. “Eggnog’s ready,”

Everyone grabbed a mug of eggnog, and to Minho’s delight, it was the best tasting of any he’d ever had.

He lost himself in conversation and laughs, keeping next to Taemin so very unconsciously. Throughout the entire time, he caught himself staring at the blonde, his heart catching in his throat every time he did so. His hair shone so very warmly and his smile made the sun pale in comparison. Added to the fact that he’d done all of this for him… Minho found himself resisting the itching urge to do something such as hug the other.

When all was said and done, and the café quintet had to leave, Minho couldn’t have felt more pleased.

“Thank you, Taemin.” Minho said as the two walked to his bus stop.

“You already said that hyung,” Taemin muttered shyly.

Minho laughed and ruffled his hair, the contact like sparks igniting on his fingertips. He retracted his hand quickly, the sudden intensity of it scaring and puzzling him him to no end. “I know. But I really do mean it.”

Taemin’s face deepened in color. “You’re welcome,” he mumbled.

“It’s too bad I have nothing to do tomorrow though, since the café is closed and all,” Minho sighed, shoving his hands in his pockets to avoid the cold nipping at him.

“You have nothing to do on Christmas too?” Taemin asked incredulously.

Minho shook his head.

“Well, I was going to visit my family in Seoul, but they decided to travel to the United States for the holidays. So… want to… spend it with me?” The blonde asked meekly.

He couldn’t tell whether to laugh at the pure coincidence of them both having an uneventful Christmas or smile at the invitation, so he did both.

“Yah, you don’t have to laugh if you don’t want to do it,” Taemin grumbled.

Minho shook his head again. “No, I want to. Thank you Taemin ah,” He smiled. “So, I’ll meet you here at noon?” He asked as his bus came into view.

Taemin nodded. “Bye hyung,” he waved.

Minho waved back and stepped onto the bus. He felt lighter than air as his heart swelled to impossible proportions.

What is this feeling?

Anneyong ^^

So, only 2 chapters left! I hope I can make it by the deadline -___- Because I swear, I procrastinate writing WAYYYY too much.

Fluffy chapter is fluffy :3

Thank you to all of you subscribers <3 :) I've gained quite a few in the past two weeks, and I can't even begin to tell you how happy you guys make me :D Even though most of you are silent readers keke.

Until next time~~~


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961 streak #1
Chapter 7: Thank you so much for such a heartwarming winter tale. I love it.
961 streak #2
Chapter 3: I just started reading this.
I am quite enjoying the camaraderie in The new cafe. My daughter works at Starbucks and she enjoys her work primarily because of her partners (how co-workers refer to each other in Starbucks).
I love with how meticulously described their thoughts as well as the scenes.
leeraeah #3
Chapter 7: This was awsome, I mean I'm reading it quite late, it's a year old but this is daebakkkkk...
This is so sweet !!!! Im actually tearing up :)
this was so nice!! <3 ^____^
winter is the season i was born in so to see a whole 2MIN fic all about it is pretty ing awesome! the ending was really good too! so original!
Booky-faliza #6
Cute! Haha, I totally hate winter, though! I live in MN, and I used to live in India... So yeah.

This was super sweet! I think it would have been better if it were longer, but it's still amazing ^^
Cilover #7
That was really good...i enjoyed reading your story..loved it <33
<33333333333 this!!
soo cuteee!!!
imELF- #10
no! You didnt kill it! It was the perfect last chapter! I LOVED IT, srsly!