Come Fly With Me

Come Fly With Me

Sehun: Come over. (3:13 pm)

– I’m working? (3:15)

Sehun:  Just come.

–Sehun, you know I’m working. What do you want? (3:16)

Sehun: Then I’ll come over.
Sehun: When’s your lunch break? (3:17)
Sehun: Answer Me!  (3:19)

– Already had it.
- What’s so urgent?

Sehun: Does it have to be urgent for me to see you? Are you a paramedic? (3:20)

- I’m w-o-r-k-i-n-g! (3:50)

Sehun:  It’s urgent (3:51)

- What is it? (3:57)

Sehun: I’m bored.

- Are you serious (4:01)

Sehun:  Just tell your boss you don’t feel well (4:01)

- No (4:03)

Sehun: Why (4:04)

- Because (4:07)

Sehun: Because why (4:07)

– Because if I go home, we won’t even do anything! (4:15)

Sehun: ? Yeah we would? (4:15)
Sehun: I wouldn’t ask you such a huge favor if I wasn’t serious (4:17)
Sehun: I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t urgent. (4:26)
Sehun: Ignore me… (4:33)

- It’s not serious or urgent (4:37)
- And we wouldn’t do anything (4:37)
- Probably just Netflix. (4:37)

Sehun: Since when did Netflix become “just Netflix” (4:38)

-Since it’s all we ever do (4:40)
-We’re like an old married couple with 3 kids and no hope for the future. (4:41)
- And besides, you can watch Netflix alone. (4:41)

Sehun: Fine then, we’ll do something different. (4:41)
Sehun: Just come over. (4:41)

-What’ll we do? (4:43)
- I need an itinerary (4:43)

Sehun: Look who’s the old one here >.> (4:44)

-Do u wanna die (4:45)

Sehun: As if you have it in you (4:46)
Sehun: Ok, this is what we’ll do. (4:46)
Sehun: Since you won’t just come home, I’ll go to you and sweep you from your desk. (4:48)

- lol (4:48)

Sehun: Shut up. (4:48)
Sehun: I’ll open the cab door for you and tell the driver to take us to the best restaurant in town and I’ll hold your hand the whole ride there. And I’ll kiss your neck.

- Why aren’t we taking your car? (4:51)

Sehun: Hyung took it to visit his cousin or something. Gosh, can you stop ruining the mood? (4:51)
Sehun: Anyways, we’ll go to the best place in town and I’ll feed you your entire dinner till you die of embarrassment. You won’t be able to refuse either, because I’ll pay for everything so it’s only fair I get to have my fun, right? (4:53)
Sehun: After that, we’ll go to a jazz club and dance till your heels break. (4:54)

- You’re horrible and I don’t even know how to dance to jazz. (4:55)

Sehun: I’ll teach you. And then we’ll walk down the boardwalk and get those funny looking cartoon drawings of us done. You know the ones that old guy downtown does? And then, when you’re all worn out from the city, we’ll take the first train out to the country and get a room at the most expensive bed and breakfast. (4:58)
Sehun: And we’ll take a bath in the hot springs and eat at the buffet till you’re the size of a blimp. (5:00)

-YAH! (5:01)

Sehun: Shut up (5:02)
Sehun: And then I’ll carry you back to our room ‘cause you can’t walk. (5:02)

- you (5:02)

Sehun: lol (5:02)
Sehun: And of course, in situations like these, things are bound to happen… (5:03)

-Stop. (5:03)
- You watch too many dramas. (5:05)

Sehun: Only the ones you record on the DVR. (5:06)
Sehun: Anyway, the next morning… (5:06)
Sehun: We’ll be spontaneous and take the first plane out of the country.
Sehun:  Where do you wanna go? Fiji? Hawaii? Paris? (5:07)

- I don’t know, you decide. (5:14)

Sehun: Fiji, then (5:14)
Sehun: On the plane we’ll play puzzle games and order those funny tasting biscuits they always have (5:14)

-What’s so great about those? (5:17)

Sehun: I know you love them, don’t lie. (5:17)
Sehun: And when we get to Fiji, the first thing we’ll do is go to the beach. (5:17)

-What’ll we do at the beach? (5:19)

Sehun: Make sandcastles. You’ll try to bury me alive probably (5:19)

- haha! (5:20)

Sehun: And take surfing lessons and scuba diving. (5:20)
Sehun: We’ll collect seashells. (5:20)
Sehun: And I’ll pretend like I’m jealous that a bunch of guys are checking you out to make you feel prettier lol (5:22)

- You’re such a douche. (5:24)

Sehun: And when the sun sets we’ll have smores over a bonfire. (5:25)

-Isn’t that the wrong vacation you’re thinking of? That’s camping. (5:30)

Sehun: No, we can have smores anywhere. They’re a universal snack. (5:31)

-… Ok?(5:47)
- Is that it? (5:47)

Sehun: No (5:47)
Sehun: Well, you know… (5:47)

-What? (5:48)

Sehun: In situations like these, things are bound to happen… (5:48)

- You’re so gross (5:50)

Sehun: Don’t be immature, it’s a natural process babe (5:50)


Sehun: Anyways, how’s that for an itinerary? (5:51)

- Very nice (5:51)

Sehun: So come over. Let’s do it. (5:52)

-I get off in 8 minutes.

Sehun: I’ll be waiting (5:53)

-Are we really doing this? (5:53)

Sehun: I said I would (5:54)
Sehun: Why? You don’t believe me? (5:54)
Sehun: I’ll really do it, if it’s what you want (5:54)

- No, it’s not that (5:55)
-I’m just kinda tired… (5:55)

Sehun: Poor baby (5:55)
Sehun: Is it too much for you? (5:55)

-I think so… (5:56)

Sehun: Hmmmmmmmm (5:56)
Sehun: Netflix and chill? (5:56)

- Netflix and chill. (5:56)

Sehun: I’ll get the pizza.

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Chapter 1: Cute. Fluff. I loved it. That's the kinda boyfriend I want. Wait I had a nd like that. Never did anything but stay home and watched movies. But he wasn't Sehun, there's the downside!
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This story needs more recognition.. ㅠㅠ
Chapter 1: I came again and reread. and I still love it.
This story needs more recognition.. ㅠㅠ