'He left you..'

Hello [HIATUS]

Junmyeon stared at the hotel infront of him. After paying for the cab, he stepped out, clutching his coat as the cold air started to blow. Stepping inside the hotel, he was entranced by the lavishness and obvious display of opulence of the hotel, feeling out of place with his casual get up. Carefully, and not wanting to attract any attention, he approached the receptionists' warm, open face. After verifying that he was Wu Yifan's guest, he was asked to wait by the seating area. A few minutes later, a smiling gentleman dressed in a crisp white shirt approached him. 

"Excuse me," the guy started, holding what seems to be a smartphone in one hand and a Starbucks coffee cup in another, "Are you Kim Junmyeon?"

Junmyeon looked up "Yes, I am..and you are?" He asked, standing up.

"Hi, I'm Byun Baekhyun." He answered smiling, then started towards the elevators, "Yifan-ge is waiting for you at his suite, Junmyeon-ssi."

Junmyeon was confused, "Uh, you're Yifan's what?.. Uh sorry, that was impolite, Baekhyun-ssi."

The guy Baekhyun just smiled, "'S okay, Junmyeon-ssi. C'mon, he's waiting for you."


After an awkward silence, and terrible music, the elevator pinged, indicating that they have arrived at the floor. Junmyeon nervously looked up, and unwillingly followed Baekhyun. His mind was blank, stomach swirling. He wanted to go back to the elevators, and go home. 'But you need to see him', his mind protested, his heart replying with a 'Idiot! You still like him, and I'm pretty sure this'll end REALLY bad.' His internal battle was interrupted when Baekhyun called his name.

"Junmyeon-ssi, are you okay? You look really pale." Baekhyun asked worriedly. 

He gave the guy a small nod, moving a little farther away from Baekhyun. He had so many questions, 'who is this guy to Yifan?' being the highest.                          

Baekhyun smiled at him, eyes forming a crescent shape in mild amusement, shaking his head. The two continued to walk in the lavishly long-winding lobby that Junmyeon was sure he'd get lost in later on his way home. Baekhyun suddenly stops in front of a large mahogany door, knocking three times, then announces both their arrival. 

"Yifan-ge, he's here." Baekhyun said as he was knocking the door, the rapping in time with Junmyeon's heart, beating frantically in his chest because he's going to meet Yifan after all these years. Butterflies in his stomach in full swing now, creating a vomit-inducing feeling. Junmyeon closed his eyes, lowered his head and steadied his breaths, Kyungsoo's voice echoing in his mind. 'No crying' he reminded himself, '..he left you'. A few seconds after, Junmyeon has the most calming smile on his face, a facade he learned to wear all this time, coming in handy. 'I won't let him see me down, not anymore.'

"Let him in" a voice says from the inside, making Junmyeon look up. 

Baekhyun turns to him smiling, opening the door to an elegant and lavish room, bathe in yellowish hue, overlooking Gangnam-gu and the nearby mountains of Korea. Junmyeon stepped inside the room quietly, then he turned to Baekhyun and smiled warmly. 

"Thank you so much Baekhyun-ah. You're free for the rest of the night.", the doctor uttered suddenly, shocking the smaller male. He knows Yifan is just behind him and he feels if he turns around now, he would come face to face with the man, so Junmyeon waited until Baekhyun murmured 'good night', and with a naughty smirk directed at Junmyeon, he shut the door, leaving him alone with Yifan.

Author's Note: Hi. I'm sorry that this update is so short, next chapter will be short too. I'm trying to hold everything back for the last chapters. Thank you for reading, subscribing and upvoting, Stay safe! 

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This is my first fanfiction so please don't be so harsh on the criticism. And I have nothing against Taeyeon. She was just the first one who crossed my mind.


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Chapter 6: I thought when yifan called yifan he wanted to explain everything and win joon's heart back but..... Ugh ㅠㅠ poor bbjoon ㅠㅠ
MidnightMarauder #2
Chapter 6: Oh god I know someone who went through almost the same thing. It was so painful to watch. This is a good story though.
2438 streak #3
Chapter 6: i feel Jun's sorrow...
why is the world like this???
Chapter 6: Wu yifan why did u come back if u are hurting junmyeon ***crying ***
Chapter 6: OMG my heart is hurt
Chapter 6: This is so sad. Im hurts when junmyeon hurts. T.T
katie_othman #7
Chapter 5: Glad I found this
Chapter 5: You're welcome. :)
Bhuntii #9
Chapter 5: Please write more.. Because i love to suffer! *cries Krisho tears* lol
2438 streak #10
Chapter 5: WHAT???
what would happen, what abt this reunion?
Jun would just be heartbroken all over again???