October 12th, 2015

At A Glance

Seungcheol sat on the floor in between his couch and coffee table. He had his arms crossed over his chest, a scowl prominent on his face. On the coffee table in front of him laid his phone, screen bright. It proudly displayed Jihoon’s contact, now edited to have the name "Jihoonnie" at the top of it. But not after long, the phone screen dimmed, then turned off completely because of the long wait between touching it.

Scowling deeper, Seungcheol pressed the home button, returning the phone to full luminescence. After 3 times of it going blank, Seungcheol decided to turn the dimming feature off, annoyed that his brooding was getting interrupted.

It had been 2 days since his date with Jihoon. A good 65 hours has passed since Seungcheol last talked to Jihoon if both his math and clock were correct. Seungcheol wanted to desperately contact Jihoon so he could finally talk with the boy who had been consuming his thoughts.

There wasn't anything about the date that made fireworks go off in Seungcheol’s head, no indication of it being extraordinary. But there was just something about Jihoon that kept Seungcheol replaying the conversations they had in his head. He was confident that he could recite their conversations word for word if asked to do so. He needed more information, another conversation for him to mull over, or he was going to go crazy.

Just getting around to actually starting a conversation with the boy was turning out to be difficult. He hadn't been this interested in someone in a long time. The only one of recent was Jeonghan, and before that, was no one. And he definitely didn't want a repeat of Jeonghan to happen. He needed to be witty! Interesting! All things Seungcheol didn't think he was when just having a casual conversation.

After about 5 more minutes of staring, Seungcheol slowly shifted in his spot so he could lay comfortably down on his back, parallel with the couch. He stared up to the ceiling for what seemed like 5 more minutes.

Suddenly, Seungcheol sat up with a cry of, "This is stupid!" He stood, deciding that this was a matter that a full stomach would greatly help with.

But only halfway to the connected kitchen, he felt himself slowly slide to his knees. Soon, he was laying face down in the middle of his apartments floor. With his eyes closed, he moaned out a muffled and drawn out, "What do I dooooo."

He continued to repeat his sentence, slowly sounding more whiny the more he repeated it. For added effect, he began to roll from one wall to the other, only switching to rolling the other way after his side made contact with a wall. It wasn't helping him make a decision, but it somehow made his feelings seem validated.

But after a few more roll laps across his living room, his side bumped into something that definitely wasn't his wall. Stopping mid sentence, Seungcheol looked up to see what had interrupted him. He was met with the eyes of Seokmin, who had a worried look on his face.

"Are you okay?" Asked Seokmin, mainly out of courtesy. It was obvious Seungcheol wasn't.

Seeing that it was just Seokmin, Seungcheol tried to continue his rolling. But Seokmin wasn't having it. Before Seungcheol could reach his other wall, he felt a heavy weight land on his stomach, causing him to huff out the breath he had unexpectedly lost.
"This is not the reason why I gave you a key to my place." Coughed out Seungcheol. Seokmin wasn't even trying to keep some of his weight from crushing Seungcheol’s lungs.

"Yeah, but this is." Seokmin then waved the bag he had in his hands in front of Seungcheol’s face. "So get off the floor so we can enjoy this before it gets cold." And with that, Seokmin stood up and walked off to the kitchen. Seungcheol in an over dramatic gasp of air in Seokmin’s wake.

Seungcheol then picked himself off the floor, reason as to why he was rolling around in the first place temporarily forgotten. When Seungcheol and Seokmin had succeeded in distributing the take out that Seokmin had so graciously brought over to share, they went and sat on Seungcheol’s couch. When Seokmin was reaching for the tv remote, his eyes found the still lit up phone.

His aim was no longer for the remote as Seokmin redirected his hand to pick up Seungcheol’s phone instead. "Well, at least I now know why you were freaking out." Said Seokmin with a smirk.
Seungcheol turned his head defiantly in the other direction, all the while stuffing food into his face. It gave him a good excuse to not answer.

"Why don't we just have Soonyoung invite him over?"

Seungcheol whipped his head back, an excuse as to why that wasn't a good idea on the tip of his tongue.

Seungcheol was greeted with a wide smiling Seokmin, who had his phone facing Seungcheol to reveal that it was too late. Seokmin had already sent a text to Soonyoung on his phone asking if him and Jihoon would like to come hang out with Seokmin and Seungcheol.

Seungcheol snatched his phone out of Seokmin’s hand, sending him a death glare in the process. The food that puffed out his cheeks made it look a lot less intimidating though. Seokmin held his hands up in surrender.

"Hey, chill. I could have just texted Jihoon and had left you here alone to deal with it, but I didn't because I'm a good friend." Said Seokmin, who was returning to his earlier task of turning on the tv. Seungcheol just narrowed his eyes at the boy, not liking his logic as to why he should be grateful to Seokmin for picking the lesser of the two evils.

Seungcheol’s phone vibrated in his hand. He looked down, a swirl of emotions taking place deep in his stomach. Now that someone had taken initiative, Seungcheol was starting to feel really nervous about seeing Jihoon again. He couldn't deny the slight tinge of anticipation that was also mixing around in there.

It was a message from Soonyoung.

'Hey man! I messaged him. But he said he's real busy on Mondays.'

Right when he finished reading it, he got another.

'He made it seem that he was sad he had to say no tho!'

Seungcheol flopped back against the couch, now thoroughly disappointed. He could tell Soonyoung was just trying to keep him positive about the rejection.

Seokmin looked over to the slumped Seungcheol, eyebrow raised in question. "I'll take that as a no go?"

Seungcheol nodded sadly as he got one last message from Soonyoung.

'But I'm still invited over, right?'

Seungcheol looked down at his phone. Even though he was disappointed that Jihoon wouldn’t be accompanying him, he wasn’t about to leave Soonyoung hanging.

‘Yeah of course man. Seokmin brought food.’

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bteamikon #1
ssooooo I'm I the only one who wants a wonhui happy ending? (I'm meanie trash but I lowkey ship wonhui)
xingmitrash #2
Chapter 22: Hi can I just say that needy seungcheol and secretly happy jihoon is beautiful
Chapter 22: I can feel Jihoon thirdwheeling Meanie.. Thank goodness he have Seungcheol now..
I still can't understand Meanie's goal with trying to involve Junhui..
iammia960107 #4
Chapter 22: Jihoon doesn't have to worry about being left behind anymore because he has Seungcheol now <3 <3 <3

How are they going to talked about the "Jeonghan" thing though???

I hope their relationship would be more secure as they fall deeper for each other ^_^

If Jeonghan gets anywhere near Seungcheol or Jihoon, I'm going to hunt for his blood (-_-)
Chapter 21: I cant contain my feelings OMG just MEANIE needs to STAY together! Like Junhui calm ur horses and see that Wonwoo is in a relationship and I know its hard cause u love him but boy I hope ya know fall in love with *cough* Minghao~ (I ship china line lol) but yea Wonwoo please I know u got the feels with Junhui but Mingyu totally loves u and I know u wont do anything so go back to how it used to be with him!! Ughh I was do mad and I was about to burst from reading this gees! K bye sorry for my rant....
Chapter 21: i feel like wonwoo started to had a feeling with junhui, their relationship was kind of interesting but i'm a trash. i can't see meanie with anybody else
i think i can't take it if it going to be wonhui at the end ;______;
eqiinkz #7
And the fic, its so detailed i liked it. Idk what to feel tbh, like, jun and minghao have a plan and so does the other two and somehow it worked but totally different feeling is seen.
Chapter 21: Meanie is such a Meanie!!!
Stop your games on Junhui and just focus on each other..
We never know Karma is a sometimes.
iammia960107 #9
Chapter 21: "Wonwoo couldn’t help but think that he would do anything for him, even if it meant hurting someone else along the way."

Wonwoo loves Mingyu so much that he's willing to have Junhui hurt...oh well...I hope Junhui would fall for someone else cause I'm off to punch someone who will break Mingyu's heart even if it's Wonwoo himself ^_^
eqiinkz #10
Chapter 20: Am I bad for enjoying this? I'm so minghao in this. This is such an entertainment xD I'm pretty sure hoshi is the one who give those hickey (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)