Awkward Conversations And Endings

Red Moons

Seungri is tugging at Jiyong's wrist gently with an excited smile on his face, urging him to hurry. "Ji hyung, hurry, the red moon is about to start!" 
Jiyong let's out a small sigh of defeat as he runs up the stairs with his wrist still in his maknae's hand, making their way up to the apartment for a nice view of the phenomenon. 

After reaching the top of the flights of stairs, he hurriedly unlocked the suite door and stepped in. Slipping off his shoes, Seungri made his way to the living room to switch on the television. Local news of the upcoming red moon plastered on the screen, Seungri's face brightening as he eagerly waited for night to fall, watching the news anchors talk about the red moon that has yet to be seen. Jiyong had followed in behind him with a less excited expression, staring at the television for a brief moment before stripping off his thicker, fall jacket and tossing it off onto the armchair beside him. 

"Hyung, it's almost 8 PM, that's when the red moon is supposed to be out. Get the snacks ready, I'll set the chairs by the window." 
"Seungri, it's only 5." 
"Hyung~" A childish whine followed.

Seunghyun had a fancy red wine sitting in his expensive fridge, just waiting to be opened and enjoyed when the moon had come along. He was too waiting for the sight to begin. 
He admired his various wine glasses before picking one out with a golden , a coy grin playing at the corners of his lips. It was a special night for admiring the sky and all it's natural beauty, so he shall celebrate it in style. Despite his tiny apartment, his decorations and furniture matched that of a mansion, just how he liked it. He pulled up a fancy chair to his rather large window where a perfect view of the sky was ahead and sat down, a cigar making it's way between his lips casually. He didn't mind waiting a couple more hours, he just wanted to smoke and drink. A "rich" man's life.

Daesung had been tossing and turning in his bed, his temperature higher than normal and his stomach doing wacky things which made him curl over the toilet bowl every 30 minutes. He didn't care about the stupid moon turning a different colour, he didn't mind waiting years to see it happen again in his lifetime. He just wanted to feel better again, his head was too hot and his skull was pounding. The flu was something Daesung had managed to get before the ending of the weekend break, unfortunately. 

"Daesung, I'm home, I brought your medicine!" Youngbae had called from the doorway, a plastic bag in hand. Daesung paid no mind and simply groaned, the sound of the slamming door causing more pain in his head effortlessly. After Youngbae had entered his room, Daesung reluctantly sat up in his bed with flushed cheeks and messy hair. "You look like ." 
"Thanks. What you get me?"
"Just some medicine for the flu, and I got you some green tea. You can handle liquids other than water, right?" Youngbae spoke as he brought the two items out and set them down at the edge of his roommate's bed. 
"I can barely handle water, but hell, I'll try." Daesung picked up the bottle and popped it open, gulping down the cold tea to calm his dry and burning throat. 
"So, the red moon is starting in about 30 minutes or so, wanna join me? I brought some beers--ah, sorry." 
"Let's just go." Daesung groaned yet again as he reluctantly brought himself to his feet after hugging his blanket, medicine, and tea to his chest. Youngbae following him out of the room as they set the chairs up by the large window, their view nice from the tiny and affordable apartment. Daesung snuggled in his blanket.

Seungri and Jiyong had also out out two chairs by the window, enjoying the view of the white moon hanging above the city lights ahead of them. Window open wide to let the chilly, autumn breeze roll in freely. Seungri's hand holding Jiyong's as they remained as close as they could get in their respective chairs, Seungri's eyes not leaving the sight of the moon and stars at all. But Jiyong's eyes could not stop wandering over the his lover's face, admiring the way the moonlight hitting his pale skin and outlined the bump on his nose nicely. Jiyong couldn't help but lean in and leave a lingering kiss on the younger's cheek, suddenly Seungri felt his cold face heat up, cheeks unnoticeably staining pink. The huge blanket hugging the pairs of shoulders not slipping at all as they shuffled closer, partially for the warmth, mostly because they just wanted to. 

Ten minutes until the show began and Seunghyun had dozed off into a peaceful and light sleep. Seunghyun slumped in his chair with an empty wine glass by his designer-shoed feet is what some people could call art, but to him, it's just a typical Saturday night. He sleeps until the ten minutes are up and the crimson is peaking on over the moon ever so slightly, until there's a loud bump on his window. He jolts up and immediately glances around him cautiously before looking to the window, hesitantly propping it open. His head poking out of the window curiously, eyes scanning over the area below carefully until he's convinced he might be going crazy until he hears "Sorry, I'm so sorry!" 
His head whips upwards towards the voice and he sees a chestnut, hair covered man with a frown on his face. 
"Excuse me, just what are you doing?" Seunghyun doesn't forget getting a bit more pissed than he should be. "I had dropped my camcorder, it must've hit your window by accident. I'm sorry!" He apologizes yet again before he turns his head towards the inside of his suite, seemingly scowling at whoever might be in there. 

"Look, be careful next time! You woke me!" 
"I'm sorry, sir. Enjoy tonight!" 
"Yeah, yeah..." 
He mumbled mostly to himself before plopping backwards into his comfy chair, trying to turn his focus back onto the red-lined moon hanging low in the sky. Unfortunately, he could hear giggles and a moans, just barely. His eyebrows furrowing, attention staying on the sounds emitting from wherever. He was confused, just where was the sounds coming from? Head turning towards the right where he was sure it was coming from, his neighbours managing to become louder as time lingered on and his temper rose.

His hand banging against the shared, thin walls of his apartment as he hollered. "Stop being so loud, I'm trying to enjoy this night! Stop having so loudly!" A frustrated grunt pushing past tense lips, hand falling to his side as the apartment fell into a silence. 

He heard another giggle come from the other side of the wall and he almost completely lost it, his voice loud. "Oh my god, stop it! Keep your voices down, you're not the only people who live here!" He huffed as he turned his back towards the wall, heading back to look out the window towards his obnoxiously loud neighbours.

On the other side of the wall, Jiyong's palm was placed flat on top of Seungri's smile as he tried to hush the younger male. Goosebumps all over their heated skin, bodies pressed together intimately under the reddening moon. "Seungri, your moans are getting us in trouble." Jiyong almost teased his boyfriend, hips pressing into his for a brief moment as another sound emitted from the back of Seungri's throat. 
A look of innocence in his eyes as he tried to mumble against the flat of his hand. "But Ji..." His words were muffled and soft, eyes showing an expression of sadness. 

"You need to be quiet, baby. Be really quiet." Jiyong spoke softly, just above a whisper as his lips met the back of Seungri's ear eagerly. A giggle escaping him as his shoulder stiffened instinctively, his own hand coming up to quiet himself. 

The raging voice yet again yelling, but instead of muffled words, they could hear him clearly through the window. "You horn-dogs, stop being so loud! Have elsewhere!" 

Daesung's ears immediately picked up on the weird sentence emitting from below his shared apartment, head peaking out the window curiously to catch a glimpse of the angry man that previously yelled at them. "Wow, he must just be an angry man in general. Never happy some people, hyung." 
"Like you're one to talk--"
"Hey, what did you say about me up there?" Yelled the man beneath them, the both of them two distracted by each other before turning their attention to the man downstairs. 
"Nothing!" Daesung rushed out hurriedly, moving back away from the window hurriedly. "Sir, you're being incredibly rude to everyone around you, are you drunk?" Youngbae boldly finished, unsure of where his confidence came from. 

"I'm simply trying to enjoy my night with the red moon and you four are ruining it!" Seunghyun had huffed again, childish and stubborn. 

Seungri's upper body had leaned out against the window sill enough to find the angry man and other two men above him fighting, sharing snide remarks about one another. Eventually, Jiyong had joined his boyfriend at watching them go at each other's throat. The three people not noticing the bare chest couple looking out their window, watching them in amusement. 

After a rather harsh remark coming from Daesung, his eyes fell on the other two people. "Hey, what're you looking at--" his threat cut short as he began to cough violently, the sound of phlegm heard in them. Youngbae comfortingly patted his back quietly. 

Seunghyun's gaze turning towards the couple with a glare. "Yah, you two! Stop having such loud !"
"We're not even being loud!" Jiyong retorted.
"Pfft, if that's not loud, I wonder what it would sound like if I banged your boytoy!" 
Seungri flinched at the harsh words directed at him and his boyfriend.
"Hey, don't speak about him like that! Fight me, I'll beat you up right now!" Their voices getting increasingly louder set Seungri at an edge and he helplessly tugged at Jiyong's wrist with a small, whimpered plea. "Baby, stop~"

Jiyong noticed the boy's desperation and immediately shut up with a small frown, wishing to have the last word. 

Soon after, everyone had eventually calmed down and no yelling could be heard. The feeling of eviction was hanging over everyone's head as they realized just how loud their conflict was. 
Seunghyun sat back in his chair, Youngbae and Daesung tried to focus on the moon as the red tint slowly took over most of its body. 
Seungri simply sat on Jiyong's lap, their cut short as the cold air washed over their bare bodies. Lazily pulling the blanket over the two, Jiyong's lips met Seungri's jaw as they watched the moon carefully. 

"Hey..." Seunghyun began as he rested his elbows on the window sill, keeping eyes on the shining moon. "Hey!" He tried again. An audible groan could be heard above him as Youngbae tilted his head out the window into the cold night air to look down at him. 
"What? Haven't you caused enough trouble?" 
"I just wanted to apologize but if I knew you we're gonna be an about it, I wouldn't have worried about it so much." 
"Fine, you're forgiven." 

"Do you guys like meat and cheese platters?" Seunghyun had awkwardly asked, noticeably trying to relax the tension shared between the neighbours. 
"Dude, why are you talking to us? Can't you tell we aren't just meant to be friends?" Youngbae had asked in annoyed tone, just loud enough for the man below him to hear. "I'm ing trying, it would be nice if you did too."
"We don't wanna, okay?" Jiyong chirped in from his window, not bothering to even peep his head out. Voice emitting from the wide opened window. 
"Jiyongie, please..." Seungri's small voice could just be barely heard, the pout evident in his words. 
"How old are you guys? I'm 24 and Jiyongie is 26. We have been together since college, and we've been engaged for 5 months. Our wedding is next year." Seungri spoke up after a drawn out moment of silence stretched on longer than comfortable. Seungri was nervous, no one could be heard and he wondered if they had heard him or not. Seunghyun's voice bringing him out of his thoughts of worry. 
"That's very nice, I wish you good luck in your marriage. Be good to each other." His voice sincere, a complete difference than his yelling from before. 

"Congrats." Daesung's voice sounding from in his apartment, window still wide open with his roommate sat beside him. A feeling of relief came over Seungri as they had seem more accepting than expected, relaxing into his lover's arms further. 

"My girlfriend dumped me three weeks ago actually, I'm honestly jealous. Lucky bastards, you two." 
"I'm sorry to hear that..." Seungri moving from his previous spot to lean against the edge of the window.
"Why'd she leave you?" 
"To hell if I know." 
Seungri didn't respond, Jiyong coming up behind him to leave a lingering kiss on his shoulder. 

It's almost as if they had completely forgotten the crimson moon, almost. 
"Holy , it's almost completely done. Can you believe it? We'll never see such a beauty in a thousand years, Youngbae hyung." 
"Dude, isn't it like thirty years?" 
"No, pretty sure it's a thousand." 
"Well, I'm pretty sure it's thirty." 
Silence followed, a frustrated Daesung huffing away but not continuing on. 
All eyes had turned to the bright light as the boys finished their babbling, nobody said a word. Just watched as the red had fully passed over the moon and it was just as it had always been: white and bright. Sharing a moment filled with strange and confused feelings, unsure of what to say next. Should they apologize to one another or simply shut the window? They contemplated for only a moment more before Seunghyun had interjected.

"I'm going to bed. It's over, bye." His voice cut through the crisp night air. 

So the neighbours, one by one, shut their windows carefully. The atmosphere almost too hard to close out. Finally, their apartments went dark and the rest of the night passed quietly. What a strange experience shared with neighbours, very strange. 


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Chapter 1: Wow I like it
BinguTop4Life #2
Chapter 1: This is was hilarious and I loved it ! Fighting authornim ^^
maryfemme6 #3
I like it.. honestly!
Chapter 1: I simply love this! Seunghyun was so funny and Jiyong was so romantic to Seungri...awwwww...
lee_seunghyun #5
This was so cute!!!