Chapter 3

Purple Hyacinths
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Minah woke up with a startle, tears still fresh in her eyes…,  she woke up to the memories flashing in her dream. 
She let out a sigh and closed her eyes for moment, trying to calm down her beating heart…,  it wasn’t easy for her…
those memories hunt her just like bad dream but she can’t forget it thinking it as a bad dream because it was memories, memories of something that really happened in her life….

Past…. still she can’t let it go,

ringing alarm woke her up from her thoughts,
rubbing her eyes she reach her hand to turn off the ringing alarm… still closing her eyes…

for moment everything turned quiet… and suddenly Minah’s eyes shot open and she jumped out from her bed
 her eyes widened seeing the time

“Oh god… Jiminy is going to kill me….”
Minah P.O.V

“Late…. I’m late…,” ................Only thought that was in my mind was, I’m late…
 and worse part is Jiminy is going to kill me, for ruining her ‘Plan’…. I hurried my steps... more like running…,
suddenly I tripped over nothing and I closed my eyes, expecting to fall flat on my face… but nothing happened….,
I opened my eyes feeling there was pair of strong hands was holding on to my shoulder, keeping me balance…
feeling panic with sudden hold, I jumped away from the stranger …

I turned myself to look at the owner of the hands, just to meet with tall boy with wide smile….

“Slow down will ya…, there is still time for classes…” his grin widened…
“by the way I’m- ……….

“Thanks for the help, but I’m sorry, I’m bit in a hurry, if you excuse me”
 I simply replied cutting him off and ran to the class, I just don’t want to get killed…

But  …………………….
why did that smile look so familiar…. Aish… no… I’m just seeing things… I shook off my thoughts…
but soon I bumped in to someone… 
Aish… what now……

I looked up,

“Oh…. Minah I’m so sorry, I was late…” 

“Oh it’s okay…. I- I was just got in too….,” I let out a laugh while walking to our lockers with her..
And I gave a glance at her. It’s unusual of her, she look exhausted, what happened to the hyper jiminy ….

“Ya… Jimin what with the grumpy mood, what happened to you…” she is clearly in a bad mood; I wonder what could have happened…
we reached for the lockers and I slowly opened mine…., white card slips down but I caught it and hid it from Jiminy’s eyes….

I glanced at her…. She was so occupied with her books on locker while muttering under her breath…
“That annoying dork, wait until I meet him again…”
 I sighed in relief …., I guess she forgot about it….., I turned my attention to her again… I’m curious why she is like this….

“Aish,  my dork cousin is back, a-and he was staying at my house….”. She screamed
“he is annoying as hell…..
A-and I’m going to kill him as soon as I got hold of him….” She slammed her locker door turning to me.

I laugh at her, this is interesting… someone who can annoy almighty Park Jiminy…
“What happened” I asked her also closing my locker and waking to the class with her…

 She jumped a little stomping her feet on the ground, whining like a child and leaning all her weight on me…

“Aish…. Just today I just had to wake up 3 in the morning…,  I don’t even know how he got hold on to my phone alarm, 
and he even had changed time on my clock….

Argh…. I don’t want to stay with him……, I don’t think I will survive this semester…” she keeps winning like a child, holding on to me like a bear…

small smile made its way in to my mouth unable to hold my laugh.

“O…kay …, I think we should go to class now…..” changing the topic, I tried to move away from her…
But she didn’t even move a bit, Aish this girl,….

“Ya………….  Jiminy… you are heavy… Move…”  She jumped away…
“No… I’m not…” She glared at me, it was a funny sight, always hyper jiminy is sulking grumpily and glaring…. I wasn’t able to hold my laugh and I burst out laughing….

“Ha..ha.. ha…’s going to be interesting you know…..” with my words  I saw her eyebrow frowned in confusion.

“This is the first time I see you got annoyed by someone, usually you are the one who keep making everyone annoyed….” I grinned at her.

“Yah…….. You are supposed to be on my side….” She stomped her feet and walked away from me…

“Silly girl…” I followed her to the class with a smile on my face


after classes were finished, jiminy and I were walking to the cafeteria, her grumpy mood was long gone….
And she was jumping up and down like a child, and that’s how she is, she wasn’t able to stay mad at anything because she would forget it easily…. Without realizing my lips curve in to a smile…,
her hyper self making me forget all of my worries too

Jiminy stopped in her track and turned to look at me,
“Minah… Why are you smiling like a creep…. There wasn’t anything funny…” she looked at me turning her head a bit…

Smiling at her cute antics again I was about to reply….  But I saw her eyes widening when looking behind of me…..

“Yo…………….. Rabbit …………., Where had you been hiding………………..”
Deep voice echoed in the corridor where we were at,… and Jiminy’s face

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gabriela68 #1
Chapter 4: Keep update!:)
gabriela68 #2
Chapter 4: Keep update!:)