Life's No Fun Without a Good Scare [EDITING STORIES]


What's Spooktober Week?

Spooktober Week is a countdown to Halloween that consists, in this case, of GOT7 oneshots & drabbles.

1) Mirror, Mirror

2) Sorry, wrong house! 

3) Trick or Treat

4) You mustn't be afraid to reach out

5) The serpent's forearm 

6) Judging By a Book's Cover is Forbidden

 Oficially starting today, Monday, October 26, 2015 - until Saturday, October 31, 2015.




*Further specifications will be indicated in the chapters.  


A/N: Hi pls don't take out the pitchforks I already said my other stories are on hiatus bc I would be focusing on this what a load of bs I said I'm so screwed 

But I'm here? I don't really have much to say except this: if you came expecting to read some hardcore horror or gore fic, then this won't be the fic for you. I do not write those type of stories.

What should you expect then? Well, HYUNG LINE X YOUNGJAE, many lame Youngjae centric drabbles that try to be psychological but fAiling at it miserably, supernatural things, swear words (I guess), romance, loads of fluff, ANGSt, and just good potential for fics but written at last minute.

I guess I shouldn't be complaining if it didn't out like I planned because I imponed this on myself so it's my fault... but that's another topic. For now, I hope this is even worth the time? Enjoy! I'll update tomorrow~


[9/10/17] All of these stories have potential... so I've decided to edit them (when I can). If possible, please refrain from reading them! Thanks in advance :)


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CalamitousKing #1
Chapter 4: This 2Jae one-shot is so cute and sad, omg
dhehena #2
Chapter 6: first thanks a bunch author for this story because youngjae is my bias.
I thought this will be 2jae lolol but markjae my fav too, I love it!!! hehehe
anw please make epilogue that 2jae story that youngjae become yokai, sad end not bad too lol
vixx1017 #3
Chapter 5: Haha to me, I was almost thinking that it was becoming 2jae story but still good job authornim
vixx1017 #4
Chapter 4: Oh this was so sweet and I remember this Id anime watch both season and luv it
chillaxdiva #5
Chapter 4: thanks for the update~~ total opposite of the fluffy 2jae kids (which i adore btw!) your latest instalment is also love!!(as always~) it's touching and melancholic, especially the last part T^T how will they make their relationship work? i'm really curious to your epilogue... please if you wouldn't mind sharing? ;)

2 more to go!!! and omg im sooo excited for the next update, if what im thinking is right!!!!>.<
Chapter 3: Too cute OMG children au are so fluffy
Chapter 1: Aw this is sad, but I liked that he came to except himself.
chillaxdiva #8
OMG it's here~ more CHOI "SUNSHINE' YOUNGJAE >.< can't wait to be spooked! lol XD