Plastic FACE
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Hyejin's POV


I knew there was no going back. And I'm happy that's the only choice.

I look down below and saw the city of Seoul. The building lights were shining brightly in the night sky. There was no sound from cars and people. Only the sound of the wind was audible. It was like looking at a snow globe. It was beautiful. I breathe in and out. Watching the smoke coming out of my mouth. I turn around to see the back of me.


There was nothing but trees covered in snow with my bike on the ground, the chain broken. While coming up here, my chain broke and I almost fell down to the bottom, but I got a hold of a branch and was able to grab my bike and my purse from going all the way down to destruction. I looked down and saw the cut that the fall gave me, it was stinging, but nothing painful. Not as painful as what i went through.


I sigh and look up at the sky. You could see the stars easier here than in the city. The stars were so bright and colorful, it remained me of my little sister, Nami. She was so sweet and adorable. She never once was greedy and always cared for others. We use to go shopping together and eat ice cream together. We use to do each other's hair and tell secrets to each other. She was the shining diamond of my life. I never wanted to let her go. But one summer, she was diagnosed with brain cancer. It broke my heart and definitely my sister's. Her smiled disappear and her once energetic fun self was now gloomy and dark. She didn't want to eat, she didn't even want to listen to her favorite boy group. Nothing made her happy. And no matter how much I tried to make her smile and enjoy the things we use to do together, she refused and stayed quiet. I didn't want her to die unhappy so I tried everything to make her smile again. Her usual self again. But Unfortunately, she died after being cursed with cancer for 2 years.


I was 19. She was 13.

And during those 2 years, I gotten plastic surgery to make myself feel and look beautiful. I don't know what made myself so insecure and unsatisfied with myself. I was always proud of my looks and weight. I never once felt bad about my looks. I was always proud, but after Nami was diagnosed with cancer and her personality turned negative and gloomy, my perception on my looks went down too. It was like if Nami go down, I go down too.


It's like she was the key happiness to my life, but now since she's gone, what's there to live?


That's why I was here. Looking over the city. The last image I will ever have in my life.


I took a step forward. The twigs crushing under my feet. I did not dare to look down. I knew I would back out once I see the huge gap between the top and the bottom. I close my eys and tool a big breath. I let everything go.


I fell.


The feeling was. . .


Was. . .


Not as painful as I thought it'll be.


I open my left eye and then both of my eyes shot open. I was still alive. The surface was still as deep a I saw it. I could still see the city. Why is that? What happen? I was about to fall again when something tighten around my waist.


I look down and saw arms.. I also notice there was heavy breathing on my back. I turn my head and saw a man wearing all black holding tightly on my waist.


This ert. . .




The man fell backwards. I turn around and towered the man. I was so furious. he just ruined my chance in leaving this world forever. It took so long to have the guts to actually commit suicide. And now this ert really wants to get a beating does he?


"You. . . What did you think you're doing?"


The man lift his head up. My eyes widen a bit. He was a mixture of cute and handsome.


"I don't know what you're talking about. . ."


His voice was nice too.


Definitely my style.


What are you thinking, Hyejin?


​I huff and pointed my index finger at him.


"You know what I'm talking about." I angrily pointed out.


The man's innocent and confused face tell me that he really doesn't know what I'm talking about. I sighed and took a few steps towards him. The man taking a few back.


"You just had my hands around my waist. You seriously don't know what you just did right now?"


The man blinked a few times. Until his face look like a bulb went off. I rolled my eyes. Can this dude seriously be this stupid?


"Ah! Sorry, I just saw you and I-"


"Was trying to touch me? You ." I interrupted.


"No! I wasn't trying to do anything!"


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