That morning...

he really cares too much...

It was the middle of the night, u were fast asleep on the sofa downstairs then Kai came downstairs cuz he couldn't sleep. He sat on the sofa next to u and sighed, he saw that u were shivering so he swapped the blanket for a nice warm duvet cover and then he smiled and whispered "I think I've got feelings for u.." And then he stopped smiling and went upstairs to his room. "Where did u go?.." Asked d.o who was half asleep in his dorm "nowhere... Just downstairs.." Said Kai as he got back into his bed and faced the other way. "Ok.." Said d.o sleepily and they both fell fast asleep. 

That morning... "WHERE'S ALL MY CLOTHES!!" Yelled Kai angrily so loud that it woke everyone up including u who started sniggering since u hid his clothes under the sofa downstairs. U nearly burst out laughing when u heard baekhyun shout "shut up!!" To Kai who was only wearing his pyjamas which was a vest and shorts, no wonder he was so furious. Kai went into baekhyuns room and made such a big mess whilst looking for his clothes "u ain't gonna find them in my room.." Said chanyeol sleepily. "Wake up!" Said Kai as he got a glass of water and splashed the water in chanyeols face. "Thank u I am now awake.." Said chanyeol who wiped his face. "Grr it's not in this room.." Growled Kai and he went back into his room and sat on the bed when d.o sat up in Kai's bed. This made  Kai jump and get the wrong idea... "W-why are u in my bed.." Asked freaked out Kai. "wat do u mean.. I was in bed with u all night.. Don't tell me u've forgotten.." Said d.o. U got up and crept into baekhyuns room and high fived baekhyun and chanyeol since this was another one of ur pranks "we are so evil!" Said baekhyun as u guys were listening through the wall "I can't believe u got d.o to do this.." Admired chanyeol "shh..." U said. "W-wha.. W-where's my clothes then?.. We never did anything last night.." Stuttered Kai as he started sweating. "U threw ur clothes out the window before we u knw... Said d.o playfully... "W-wat no no NO!.." Said Kai as he flustered and ran out the room downstairs. U heard d.o burst out with laughter and u all exploded with laughter in baekhyuns room and then u all got out of baekhyuns room and went into d.o's room and high fived d.o quickly and said "come on say ur line, ur last line!!". Excitedly, d.o shouted down the stairs "we had a lot of fun yesterday, I love u Kai!!" Kai flustered even more making him look like he was going crazy. He panicked and looked under the sofa and found his clothes which now made him confused "huh?..." Kai questioned as u and baekhyun and chanyeol and d.o came down the stairs and exploded with laughter, u laughed so much that u fell on the floor and it looked like u were dying cuz of how funny the situation was. "why are u guys laughing...?" Kai said but then he realised "U!!! U did this didn't u? And u guys were all in this... Just watch.. Come here!!" Kai growled angrily as he chased u and baekhyun and chanyeol around the room, d.o was just there laughing his head off. Kai got so furious that he stormed off upstairs with his clothes into his room and slammed the door. U all finally calmed down and u said "I think that was the best prank we ever did on Kai.." "Yeh he got super angry.." Said chanyeol "ok now I'm worried.." Said d.o "why?.. Oh yeh I forgot u share a dorm with Kai..." U said "doesn't matter... I'll just apologise to him and so will u.." Said d.o. U guys all scoffed and asked "why?.." "Cuz u have to... U guys are saying that u won't ever apologise to Kai?.." Asked d.o "there's no point he won't ever forgive us.." Baekhyun said. D.o sighed at this but didn't say anything. "Aw great now I'm bored..." Chanyeol said "just do whatever u want.." U said as u were on ur phone. "I'll call suho.. He's been gone for one day.. I hope he's ok since he is our leader..." Said chanyeol and he went on his phone to call suho. The phone rang for a long time but he didn't pick up. Then Kai came downstairs wearing his clothes and went to put his shoes and coat on. "Hey Kai where are u going?.." Asked d.o "I'm going to find suho.." Said Kai "well wait! We're coming as well!.." U said as u got up "I'm to tired... Don't wanna go!" Groaned baekhyun and chanyeol. "Come on we are going!" Said d.o and u and then u both got pillows and hit chanyeol and baekhyun who said "alright, alright then we'll come.." Said chanyeol as him and baekhyun got up. "But when we find suho, ur paying for the food.." Said baekhyun "who says we're getting food.. We're just going to find suho.." U said "fine but if we don't find suho and we suddenly become hungry, ur paying for the food!.." Said baekhyun "yeh..Kai ur paying.." U said as u patted Kai's back. Kai didn't say anything since he was still mad at u but looked annoyed so u stopped patting him. "Let's go then.." Sighed Kai as he opened the door and u all walked out. "Should we go in the car or walk.." Asked d.o "I don't knw but if we are in the car I'm not sitting next to her!" Said Kai, as he pointed at u, he screamed since he saw u were wearing a mask.. Of baekhyuns face. U laughed as he stopped screaming and then Kai asked "why and where did u get that mask?.." "I got it from baekhyun to scare u.." U said as u pointed at baekhyun u both started to laugh. "Oh come on, who would not want to sit next to her!.." Said chanyeol "too right, she's so hilarious!" Said baekhyun "whatever.." Said Kai as d.o frowned at him. "So let's walk then.." U said "so are we walking in a group or.." Asked Kai "we are all walking in a group.. Now let's go! Said chanyeol and then u all went off to find suho. 

Back at the SM building... "Suho hyung!.." Called someone from outside the practice room and that someone was Xiumin . Suho knew it was Xiumin and opened the practice room door. "How did u knw I was here?..." Asked suho in a weak voice. "Cuz I saw the manager who said u were in here.." Said Xiumin . "Ok.." Said suho "we need to sort out ur problem.. Tell me everything... Are u okay?.." Asked Xiumin "come in.. I'll tell u everything as long as u don't tell anyone else.. Ok.." Said suho and Xiumin nodded and walked into the practice room. "Sit down.." Said suho as he sat on the floor. "Ok... Now tell me why ur here.." Said Xiumin as he sat down on the floor. "So.. U knw that girl chanyeol found backstage at our concert.." Suho started "yes I remember even though that was a long time ago.." Said Xiumin "anyway, when we took her back to our apartment, chanyeol and Kai sensed that something was wrong with her and even I sensed it as well and now I just keep on getting these senses that are driving me crazy and we took her to the doctors and they said that there was nothing wrong with her... But there is.. There is and now only I keep on getting the senses every time I'm near her that's why I'm hear hiding until..." Said suho "until.." Said Xiumin "until.. I don't knw... I guess when I feel better.." Said suho "wow... I didn't knw this.. I won't tell anyone.." Said Xiumin "ok but.. I need u to do me a favour and help me.." Said suho quietly "ok.." Said Xiumin "I need u to like be a spy.. But not a proper one.. I just need u to tell me wat Kai and those guys are up to every day.. Please can u keep an eye on them..." Pleaded suho "ok I'll do that!.." Said Xiumin  obediently "thanks..." Said suho "I'll go now suho and find them ok.." Said Xiumin "ok bye..." Said suho and laid against the wall as Xiumin left the room. 

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Chanyeol_exo44 #1
Chapter 30: I love this fanfic! It's so awesome
Good luck with your fic it looks interesting ^_^
catscatscats #3
Chapter 2: make chap 3 i wanna know what happens!