Not Exactly Wednesday

Confused Robots On Not Exactly Wednesday


“Finally the due day,” Joonmyun says as he grins at both of his co-workers.

Jongdae yawns.

“I’m so excited,” Chanyeol says. Jongdae rolls his eyes; he can see his big friend fidgeting in his seat, which is simply annoying.

At least he’ll have some fun very soon.

“Big deal.” Jongdae shrugs. “It’s only the trial.” Finally the last one, though, so yesterday he made sure to make it more exciting.

Joonmyun frowns at Jongdae.

“No. It’s the launch.”

Jongdae blinks.


“It’s Friday, Jongdae,” Joonmyun explains with the condescending smile he uses when his dongsaengs are being silly.

This time Jongdae doesn’t mind the smile. He doesn’t even notice it.

“What,” he repeats. “No, it’s not. No.” It can’t be. Hell no. Please, no.

Jongdae turns to stare at the computers he played with yesterday, slowly starting to panic inside while trying to figure out a way to fix things.

Joonmyun chuckles and pats Jongdae’s arm.

“I’m nervous, too,” he says, smiling. “It’s our first project, so it’s completely fine to be nervous. But no worries, we’ve worked hard for so long to make sure everything is perfect. The trial on Wednesday went splendidly. Nothing can go wrong today.”

Jongdae chuckles awkwardly. He thinks something can.

“Let’s do it now,” Chanyeol decides excitedly, getting up from his seat and approaching the main computer.

“What? No-“ Jongdae tries to make something up for them not to do it now or anything soon, but his mind seems to be panicking too much to find anything.

Joonmyun doesn’t seem to be paying attention to him, sadly, because he goes to watch Chanyeol turn on the main program.

“Wait. I- We- There’s this thing- I might’ve-“

Chanyeol pushes the final button.

“,” Jongdae swears loudly. He’s so screwed.

“Don’t curse,” Joonmyun reminds, glancing at him.

Jongdae snorts. Of course, that one word Joonmyun has managed to hear.

ing great.

“Here they are,” Chanyeol says, watching the two small chambers open and their creations appear. “This is amazing. Why isn’t somebody recording this? I can. I’ll do that.” He takes out his cellphone and turns the video camera on. “It’s the official launch of our project. Our first and most amazing project and we’ve worked for two years to make them perfect and here they are,” Chanyeol says at his cellphone as he stands up and approaches the chambers. “Our perfect robots.”

Jongdae hides his face into his hands. He ed up badly.

Chanyeol continues talking as he records the robots in their chambers.

“We just finished putting their personalities in. Those took the most time to create, personalities so complex like every human being’s. In about,” Chanyeol makes a pause to glance at the clock,”fifteen seconds they will wake up.”

He looks to the side and turns his cellphone to Joonmyun approaching the robots. The older waves, smiling happily at the camera.

“Here’s Joonmyun-hyung, he’s our project leader. He did his best to build every part of our cute, homely Kyungsoo,” Chanyeol turns his cellphone back to the robots, focusing on the smaller one,”and dangerous, tough Tao,” he turns the focus to the bigger robot.

“And here they are,” Chanyeol says finally, watching the robots open their eyes.

Screwed or not, even Jongdae raises his head to watch this between his fingers. In the end, they have spent two years on these robots, he wants to see them wake up regardless of how much he ed up.

Both robots’ eyes open at the same time. Both look around, stopping for a moment at each of the three people present.

Joonmyun can’t decide whom he should be observing, looking back and forth from Kyungsoo to Tao and back and again.

The robots do nothing.

“Hello,” Joonmyun decides to say, making a few more steps towards the robots. They look at him.

“Hello, Joonmyun-sshi,” Kyungsoo answers calmly at the same time as Tao says,

“Hello, Joonmyunnie-hyung,” as he smiles adorably.

Joonmyun grins. His robots recognized him, his robots said hello back, his cute robot called him hyung, his-

Wait what.

Joonmyun stares at Tao.

Chanyeol blinks and then stares, too, when he realizes what’s wrong.

Jongdae hides again.

“Hyungie?” Tao asks, sounding slightly worried. And cute.

Joonmyun blinks.

“What is- Why-“

Why is his dangerous, tough, murderous, scary robot sounding and acting like a cutie pie?

Joonmyun turns to look at Kyungsoo.

And why is his cute, lovely, homely, warm robot acting anything but that?

Well, Joonmyun isn’t where he is without a reason, he hasn’t got to be the project leader just by sleeping with the right people (because he doesn’t do such a thing); he’s got to be what he is because he’s pretty smart.

So it doesn’t take Joonmyun too long to figure out what’s happening.

He turns around, his aura changing to one Tao is supposed to have.

“Jongdae,” Joonmyun says, the most terrifying smile on his face. “Do you want to say something?”

Jongdae glances between his fingers and hides again.

“I was sure it’s Wednesday,” he murmurs, scared less.

Joonmyun chuckles humourlessly.

Chanyeol, as pissed off as he is at Jongdae as well, moves slightly away from Joonmyun, feeling both scared and thankful it’s not directed at him.

“Like I said before, it’s Friday. And the boss in coming in an hour. And you’re fixing it.”

Jongdae whines in fright.



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Chapter 2: Oh please tell you'll upload more!!! This is so funny! :D