
2013, March


In the wide and brightly lit practice room, floor to ceiling mirrors covering every part of the room. A group of teenagers were sitting on the floor, waiting to be slaughtered.

Not really, but it feels like it.

The group of trainees were sitting on the floor, doing last minute practices, reciting their song lyrics over and over again, so they won't have the chance to even forget them.


But there you see Joowon, sitting in the corner, away from the group, with her headphones on her head, bobbing to the beat. Even a tint bit of nervousness wasn't shown on her face.


At least that's what people see.


Dowoon was sitting beside her with his earphones in, hitting the surface of his cajon while listening to the song he that was blasting. He was always a scaredy cat, maybe scaredy cat wasn't the word to describe him, but he gets nervous during the last minute.


Few minutes later, a slim and petite lady walked into the room while holding a binder so thick and heavy, you would think that her slim hands would break into half.


As how people say, you can't judge a book by its cover. Well, it's undeniably true.


Once the lady walked into the room, the room became tense. She, Ms Son, an angel in disguise. Under that small petite face of hers, is a monster. Her voice that is.

The group of ready to be slaughtered pigs trainees stood up abruptly, and bowed.


The lady fixed her thick rimmed glasses, " Very well then, we will start our evaluation now. "

The room was filled with silence, just like how Joowon liked it. The room was noisy 5 minutes ago, the clashing of different harmonies and beats hurt her ears. She couldn't even concentrate on listening to her songs.


She couldn't say she wasn't nervous, not because of the evaluation, but because of the chemistry test tomorrow. 

She couldn't believe that until this nervous moment when she's going to have an evaluation test, the only things that was on her mind was the chemistry formulas

she used 3 days to embroid only 14% of it to her brain.

Not her problem she's getting busier with practice nowadays, Sorry Mr Park.


" First up, Nayeon, Jihyo, Jaebum. "

The three little pigs stood up and walked to the front of the room while Ms Son pulled her chair to the back, to have a better look of their performance, before slaughtering them.


They bowed and introduced themselves before starting to sing.


Almost is never enough? Not a really good choice of a song. Joowon thought in her head.

They should've chosen a song focusing equally on both the girl and guy's vocals, or maybe a song that was a solo song to distribute the parts better. Having the two best girl power vocals in his team? 

Jaebum, we're not gonna hear your voice dude. She snickered. In her head.


After they ended their performance, Ms Son didn't have a really bright expression on her face.




" I have expected more from you three, song choice is definitely not the best, -"

Bingo, Joowon thought.


"- I couldn't hear most of your voice Mr Im. Nayeon and Jihyo, vocals are stable as usual, but Nayeon, you keep ending before the last word of the lyrics so work on that before I slaughter you. I expect better performance and improvement. That's all, you can return to your seat. " 

They bowed before returning to sit on the floor.


Ms Son fixed her glasses before continuing, " Next, Dowoon, Youngjae and Joowon. "

Finally, I couldn't stand waiting for another group.


They stood up and picked up their instruments before walking to the middle of the room and sat on the chairs.

Dowoon sat in the middle on his cajon while Joowon and Youngjae was on both his sides.


He looked at both of them before tapping on the surface.

Joowon strummed her guitar, Youngjae played the keyboard, as her voice filled the practice room.


Please don't see just a girl caught up in dreams and fantasies

Please see me reaching out for someone I can't see


Youngjae started singing his lines full of passion.


Take my hand let's see where we wake up tomorrow

Best laid plans sometimes are just a one night stand


Dowoon's part came up, 


I'd be damned Cupid's demanding back his arrow

So let's get drunk on our tears and


God, tell us the reason youth is wasted on the young

It's hunting season and the lambs are on the run

Searching for meaning

But are we all lost stars, trying to light up the dark?


The three of their voices and the sounds of the instruments clashed together, making the perfect harmony.


And I thought I saw you out there crying

And I thought I heard you call my name

And I thought I heard you out there crying

Just the same


Lost Stars - Adam Levine



They ended the song while Ms Son nodded and tapped the surface of the binder.


They stood up and waited for her comments.


" It was a very well planned performance, the instruments didn't make it sound like your voice was straining and part distribution was done well. I'm impressed."

Ms Son looked at them,and continued, " You all did well, stable vocals, clear voice, and lyrics. Good job. "

That was all she wanted to hear.  Looks like Joowon ain't getting slaughtered today. 



The bell rang, signaling the end of the test.

Mr Park started to collect their papers one by one, and maybe giving them a glare seeing some students not even bothering to try and answer the papers. 

Sure the school they attend is an arts school, but still learn something you ignorant little brats.


Mr Park collected their papers and freed them for recess early.

The group of students wearing blue uniforms were heading to the cafeteria.


Joowon passed by Dowoon at his locker as he asked her, " How was it? " while stuffing his books into his messy locker.

" As usual. "

Dowoon smirked, " You really wanna spend another year in this school because you can't pass almost all your exams? "

Joowon crossed her hands on her chest, " Nah, I'll get over this phase. "


Exactly, what phase is that?

The not passing half of her subjects' phase. Joowon maybe good at academics but she's not a born genius like Einstein. She studies, but obviously she did no studying for her tests nowadays.

Her father used to force her but papa ain't here.


All the seniors was then released from their classes.

Joowon felt stuffy.

" Are you joining for lunch? " Dowoon asked.

" Nope. " She said before turning to the direction of her desired destination.

She placed her headphones on her head and placed the plug into her pocket, not connecting it to her phone as she walked away.


Joowon felt so stuffy, ugh the amount of people in the hallways are annoying her. 

Students were standing literally in the middle of the hallway, hello? Do they not know blocking someone's path is annoying as ? Moma never thought you not to block the Earth from turning? She was annoyed, as usual. But she still showed a blank face as she walk through the crowds.

Some of those students who actually know how to use their eyes and brain moved out of the way to let her pass. 


After years of walking through the night market at th halls, she passed by the elevator. Today was definitely not the day to push her luck waiting for the elevator. 

She passed the elevator and went for the stairs, being a lazy sloth, walking 7 flight of stairs to get to the rooftop wasn't the best idea. But anything to be by herself.

Pushing the door on the 8th floor, she walked to the rooftop garden. Finally, peace and quiet.

She sat at the edge of the roof, her legs dangling at the edge of the roof.


She connected the plug to her phone and started playing songs.


Ah, 10cm. Works of art.


The blue sky turned a bit dark as she sat there on the roof, how she loved it.

The walls on the roof were grey, white, and black. Suitable for her liking, she never liked bright colors.


She opened her eyes when she felt a presence beside her.


" What are you doing here? " 

" Whatever you think I'm doing. "

" I was just asking. " Jae replied.

She sighed, " Why do you always ruin my peace and quiet? "

" Because I'm worth ruining your peace. "

" Are you always so full of yourself? "


Jae turned his head to her, " I'm not sure, maybe only at you "

Joowon gave him a look, " You get my desire to punch people going. "

Jae chuckled," Well, at least I get you going right? "

" So? Should I build you a senpai shrine for you to sit on? " Joowon closed her eyes as she shuffle again.

" Well, I would appreciate your work but I don't want to get my pants dirty sitting on trash. " He joked.

She ignored him.

Can't I have at least an hour of peace and quiet?

She suddenly turned to him, he had his head facing the sky while he sat crossed legged beside her.

" It's either 1. You leave, 2. I leave or 3. You push me down the building. Make a choice."

" Why do you push people away all the time? " He suddenly whined? or maybe talked in a high pitched voice. Joowon couldn't figure it out but she stood up and just left.

Is peace and quiet too much to ask for?

Walking back to the cafeteria, she scanned for Dowoon.

She walked back to her locker when she couldn't find him. Stuffing her books into her locker, she heard someone call her name.

" Joowon! " Dowoon appeared from her back and settled his hand on her shoulder. 

" Did you have lunch? " Dowoon asked. 

" Nope." She replied after she stuffed her Physics textbook into that 30cmx35cm small locker and locked it.

"I passed by Mr Park's table a while ago and you failed your test." She stood there blocking the hallway.

" You searched for me in the cafeteria just to shove my test marks at my face? " Dowoon stared at her with his eyes wide.

She shrugged,"You said it, not me."



A week has passed and the seniors are having exams for the whole month. Dowoon tried to study but he couldn't get anything in his mind, and right after the exams, there would be the sports carnival the lasts for one whole ing month. Well, Dowoon isn't exactly the sports type but Joowon is in the school volley ball and track and field team. He can't run to save his life.

As for Joowon, Dowoon sees her occasionally, she's busy as hell and they haven't spoken a full conversation for at least a week.

Unfortunately for Joowon, she is facing an academic crisis.

Her homeroom teacher told her if she failed anymore subjects for the next exam, she's gonna go to summer school and probably retain a year. She couldn't risk going to summer school, summer is the only time she has time to go practice 24/7.

She hasn't been talking to Dowoon, just simply recommending songs for each other once in a while. The only time they're in the same room is during chemistry, which is like just 5 hours a week. Teachers were simply revising the chapters for the exams not giving any other work for the students except studying.

Speaking about burdens, Mr Park decided to give them an 8 page report assignment about whatever he was blabbing about, which was bull and Joowon doesn't deal with bull.

 No one would deal with this bull.


Joowon doesn't sugarcoat the truth, everyone knows that, they've had first-hand experience. 



Headphones on her head, hands holding onto her books, she rounded at the corner as she went into the bubble tea shop.

She ordered a regular roasted milk tea with extra pearls. Placing her books and sitting at the corner of the shop while waiting for her order, she heard loud talking and screaming.




" Joowon? "

She opened her eyes to see Younghyun, or Brian. He's from Toronto too, which is why Joowon is okay being with him, he makes her remember about her mom. And also because he doesn't talk much.


Ah, a quiet one.


Joowon smiled at him, "Hey."


"I don't see you often nowadays," Younghyun said while he place his bag on the table beside Joowon's

"Well, you saw me now."


" 375, your order is ready." 

Yes, mama is coming.


She nodded at him before leaving.


Younghyun looked at her leaving the shop, he sighed. This girl - her social skills are worst than my Physics.



hello, i tried to write this chapter faster before my exams next week.

im sorry if its trash but writer's block at 2am isn't the best thing to happen.

comment down and tell me what you think!! and youngk!!

hope you all enjoy!! love u


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vacxnce #1
Chapter 4: Looking forward for the next chapter! It's such an interestin story, i wonder why she acts like that doe.. i hope there's a reason behind it
ProudToBeBana0423 #2
Chapter 4: SUWOONG THAT CUTE LIL KID but dowooner is cuter
Please update soon!!
I bet there will be a murder case in the next chap
ProudToBeBana0423 #3
Chapter 3: "her social skills are worst than my Physics." lololol
physics kills ppl. good luck to your exam^^ this chapter is amazing
Jae whinning....that would be cute haha
Chapter 2: ^^ jae's grand entreance hehehe ><
expecting the next chapter!
jeonugu #5
Chapter 1: omg im so looking forward for your update!!