Getting Into a Fight and Studying with Hyoyeon

My Sister's Best Friend

Hyoyeon's POV:

A few months have past and I have a lot of friends right now and they're really the best. Me and Luhan found a lot of friends I drove my car to school earlier than Luhan because he's at home. I got off my car and a lot of people were looking at me. I didn't know why and I didn't care. I went to go find my girls.

As I was going I saw a group of girls bullying a girl and I went to see who was it. Shockingly it was my bestie, Seo Joohyun. I went to go save her. They were punching her and kicking her as well. 

"Hey! Leave her alone." I said to them. Then the girl who was beating Seohyun up was that evil , Chorong. She's Luhan's girlfriend. I don't understand why he even likes her. I thought he liked Seohyun. 

"But Unnie she's trying to take Oppa away from me." She told me. Then she kicked Seohyun in the stomach making Seohyun groan in pain. I got mad and pushed her. She got mad at me and pushed me back. Then we started punching each other.

"Why the hell did you just ing pushed me?" I asked her. She then said "Because you pushed me and think about us being future sister in laws." I just shook my head. I picked her up by the collar and pushed against the wall. She slapped me in the face and I punched her in the face. She ended up bleeding.

"Don't be calling me Unnie. I don't even know anything about you beside your name and that your basically plastic!" I told her. I let her down and kicked in the stomach. Then I helped Seohyun up. She was walking weakly so I piggy back her. 

I brought her to the nurse and told my cousin Seulgi to stay with her. I went to class and I see Chorong with Luhan making out. I walked towards them and slammed my bag on his desk.

"You two get a ing room!" I said. They both stopped kissing and the students are laughing. I walked back to my desk and then Luhan came up to me. 

"Noona, I don't know what's your problem but you gotta stop with your stupid jealousy actions!" He yelled at me. I looked at him  and gave him a death glare. Then a smirk.

"I have no problem. It's just that ever since you met that freaking Barbie doll you started losing feelings for your true love!" I yelled back at him. He then looks down and he knows who I'm talking about.

He was about to apologize but I said "It's too late. No need for your apology." Then the teacher came and he went back to his desk. When my first three classes were down, I went to lunch.

As I was walking a person pushed me against the wall and slapped me. I put a hand over my cheeks and see that it's Park Chorong. That again. I was about to slap her until Seohyun came and said "If you slap her, you're gonna get it from me and th girls." She held her wrist. Then Chorong punches her and pushed her hard.

"You're weak so I'm not afraid of anything." She told her. Then I came and said "She's not gonna hurt you, neither the girls. Just me." Chorong looked at me and scoffed. Then she started doing fighting moves but I keep on blocking her. 

Then I do my fighting moves and she's on the ground again. This time her "precious deer" came and did what actually shocked me.

Seohyun's POV:

I was on the ground after Chorong punched me hard. Then I heard a guys voice and I can recognize it. It's Luhan Oppa's. I thought he was gonna help his girlfriend up but he ended up helping me up.

"You okay?" He asked me. I didn't know what to say and I looked at Hyoyeon. Then Chorong started screaming and Luhan Oppa ran with me to the office before Chorong does something bad to me. I was shocked. I didn't thought he'd do that. 

We got in and Ms. Kim, Taeyeon's aunt, helped me. She put some ice in a bag and also put some ointment on my bruises. Then I got up to get to my next class but my knee hurt that I couldn't almost walk. I didn't want to make it noticeable but Luhan Oppa helped me anyway. 

"Here let me help you out." He told me and I just let him anyways since my knees were in pain. We have the same next class anyway. I had my arms over his shoulders.

It was quite awkward but at least we made it to class. When we went people were wondering why I had my arms over his shoulders. Then he brought me to my seat next to Hyoyeon Unnie. Hyoyeon Unnie smiled at me and I smiled at her back.

We had to do some research about our favorite company for the music industry. Our favorite company was the SM ENTERTAINMENT. Then we had homework which was work on the board for the company. Me and Hyoyeon Unnie are of course partners. Our little minions (Jongin and Luhan) are partners. We decided to work at her house. All the time we'd always work at my place.

After School:

Everybody was getting out of school and going back home. 

Luhan's POV:

I brought the boys to my house. We were greeted by my mom. Kai couldn't come cause he had to do something urgent with his dad. But the rest came. 

"Hello boys! How was school?" My mom asked us. They all bowed to her and the maids. "Great. How was your day?" Suho said. She responded with "Great. And thank you for asking." Then I told the boys that we should play games and they followed along. 

We were playing and then we heard a knock. I thought it was Noona but it wasn't. It was Chorong. One of the maids told me it was her and I told them to let her in. Then she came in and hugged me tight and kissed me a lot in the face. I just patted her back. 

The boys just cringed and ignored her. Then that stupid wannabe Nicki Minaj (Sehun) had to say something. "You know not everybody like you." I gave him a death glare and that made the boys laugh so did the maids. I felt bad for Chorong. They were bullying her.

Hyoyeon's POV:

I was meeting up with Kai. We met up because we just wanted to hang with each other. He lied that he had an urgent meeting with his dad. I told Seohyun that I had to go get something fast. We just went to Kamong. That cafe is really nice. 

It was fun hanging with him. Then it was time for us to leave so we hugged. "Bye Hyoyeon Noona." He said to me. I said "Annyeong~ Take care." Then we broke the hug and left.  I really like that kid. He's so cute and handsome at the same time. I just don't get how a person can be like that. Oh well that Jongin anyways. 

Seohyun's POV:

I got a text from Hyo Unnie saying that she's at the house so I went. I reached it and knocked. When I knocked a lady opened the door. She looked a lot like Luhan Oppa. 

"Annyeonghaesayo. Are you studying with Hyoyeonie?" She asked me. I bowed down and responded to her question.

"Oh nae. Seo Joohyun imnida." I said. She smiled at me and I now know where Hyoyeon got that big smile from. Then she let me in. As I went inside I hear a lot if boys voices and I know that it's the boys. Then I see Hyoyeon eating a bowl of cereal. She had full. It was funny because she looked chubby.

Then I went to her and she quickly finished her bowl if cereal and pulled my wrist. We passed the living room and I can see Luhan with Chorong. She's sitting on his lap while he's playing games. I felt as if someone just stabbed me. I don't know why I'm feeling like this.

Hyoyeon's POV:

I was walking fast while pulling Seohyun but I noticed that she slowed her pace down a bit. I looked to see and she's staring at Luhan and that loser he's dating. I can tell she's sad while looking at them. I put one of my hands on her shoulder. 

"It's okay Seohyun-ah. One day he'll regret this decision." I told her. Then I took her upstairs. She followed. We went inside the study room. 

Seohyun's POV:

Hyoyeon Unnie is like an older sister to me. I love her very much. She made me feel better after the Luhan thing. We were studying inside this room called "Study Room". She calls it that. We were studying then this little cute looking boy came. 

"Hyo Imo(aunt)! Luhan samchon(uncle) won't let Taeyong pway kames." I chuckled at his cuteness. He had his arms crossed with an angry face. Then Hyoyeon Unnie said "Tell him it give it to you or else his hello kitty stuff are going bye bye." Then he just ran. It was so cute. 

I belive I didn't hear wrong when she said something about Luhan hello kitty stuff. So I asked cause I was a bit confused. 

"Luhan Oppa has hello kitty stuff?" I I asked her. She nodded her head. I actually can't belive this pretty guy has girl stuff. Oh well what can I say? Then Hyoyeon Unnie suggested that we should go downstairs to eat. 

Hyoyeon's POV:

We went down to the kitchen and started to make food for ourselves. My butler Yook Sungjae came and asked if we needed anything and I said no thank you. Then while me and Seohyun were talking I got a text message. 

To:Hyo Noona

Noona I miss you~

From:Cute Dongsaeng

I looked at it and know it's Kai. I didn't want to reply since I was in a middle of a conversation with Seohyun. Then Seohyun got a text. She groaned. 

"I have to go. I forgot to feed the dogs and it's my day to do that." I hugged her goodbye and she left. Now I can talk to Kai

To:Cute Dongsaeng

Aww you're so nice. We just saw each other a few hours ago!

From:Hyo Noona

Then I went up to my room. The boys are still here and Chorong left. That's good. But the boys are such loud freaks. Especially  Baekhyun. 

To:Hyo Noona

Can I have directions?

From:Cute Dongsaeng

I looked at the text and thought he neede direction to a place so I replied back.

To:Cute Dongsaeng

Sure. Where?

From: Hyo Noona

Then I was waiting for his reply and he replied back.

To:Hyo Noona

To your beautiful heart.

From:Cute Dongsaeng

I didn't know why but I suddenly blushed. I didn't know what to do. I texted back saying "Gtg! See ya tomz and stop being cheesy." 

Kai's POV:

I got a text from her and laughed at the last part.

"Gtg! See ya tomz and stop being cheesy." I just chuckled at it, I bet she's blushing right now. Can't wait to see Noona. She's really the girl of my dreams. I'm going to confess to her at the right time. She's such a cutie.


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Chapter 12: Up vote indeed. Now I'm off to read your other story :)
Chapter 12: Awe I came across this story and I'm loving it too but if you need time for yourself do take care. Hopefully you come back and surprise us all with an awesome update. Thank you for this story.
Hyokai2003 #3
Chapter 11: Are there anymore chapters. I lurve it. So cute especially hyokai
Chapter 10: Why do you left chansoo(chanyeol & sooyoung) at the list of the couples??!!!
Hyosmilely #5
Chapter 10: So cute SeoHan~
Wait for a prom
Hyosmilely #6
Chapter 9: I can't wait for Prom night~
Hyosmilely #7
Chapter 8: Cute cute Kai~
foreveryours32 #8
Chapter 8: Update soon! :) I really like it! Fighting author-nim! ^_^
hakim22 #9
Chapter 1: Chapter 1 : i read this story for the first time, i just want to correct the use of family's name 'Xi', luhan's and hyoyeon's dad is korean, isnt it? They must use front name from their father, not their mother... Xi usually used for Chinese..
Thanks authornim, i like your story because it is about hyokai couple.. :)