The members

After Hour - The RM

            Dongwan tried to sleep, however, the pain suddenly creeped in. “Damn it. I’m trying to sleep here stupid clavicle!” he cursed the pain. “Hyung, are you asleep?” someone whispered by the door.

            Dongwan saw a head peeped in. “No. Come here Andy-ah.” “This is painkiller. I thought you might want it.” Dongwan thanked Andy to the deepest of his heart and swallowed the medicine.

“Is it really hurt?” Dongwan just quiet. “You should tell us sometimes. You always care for everyone else so just let us take turn to do the caring some other time.”

“You know you’d become Hyesung when you nag.” Andy laughed so heartily that Dongwan loved the maknae a bit more.

“Love you Dongwan-hyung,” Andy stole a kiss on his cheek. Dongwan wiped the wet mark, “This kid…” “Hehe~ We are eating outside if you want some.” “I’m fine.” Dongwan actually got teary, so he pretended to be sleeping. Andy went to the door.



“I love you!” Andy giggled and closed the door quickly.


            After making sure no one else would coming in, Dongwan wiped his eyes, it was only a drop. Or two. Why suddenly everyone was so attentive to him? That was awkward, yet something nice was blossoming in his chest. Good thing he has wiped them, because suddenly the door threw open again and Junjin came in.

“What is it?” Dongwan ask with his eyes closed. Rather surprising to him, Junjin held his hand. “Are you ok? The pain is getting better?”

“Yes. Thank all of you for caring for me. But you don’t have to because I’m fine, really,” Dongwan insisted though he know that would not make the younger member go away. Or did he just want to indulge in the luxury of attention for some more?

“Jeez of course we would worry. You are our Mr. Kim! Who would make the lame joke if you are not there?”

Dongwan snorted, “Hahaa isn’t it would be better without me then?”

“I’m just kidding hyung. But really, we would miss you. So next time make sure to tell us what’s wrong, okay?”


            Junjin closes the door. Dongwan thought a lot about what the members have said. He did not like the others to fuss over him, because he knew he could take care his problem by himself. What was the use of worrying the others if that was not their problem? However, HE was the one busybody kind of friend who like to know about others problem too, so he should not be saying that either. He remembered back the time when the members annoyed with his busybody attitude, but thanked him for that too. ‘Maybe that is what friends are for.’


            His eyes were closed, but his ears could catch the noises made by the members in the living room. The stillness in his dark room suddenly became unbearable.

“Yah! I have tucked you in and now you wake up again?” Hyesung scolded him.

“Hey, who do party at someone’s house but don’t invite the host? And don’t you find any beer in the refrigerator? ”

Junjin answered, “If only a dozen it’s not gonna be enough even if it’s only just for me.”

“Instead, let’s have supper. Ramen and fried squid. I cooked~” Andy said.

“I also helped, right Andy-ah~” Minwoo make a cute face to Andy. Andy rolled his eyes, “Of course you too, Minwoo-hyung.”

            Dongwan sat down to eat. “How about a movie? Do you have anything Dongwan-hyung?” asked Andy.

“I bet his was full of ero,” Junjin giggled.

“I’ve hide them well so you could not find~”

Minwoo spoke, “Watch what? Horror?”

“You know I could not watch horror!” Hyesung glared at Minwoo.

“Why Hyesung-ah~ I’m here don’t be scared~” Minwoo came to hug Hyesung, but Hyesung pushed him away.

“How about thriller? Thriller is fine?” Hyesung suggested, unconfidently.

            Dongwan sighed, “For scaredy Hyesung let’s watch comedy. Andy-ah, you can find the cds over there.”

“Shouldn’t we called Eric-hyung?” Junjin wondered.

“Already texted him. He said he preferred to sleep. That bastard,” Hyesung said.

Minwoo cut in, “Forget Eric. I’m here Hyesung-ah~ <3” Minwoo tried to hug Hyesung again. Hyesung relentlessly pushed him away.

            “Hyesung don’t want me TT I’ll go to Dongwan,” pouting, he went beside Dongwan and hugged the laughing man. Dongwan rested his head on Minwoo’s chest. They watch the movie until Dongwan accidently slept.

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lunanegra #1
Chapter 1: Oh, i forgot dongwan was recovering from a broken shoulder during rm. I was rather disapointed when he gave up too early when they played in the mud.. but then he was 3rd when they did the man stacking thing.. aww, poor yet awesome dongwan
i love this story^^ can i share it in my tumblr,then?