We have arrived

After Hour - The RM

            Hyesung soothing voice woke him up. “Wake up Wan-ah. We are here,” whispered him while gently shaking Dongwan. Dongwan looked around at the familiar red brick pavement with beautifully carved metal gate and saw Junjin was unlocking his gate password, only getting it wrong.

            Junjin shouted, “What is the password hyung?!” Andy anxiously slapped Junjin’s shoulder, “Stop shouting! The neighbours will be mad!” Irritated because he was sleepy, Dongwan shouted back, “If I shout out the password even the robbers could get in you pabo!”

            Minwoo and Hyesung let Dongwan get down on his own with caution, his clavicle not hurt as much after he got some sleep. Or maybe he still too groggy to feel the full potential of the pain. One or the other, the only thing on his mind right then was he wanted to lie down on his bed and sleep peacefully, he should added. It would not come easy with those guys around.

            Dongwan punched in the password when Junjin playfully bellowed, “I’ll remember your password so I can come another time hehe~” To that Dongwan replied curtly, “I’ll remember to tell the security to chase you away.” He meant that as a joke, but thinking back it might not be a bad idea.

            Finally, they got into the house. Inspecting the neat and clean house, as expected of Dongwan, Andy offered, “I’ll make some supper. You all must be hungry.” Junjin looked at Minwoo excitedly, “Minwoo-hyung! Let’s go see what’s in Dongwan-shi refrigerator.” With that, Junjin, Minwoo, and Andy cluttered to the kitchen with much noises. Dongwan looked at Hyesung,

“You guys just want to party at my house right?”

“Who’s the one who didn’t want to come earlier? Serve you right.”

            Hyesung followed Dongwan into his room to help him changed into sleeping attire. Dongwan got undressed. While Hyesung was finding his clothes, Dongwan suddenly asked, “What do you think of my abs Hyesungie?” all the while smugly showing his defined six packs. Hyesung was amused with Dongwan unbelievable timing to show off, but he answered anyway.

            “Yeah yeah it is beautiful,” he said it nonchalantly while Dongwan’s abs carelessly. Dongwan’s face light up with a bright smile when hearing the compliment. In Hyesung’s head, he was jealous of the abs but seeing his Wannie’s smile was worth more than the abs, but then of course he would not say it out loud.

“Now hurry up and change so you can sleep. We don’t have forever here.”

“Arasso! You are nagging like an old ahjumma.” Hyesung only tsked.

“Hyesung-ah! You should see this. Dongwan has everything in his refrigerator!” Minwoo shouted delightedly.

“Now my house will get messy,” Dongwan pouted.

“Stop worrying! I’ll make sure they behave,” assured Hyesung.

            He tucked his adorable friend in his blanket. “Now we need to talk. Why didn’t you say anything earlier pabo! This could be worse. You know we would be worried if something happened to you,” Hyesung could not stop nagging that Dongwan thought his ear would come off. Really no one could beat Hyesung.

“Arasso arasso! If I know you would nag like this I’ll shout to everyone back then.”

            Hyesung huffed, “Fine then. Remember what I said. We love you, I love you..” Hyesung trailed off, his face reddened. Dongwan just smiled shyly, it’s not usual for the members to show their affection verbally without joking, except when they were drunk.

            Hyesung turned around and walked out the door. Before the door could closed, Hyesung’s head pooped in again, “If you want anything just shout. We are outside.”

Dongwan cringed to the over-attention given, “Yes misteeeer.”

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lunanegra #1
Chapter 1: Oh, i forgot dongwan was recovering from a broken shoulder during rm. I was rather disapointed when he gave up too early when they played in the mud.. but then he was 3rd when they did the man stacking thing.. aww, poor yet awesome dongwan
i love this story^^ can i share it in my tumblr,then?