Review Delivery to Icha_Sya

♪Beautiful Melody♪ [Status : Discontinuing Until Further Notice]

The Last Gift - friendship jonghyun romance shinee - main story image


Story Title: The Last Gift


Author:  Icha_Sya

Genre: Romance, Sad, Friendship

Reviewed by: Rai-na 


Title (2/5)
The title I'd have to say was boring, I find it a bit cliche, I've looked it up and a lot of story have the same title. So I know you are using this title because of SHINee's song "The Last Gift", but I don't think you should have used the actual song title for a story because a lot of stories uses titles of song and in my opinion I think it is not new and interesting. 

Appearance (1/5) 
The poster was okay looking though not the best. I know the story is sad and everything but the poster color just made the story look depressing. When I first saw it I literally did not want to continue reading, I think a nice background will do you good. 

Description/Foreword (5/10) 
In my opinion I think the description was a bit cliche, I have read many a description from other stories like this and they all look the same. For instance the two main character have been friends forever and now they start to develop feelings for each other. In the forward you used a poem which is eye catching because I like poems, and I believe you are the one that wrote it, it was really well written. You also put pictures of the character in the forward which is not a bad thing because it give the reader a better imagination of what the character looks like, but I don't think you should put their personality on there, the personality should be put into the story so the reader will want to keep reading and find out what the character is like.

Characters (10/20)
I think you introduced the characters quite fast, I felt like it would have been better if they were slowly developed through the story, a lot of emotions were shown through the first chapter so it got kind of boring. I think you can do better.

Writing Style (10/15)
You used different POV"s which is not bad because it's like there talking to you. Your writing style is not bad I liked it, at some point I think there was not much details, but I know you can improve.

Flow (4/10)
I think the story was a bit fast for my taste, feelings were developed very fast and I did not really like it. It's good though that your story doesn't go off the line of the plot.

Plot (6/15)
the plot is very cliche, i have read lots of story with the same plot and they have always bored me, and you also used a song. It's not creative and well thought out, but I think if you add a little twist to it you can make it interesting. 

Basic Grammar/Spelling (10/15)
So I know English is not your first language and that also applies to me, but I think you grammar is pretty good, it made me want to continue reading. There were a few misspelling and one thing that really bothers me is your dialogue please remember to capitalize your letters. Oh and when starting a new paragraph remember to indent even if it is a new dialogue. Since your grammar is pretty good and there are not much misspelling I will leave it up to you to look back on your story yourself. Unless you want me to list things I will be happy too just pm me.

Enjoyment (5/20)

I liked the characters but I did not like the story plot to tell the truth. I think your story is good but it's just not the kind of story I like to read.

Though I may not like it, there are people out there who will like it. I enjoy a little bit of drama once in a while.

(53/110) - D

Comments - I think you can do better than this and can come up with a more creative story line, anyways I'm sorry for the harsh words it was just my opinion.


Note: Please remember to credit the reviewer and the shop. Thank You :)

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could u guys do blog headers? or backgrounds? ^^
iamsperfeccion #2
@Seo_AegyoPrincess: i know right hehe thanks. oh don't forget to request from us :)
Nice banners! I love it :D It matches well with the theme! XD
poporo-chan #4
Um, sorry, but I'm canceling my poster request! <br />
Terribly sorry! <br />
Rai-na #5
I requested for a poster and bb.
I applied as a Graphics Designer ^-^
@Kpop_Craze really glad that you love it!! ^^ -YatLuvG
-rykeaboss #8
I applied as a Graphics Designer ^-^
Suju_15dorks #9
Is it okay if I cancel my advertisement request? Because I have already deleted my story, sorry about this :(
c-anyousmile #10
I applied as a reviewer (: