Avoid Large Places

The Mystery of the Temple
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"I know I should have told you this before, but I had a...like, vision thing the first time we were here," Mingyu felt stupid telling his friend something like this, certain Wonwoo was going to think he had finally lost it. Shaking his head, he glanced down the hall, noticing that the shadowy figure was gone now. If he was going to explain himself and sound stupid while doing it, he would rather do it now, rather than later. "The cats looked at me, and they had blood on their teeth. I know it sounds crazy, but I think they might have something to do with people disappearing around here." He glanced around, nervous about the entire place now. Mingyu was even more worried about his friend's silence.

Several seconds passed before Wonwoo replied, and when he did, his voice had an edge to it. "You know, I asked you if you were okay, and you told me you were. I could feel something wrong with this place, and you made me feel like everything was okay, when it obviously wasn't! What the hell, Mingyu?" Wonwoo stared at him, blatant disappointment showing on his handsome face. "How am I supposed to trust you now, knowing that you would willingly come back to a place like this? I don't think we need to investigate this. We just need to get out of here and never come back."

"Wonwoo, if you didn't feel comfortable coming back here, why didn't you say something?" Mingyu could feel his heart beating faster, and he knew that it wasn't only his fear of what could happen if they didn't defeat whatever was causing this.

His friend laughed bitterly, shaking his head. "The only reason I wanted to come back here was because you told me it was fine. I felt like something was up with this place, but thought it would be okay...because you told me!" Wonwoo's anger had increased, and now he was almost yelling.

Mingyu swallowed hard, knowing that his friend's words were true, and also knowing that he had betrayed his friendship. "I'm sorry, Wonwoo," he spoke softly, feeling defeated. "I should have told you everything yesterday. I felt stupid and confused about this whole thing, and didn't think you would understand. That's all."

Wonwoo opened his mouth to reply, when they both heard a noise from down the hall. Both young men turned their attention to the hall, noticing the same figure walking down it toward them. Mingyu reached into his pocket and pulled out the knife he had hidden there. Wonwoo still looked pissed off, rolling his eyes at the knife. It was just another thing that Mingyu hadn't told him about.

The hooded figure approached them, holding up a hand to signal that they wanted to speaking with them. Wonwoo glanced at Mingyu's knife, moving behind his friend as the figure got closer. Once the stranger was within an arm's reach, he pushed his hood back, revealing a sharp featured smiling face.

"Hello. My name's Joshua, and I could have heard you arguing from ten miles away! Sheesh! So, anyway, Mingyu, you're right about you being the ones who can defeat this. You're the only one who has dared to answer my call! No, you don't need to leave, or the next people who come here might meet the same fate as the ones who got killed by the cats...and Junhui."

"Who is Junhui?" Wonwoo asked abruptly, before Mingyu could say it.

Joshua raised an eyebrow at the interruption but nodded to him. "he was the artist who painted the cats on the walls, of course! His spirit inhabits this temple and he animates the cats to do his dirty work. He revels in the killing of any visitors and he will continue to kill them unless someone is brave enough to stop him. I assumed you were..."

"We are," Mingyu said firmly, though his heart was beating too fast for that to be the truth. "What do we need to do?"

"I know where the dagger and potions, and you're the one who's supposed to defeat them. I've been waiting for you to show up for a long, long time, but couldn't approach you until you had seen the danger and had the dreams. You wouldn't have believed me otherwise."

Mingyu nodded, feeling as if he could trust him. "Okay. That makes as much sense as any of this, so I guess it's worth a try," he said, looking at Wonwoo. "If you're up for it, anyway."

Wonwoo looked at Joshua, heaving a deep sigh. "I guess I don't have much of a choice, since it doesn't feel right leaving this place, either."

Joshua nodded, taking out an old looking dagger. "Well, then,

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Congrats on the ad feature!
1886 streak #2
congrats on winning the bid! ^^
Congrats on winning the bid!
Wow congratulations this sounds amazing ♡♡♡
Wowowow congratulations!
southavenue 29 streak #6
Chapter 3: congratulations on winning the bid!
692 streak #7
Congrats on winning the bid! ^^
LOL happy birthday ♡
congrats on getting the bid!!! (つ´∀`)つ