The Accident

Kim Kibum: Relationship Destroyer

I lost my best friend the day of the accident. I remember it all just like it was yesturday.

It all started on a rainy day four years ago, on a friday. My best friend, Ae Sook, and I were heading to school in her car. We were pretty care free that day because it was the last day of school.

At first we were just talking and I was always checking to make sure she didn't make a mistake in driving. It's wet and if Ae Sook makes one mistake we could to flying and both lose our lives. At first my stomach felt queasy that something bad was going to happen but, when we were about halfway to school I felt safe enough to relax. Ae Sook felt the atmosphere relax around me so she relaxed too. I felt her relaxation and tensed up again because if she relaxed she might not pay attention to the road as much as she should.

I checked the speedometer to make sure she wasn't going to fast. I thought to myself that Ae Sook is normally a safe driver and she probably won't be speeding. My thought was put down when I saw she was actually going 10 miles over the speed limit. "AE SOOK SLOW DOWN OR YOU'LL GET US KILLED," I shouted at her. She was really surprised and accidentally swerved from it. She checked her speedometer and realized she was going really fast. "Mianhae," she mumbled finally slowing down.

For the next fifteen minutes Ae Sook did really well driving so I relaxed and my iPod. I blasted it into my ears to drown out my negative thoughts like ," will I die if we crash," or ,"Ae Sook is gonna kill us both," so I tried not to think about that. Ae Sook must have thought it was okay for her to listen to music to so she the radio. Blasting on the radio was the band my brother is in, SHINee. The radio blasted their song " Replay" and it sounded like they were shouting at us. The people in the car next to us looked over like we were idiots. I stuck my tongue out at them for being mean "Mehrong."

I look back at Ae Sook and she doesn't seem concentrated on anything but the music. Suddenly a deer appeared in the road. "AE SOOK LOOK OUT," I shouted at her but by the time she looked up we had crashed. We hit the deer and then spun into a tree.

Ae Sook passed out as we hit the tree and blood was gushing from her head where a piece of broken winsheild had cut her forehead. I knew I had broken a few ribs from the stabbing pain in my side and my left hand was shooting blood everywhere. I instantly reached for my phone with my right hand and called the ambulance. By the time they arrived I had already passed out from loss of blood.

I woke up in the hospital a few days later and the nurses told me I was in a coma for 3 days. They told me I was really lucky I survived because I had massive blood loss and 2 broken ribs when I was found. They had to put more blood in my body in order for me to survive. Suddenly I remembered Ae Sook and I asked the doctor what happened to the other person in the car. The doctor told me she was almost dead by the time they found us and she died as soon as we got to the hospital. He said there was nothing he could do to save her.

"WHAT!?!??!?!" I screamed as I found out the news of my best friend.

I felt I should have been driving but, I also felt it was the musics fault she died. In the hospital I vowed I would hate music for the rest of my life. Music had killed my best friend. When I got home from the hospital I threw away all my music playing devices hoping to never see one again.

For the past 4 years i have avoided music. Not even listening to my brother. He felt sad that i even refused to listen to him. I feel bad for him but music ruined my life.

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Aika0330 #1
I finally caught up!! ^^
keeeey~ staaaaaawp eeeet
Hahahamiga #3
Please update soon!!! It's so exciting!!>~<
TheGermCafe #4
cutiekoala #5
Psh, Key is a playboy, huh?
After he saw Nikki, he likes her...

Jonghyun and Minji! <3
Btw, nice poster! ;)
shineecoco #6
what bout key?
Oh not jjongie!where is key?! My umma has gone missing >ㅁ<
Minholove #8
Ikr I love the poster
Sad chappie :"( I love the poster
xDDDDDDDDD but you knew that!