
Kim Kibum: Relationship Destroyer
Yay! I'm so happy I finally found my long lost brother! And it Jonghyun! I think my life is complete now! So, I asked Jonghyun to tell me why he left. Here's his response. "Well. Here's my whole story. Starting from before I met you so I'm not going to use your name. Everything i did wrong my parents would hit me for it. Everyday i would just deal with the pain.  I lived through it but, one day i just had enough and i packed some of my things to leave.  I packed a couple clothes and some items that were dear to me.  I finally left that dreaded home and i wandered around for a few hours before i came to a lake. When i arrived at the lake there was a little girl sitting there about my age. I went up to her and she faced me. we stared into each others eyes for a while. She had beautiful dark brown hair that came up to her shoulders. It fitted her perfectly. She was eating rice noodles by the lake and she shared half of it with me. i was pretty hungry at that time. she told me to come back the next day at the same time. The girl went into her house and i left the lake and walked into a grocery store nearby. I stayed in the grocery store all night without getting caught by the employees. I had some snacks and slept in a corner until it was time to go back to the girl. i went back to the lake and just as i thought, the girl was sitting there. She had a box of rice noodles, again, and i ate half of it, again. For a while, every night i would sleep in he grocery store and at noon i would go eat rice noodles with the girl. Until one day when the girl asked me to come see her parents. She asked her parents if i could live with them because i have no home. they imidiatly said that i could sta and they went out and bought a bed for me to sleep in. they put the bed in the girls brothers room. now i had a home. Her parents were really nice and i had 3 meals a day,too. i didnt have to sleep in a grocery store and everything for me became better. I was falling in love with the girl but i didnt think she liked me. Her brother and I became best buds but me and the girl were still the greatest friends ever. No one could replace he girl Everyday i concentrated on finding signs that the girl liked me. i did that for about a month but i got nothing. the girl just thought of me as a freind and a brother. i got frustrated and left everything i had at her house to run away again. even after her parents adopted me. i once went into a store and saw on the news that they were looking for me but whats the poin of going back there if she doesnt love me the way i love her. she was my whole life. ever since i ran away i never saw her again. Minji, I love you." Ya know he is my brother... Isnt that weird that he loves me... More than a sister? The next thing that happened really surprised me. Key got up and slapped jonghyun. "KEY! JUST BECAUSE HE LOVES ME DOESNT GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO SLAP HIM," I yelled at Key. Jonghyun is still my brother and I'm always going to be there for him. "But Minji, I can't let jonghyjun take you away from me," Key defended himself. "Key I will always have you," I said pecking him on the lips. "FINE IF YOU DON'T WANT ME THEN I WILL JUST LET HISTORY REPEAT IT'S SELF," jonghyun screamed and ran out of the room. "JONGHYUN WAIT!!!!!"
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Aika0330 #1
I finally caught up!! ^^
keeeey~ staaaaaawp eeeet
Hahahamiga #3
Please update soon!!! It's so exciting!!>~<
TheGermCafe #4
cutiekoala #5
Psh, Key is a playboy, huh?
After he saw Nikki, he likes her...

Jonghyun and Minji! <3
Btw, nice poster! ;)
shineecoco #6
what bout key?
Oh not jjongie!where is key?! My umma has gone missing >ㅁ<
Minholove #8
Ikr I love the poster
Sad chappie :"( I love the poster
xDDDDDDDDD but you knew that!