Chapter 2

Bringing back the magic
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Chapter 2

Day 3

“Well…Well…Well… look what we have here. Mr bigshot eating lunch with us peasants…” Yoochun drawled when Yunho entered the staff lounge.

Yunho rolled his eyes as he took a seat near his chuckling colleagues. He put his large bento on the table. “Think what you want. I’m not sharing. I’m here to show off the special lunch my wifey prepared.” Yunho took off the lid dramatically and everybody ooh’ed and aah’ed at beautiful display of food.

Yoochun snorted but it was just playful. He’s happy at Yunho’s change and for him to call Jaejoong his ‘wifey’ in front of the public was a huge development. He can’t wait to tell Junsu the coupons are working. Yoochun guesses the bentos are going to be an everyday affair now and that might just get Yunho to stop skipping lunch or eating out of a vending machine.

“Oh! how cute. She sent you a note!” Gyuri, their colleague picked up a ziplock bag with coloured paper inside it from the box.

Knowing what it is, Yunho snatched it. “Don’t touch that!”  He’s not letting anyone in on their game, not because he’s embarrassed or anything. He doesn’t want other people badgering him and the fun out of their anniversary event. It’s more special when it’s only him and Jaejoong.

“Oh come on Boss!” Jungmin, the sassy physics associate grinned teasingly. “let us in on the love letter. Prove that you're not a cold dead workaholic.”

“Are all Parks so teasing and nosy?” Yunho huffed and held the bag close. “it’s mine. Back off.” Collective whines and demands to see the note followed.

“Okay! Okay! Stand down people!” it was Yoochun who surprisingly mediated. “please let my bro-in-law and sis-in-law have their moment.” More whines and complaints. “Well, too bad people. Coz the boss already escaped.”

And everyone looked to see that the space Yunho occupied was indeed empty. The only sign he was there was the second level of the bento box he had forgotten to take. Yoochun happily pulled the box to him, not minding that this is just some noodles and salad. Yunho got the sausages and meat box with the little smiley face drawn with veggies.


Yunho made sure no one was coming and locked the door of the emergency staircase. He’s not going to the office. It’s so obvious, he’s be discovered in 10 minutes.

He looked at the bento, the cute smiley face made him feel so fuzzy. She’s always had cooking skills but it’s become really great over the years. Yunho remembers Jaejoong always putting extra effort to make faces and pictures with food for their son till he began school.

The happiness on Changmin’s face at the food-art also unconsciously made Yunho smile. He would have loved this bento. Yunho mentally noted to pick up a nice little bento for Jaejoong and Changmin from Flada today. He wonders if the people at flada still remember him and his order for extra spicy chicken for Jaejoong. They used to take Changmin to the Han river and share the bento almost every week when he was small.

But first things first….

Yunho put the box aside and opened the zip lock. Today’s coupons are again Changmin’s handwriting.

#7 Fine. You win this argument

Yunho became contemplative. Their fights, though rare, are epic. Last year, they fought when Yunho was hospitalised for half a day due to sever dehydration. It was stupid, they both know but the shouting match brought even Changmin to tears and he had run off to Junsu and Yoochun’s house because it was the nearest and he was scared. They didn’t know he was missing until three hours later, Junsu barged into their house, separated them till they cooled off and said she’ll send Changmin back only when it’s quieter which was the next morning.

This coupon probably gets encashed in their next argument which is whenever it happens. Arguments mean Jaejoong’s face is red and she’s close to tears while her voice is cracked because of screaming….that’s Yunho’s weakness and he gives in just so she doesn’t look so strained anymore. But damn, he wants to win an argument at least once.

Next argument, he’s shoving the coupon in her face. Yunho takes a picture of the coupon to preserve it in his phone. He’s so going to use it.

But a coupon for today has to be chosen. So he checks the next one.

#8 Permission to play video games tonight without me complaining

This has Changmin written all over it.

The brat just wants to play using his father as a cover. Yunho hasn’t played video games since college and that time Jaejoong did whine but she hasn’t had a reason to for a long time because he doesn’t play anymore.

Yunho just ignored it and looked at the next coupon. He bit his bottom lip excitedly.

Yup, he liked this.


The house was noisy when he entered, most of the noise from Heechul.

Walking in, he saw Changmin in the living room with Chanel. Only Heechul would name her daughter after a designer brand because “Chanel is fab!”

“Hey Chan square!” Yunho hollered, “What’re you guys doing?”

“Oppa is helping me with Math.” Chanel answered sweetly. Oh thank god for small mercies, Chanel takes after her father. Heechul may have named her but the nine year old is the sweetest girl Yunho could ever ask for a niece. Of course, she’s his only niece since Yunho’s sister is unmarried and Yoochun and Junsu don’t have children yet.

Even Changmin is the only nephew in the family and loves troubling his only cousin though the angelic girl only cries and pouts but never fights back. She has her mother for that.

Still, Changmin helping her… “Look at you Min!” Yunho clapped a hand on Changmin’s shoulder and wiped an imaginary tear. “It’s good you're practicing for community service.”

Changmin moved his father’s hand and pretended to dust his shoulder of his father’s germ. “Puh-lease! If I’m going to jail, it’s going to be a cooler crime than something that warrants community service. I need at least 2 years to sharpen my bad image.”

“your thought process makes me think you're destined for greatness.” Yunho said with mock-pride and threw the video game coupon at him. “next time be a man and ask up front so I can personally watch your mother reject the idea.”

Changmin pouted. Looks like the only video games he’ll ever get to play is at Kyuhyun’s house. That guy only plays Starcraft and Changmin wants to play supermario cart.

The kids watched Yunho go to the kitchen and Chanel turned to Changmin. “Oppa, what coupon did Samchon pick?”

Changmin shrugged. “Finish the sum first.”


Yunho put the coupon on the fridge with the heart shaped magnet and sighed. He brought this magnet himself for their love game. He can’t wait for this particular coupon. He wished Jaejoong would come here right now and they can get on with it. But there are two kids in the house. So he decided to wait till bedtime.

Yunho opened the fridge to grab some juice. They’ve run out of apple juice and he doesn’t want to have Jaejoong’s grapefruit juice. He finds lemons and well, when life gives you lemons…

Yunho took one lemon and closed the door but that revealed Heechul’s face on the other side.

“Gaah!” Yunho held his chest in shock and the poor lemon fell and rolled to some corner.

“Hello to you to love!” despite the sarcastic comment Heechul flashed a 1000 watt Cheshire grin which suspiciously looked like a smirk and unnecessary fluttering of eyelashes.

“What are you doing here?”

“You didn’t think my fabulous Mini-me would come to her math tuition herself.” Heechul sat on the bar stool and crossed her legs and Yunho gasped. There in Heechul’s hands was his and Jaejoong’s  daughter, Bambi sitting on Heechul’s lap with the Diva’s bony manicured hands running the baby deer’s soft fur like some evil villain with its fluffy pet. But that’s not all. wrapped around Bambi is a blue Frozen scarf.

“You Heathen! You did not just pollute my Disney with your Disney-”

“Shut up!”

And Yunho really did. Damn he wished he could use the Argument coupon on Heechul instead.

“What’s going on?” Jaejoong entered the kitchen. She smiled at Yunho but frowned when she saw Bambi with Heechul. “Chullie, I told you not to put your scarf around Yunnie’s toy-”

“Daughter!” Yunho corrected and Jaejoong quirked an eyebrow at him. “You want to tell that to your son again?” Yunho shook his head. The last time Yunho said Bambi is Changmin’s sister, four year old Changmin tried to burn the doll over the gas stove.

“Coupon?” Jaejoong suddenly remembered and asked Yunho for today’s pick. Yunho timidly pointed at the fridge door.

#9 Quickie

Jaejoong’s face turned fire-engine red. She could easily tell that this coupon was made by Heechu. But if her husband picked it, she has to grant him that right?

She has to empty the house of spectators first. If only the spectator wasn’t Kim Heechul.

“Oooh! Yunnie-bunny wants a kissy~!” Heechul said in a squeaky voice and the couple blushed at the embarrassing yet cute nickname Jaejoong briefly called Yunho when they were dating.

“Heechul shut up!” Jaejoong hissed but as if that was enough to stop Heechul.

“Yunnie and Joongie sitting on a tree. F-U-C-mmpf!” Jaejoong and Yunho pounced on Heechul shutting before she completed the spelling. The way the older woman fell backwards, her hands swung Bambi in the air threw it on the dining table behind, knocking the salt shaker there but no one cared.

“Are you seriously saying that word with your daughter in the house?” Jaejoong hissed and Heechul flailed wanting to escape her captors.

“You do know most kids my age know that word.” Changmin entered, getting himself a glass of water. “Some have even done it.” the fifteen year old smirked behind his glass but when his parents glared at him, he sputtered and waved his hand in front of him. “Not me! Not me!” he shrieked. The most he’s done is secretly watch but he’s not going to let his parents know that is he.

“Okay that’s it!” Jaejoong shouted and let go of Heechul prompting Yunho to do the same. But the man then ran to get his ‘daughter’. “Changmin, you can eat your dinner in your room. Turn up your TV volume.” When Changmin tried to sneak a peek at the coupon on the fridge, Jaejoong stood in front. “Now.” she ordered and the teen was scampering off under his mother’s glare.

“You know if you want the privacy for your ‘coupon’ ” yes, Heechul did the air-quotes and smirked, “I can take him off your hands.”

“Never.” Jaejoong shot it down in the blink of an eye. If her son is the spawn of the devil, Heechul is the devil itself and with their anniversary week, who knows what other coupons they would shove at them. “And Heechul, please take your daught

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icheepoo #1
Chapter 3: The bambi bit really cracked me up.. just curious.. since i only started getting interested in dbsk while reading your fics... does yunho really have a bambi obsession in real life? Lol
Chapter 4: It's interesting seeing them rekindle their relationship. Obviously over time they themselves have changed and so will their marriage. I'm glad they're both engaged in an effort to make their marriage stronger. Thank you for sharing!
hra_1106 #3
Chapter 4: Author nim,, update please ,,,
jewelnfishy #4
Chapter 4: I really like the reality of this story... Many of the couples have experience this... I will wait for the next update... Fighting!!
Chapter 4: Excited for Jae's turn!
Icequeen1412 #6
Chapter 4: no it was nice .i really love your story it's something that can happen to any couple in real life and changmin is the definition of a perfect son
Chapter 4: Not fail ... hahaaa you let us imagine the way we want it hahahaha ... waiting for the next update ^^
Kattan69 #8
Chapter 4: Rekindle their romance and least they have a smart son who plans it right for sweet.
Chapter 4: Can changmin get a baby sibling?
Chapter 4: Just make JJ pregnant for second time please hahahah
Thanks for the update babes