Chapter 1

Bringing back the magic
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Chapter 1:

 Day 1

Yunho massaged his aching wrist. It has been abused a lot, from scraping those tiny chalks in the old classrooms to the marker pens in the labs to scribbling away in the office.

He’s heard of the occupational hazard of teachers but he thought he had another ten years for it. Looking at the redness and stiffness of hand, he felt the need for a hot water compress.

His mind suddenly plays an image from long ago. Her red lips so determinedly in a pout while she held the ice pack to his ankle, only to bloom into a happy smile when the swelling went down.

Maybe she can help him with his hand…. “Nah…she’s busy…” somehow saying that out loud sounded so depressing.

Yunho heard a knock on the door and looked up to see Yoochun peeking through the crack of the door.

“Hey, I have to pick up Su from your house so I thought we could go together.”

“Su’s at our place?” Yoochun nodded. “I’m sorry man…. I have to finish scheduling these practicals by tomorrow….”

Yoochun paused for a moment, “You’re not going home, today? To your wife?” Yunho cocked an eyebrow. What got into Yoochun?

Getting the hint, Yoochun twisted his mouth. “Fine. It’s not my place anyway. See ya’.” And Yoochun was gone.

Yunho shook his head and got back to the papers. Hardly a minute passed and he was interrupted by his phone.

It was a message from Jaejoong.

Yunho frowned. He used to often text her and set off one of their back-to-back texting sprees, Jaejoong always loading her messages with emoticons.

Now it’s reduced to ‘what time are you coming’ and ‘should I heat dinner’.

But never has Jaejoong sent a video.

Curiosity got the better of him and Yunho played the video.

“Hi Yunnie….” Jaejoong paused and even Yunho could tell it’s because she said ‘Yunnie’ after well….forever. He misses that nickname. “I was just going to put a post-it on the fridge but your son says it’s the age of technology and all…so yeah. Anyway, this is to commence our official meeting to wedding countdown.” Jaejoong cheered and behind her, Changmin held a board saying ‘day 1’. He was trying to stay hidden but he’s got his father’s height. “so this is my present for you. Every day, I’m giving you coupons made by yours truly.” Jaejoong did a hair flip and Yunho smiled missing this exuberant Jaejoong. He remembered it was her happy personality that attracted him to her on that first day of college. “Your first batch of coupons are waiting for you at our front door.” The camera shifted to the door showing three coloured papers sitting on the side table near the key bowl. “All you have to do is pick any or all and put it in the bowl on tab- ” Changmin suddenly came in between whispering something to Jaejoong. “okay. Min says to pin it on the fridge door so he can get a fair warning of what it is.” That made Yunho wonder what the coupons contained but he was shaken out of it when Jaejoong and Changmin clapped. “Okay hubbyyyy~ let’s make our anniversary fun.” And Jaejoong ended the video with a flying kiss.

Yunho blinked.

Anniversary…. Countdown… meeting to wedding.

Their first meeting anniversary was today…. Did they celebrate it last year?

Yunho looked at his phone. He felt like playing the video again. but he wanted to run home. Jaejoong’s putting a lot of effort into this and somehow that just made his tiredness disappear.

And he’s hell of a lot curious as to what the coupons are.

Yunho got up. He can ask the associate professor to finish up for him.


Yunho opened the door and looked around.  

The house was so quiet, he expected a psycho killer to be lurking somewhere. And the mood lighting….when did he get mood lighting.

Actually they put dim-lights throughout the house when they renovated a few years ago. but that was for when Yunho would return late at night or Changmin’s on a late night snack run.

But right now, it has such a passionate feel to it. Maybe it was the video that’s got his mind in the Shakespearean mode.

Right…the video.

Yunho looked to his left and sure enough three coloured cards sat beside the key bowl. Yunho threw his housekeys in the bowl and took a look at the cards.

He had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing out loud. It was funny, yet cute and so, so sweet.


#2 All the sugar and fried stuff you want for a day


Yunho his chin in deep contemplation. Cleaning his room? Well his home office is in a mess but he would never put Jaejoong through that. He’s organised mess exemplified. He finds order in his and only his own mess. But it would drive his poor wife crazy and what with her dust allergies, it’s a big no.

Sugar and fried, he’s been craving for churros and triple-fried chips. Yunho pat his stomach, feeling a bit miffed at the softness there. He hasn’t gone to the gym in weeks and Jaejoong’s food is hard to resist even without the sugar and fried. No, he has to eat healthy and stay healthy because even though she gave him this coupon, Jaejoong doesn’t want him to get a heart attack. 

Yunho felt his hand throb just then and he got his answer.

He went to the kitchen to complete the ritual(?). taking one of the Minion fridge magnets, he pinned the chosen coupon in the centre. Funnily, all of Changmin’s Disney characters magnet collection seemed to be cleared from the fridge door.

Yunho turned around and flinched whe

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icheepoo #1
Chapter 3: The bambi bit really cracked me up.. just curious.. since i only started getting interested in dbsk while reading your fics... does yunho really have a bambi obsession in real life? Lol
Chapter 4: It's interesting seeing them rekindle their relationship. Obviously over time they themselves have changed and so will their marriage. I'm glad they're both engaged in an effort to make their marriage stronger. Thank you for sharing!
hra_1106 #3
Chapter 4: Author nim,, update please ,,,
jewelnfishy #4
Chapter 4: I really like the reality of this story... Many of the couples have experience this... I will wait for the next update... Fighting!!
Chapter 4: Excited for Jae's turn!
Icequeen1412 #6
Chapter 4: no it was nice .i really love your story it's something that can happen to any couple in real life and changmin is the definition of a perfect son
Chapter 4: Not fail ... hahaaa you let us imagine the way we want it hahahaha ... waiting for the next update ^^
Kattan69 #8
Chapter 4: Rekindle their romance and least they have a smart son who plans it right for sweet.
Chapter 4: Can changmin get a baby sibling?
Chapter 4: Just make JJ pregnant for second time please hahahah
Thanks for the update babes