Chapter 1

Circus of Time

               Terrah followed Woosang into the BTSA building, The Bureaucratic Time Salvation Agency, while carrying some take out. The two of them hadn’t been able to eat since the end of their last mission only fifteen minutes prior. She spotted Daniel and Dara standing awkwardly in the entrance as they waited for General Park to show up and explain to them why they were called back already after just being told to go home.

               The next person to come out to meet them all was the psychologist, Sehun Oh, Terrah’s least favorite person. She groaned audibly. “Were we really called here for a surprise therapy session?!” The other three laughed as Sehun shook his head and shrugged. “I was called in just like you.”

               An agent came and directed them towards a meeting room. “The General will be with you shortly.” The five of them sat down around the table and Terrah and Woosang started to eat their food while Daniel stole bits and pieces from each. Terrah smacked her friends hand away from her fries and asked “Does anyone know why we were called in?” Dara shrugged her shoulders. “I thought maybe it was about your last mission but I’m not sure why that would include me and Sehun.”

               Before they could wonder any more, General Park came in and dropped a file in front of each of them. “I called all of you back because we discovered something in the memory scans of Jo Kwon that needs our immediate attention.” The five of them looked over the files confused. They had been handed their own files. “What is this?” Daniel asked as he looked at all the information gathered on him.  The General touched the table and a screen popped up in the air and separated between everyone at the table, giving them their own close view.

               The screen showed Jo Kwon talking to someone at what appeared to be a carnival or a circus on an island. Behind the man with blonde buns on his head, they could see another one with a whip, forcing girls into a tent. The man with the buns was talking to Jo Kwon about receiving a payment. Jo Kwon handed over a suitcase which was immediately opened revealing lots of cash before the man with the buns motioned to another with purple hair. The purple haired one left the tent and came back in with a hover cart loaded full with boxes under a cover.

               The man with the buns spoke. “I don’t see why you even have customers for these pieces of trash. We have much better stuff now.” Jo kwon nodded. “Zico, you just have to find your niche market and then exploit it for all its worth. These are my latest requests.” The man now known as Zico nodded and motioned at the purple haired one again as Jo Kwon handed over a list. “P.O go tell Kyung that I will be making another trip to the 1990’s. Does he need anyone in particular?” P.O went into the tent that the one with the whip had gone into previously before returning to Zico. “He doesn’t need any more talents at the moment. He has his hands full with the last batch.”

               The General stopped the video. “We have reason to believe that these people have a time ship of their own and are using it for trafficking humans and goods from different times. Jo Kwon has been to this circus island many times so we have plenty of footage for you to study.” Woosang looked at the General and held up his file. “Then why do we have our own files?” General Joonhyung Park smiled at them all awkwardly. “Well, I have given the five of you promotions. You only report to me. You now make up a new secret section of the BTSA and have been removed or out of every record except for those files you have in front of you. They have been put into a secure server that only your team and I will be able to access. You will be our new internal investigation unit.”

               Dara raised her hand slowly. “Umm, Sir? Why was I chosen?” He laughed a bit and smiled at the innocent doctor. “You were chosen as the best Doctor to suit this team. The team will consist only of Commander Sangsoo Woo, Agent Terrah Hammerstrom, Agent Daniel Chae, Doctor Sandara Park and Psychologist Sehun Oh. You all now rank the same. It’s up to you guys to study the case and decide how to handle it. I have also given you guys your own time ship. It is a smaller model so it can easily be run by the five of you.”

               Daniel dropped his file on the table and glared at the General. “I thought I told you that I wouldn’t do any more missions and was going to retire. I can’t do this anymore.” General Joonhyung just shrugged. “Then be the acting agent on ship. You will never be in danger. Sangsoo is more than capable of being on ground. Your server info is in the table. Everything you need will be there. I will trust you guys with this task.” He said before waving and leaving the room.

               Terrah looked over at Daniel who was just staring at the table. “Are you alright Daniel?” She asked as she gently grabbed his arm. He nodded and Sehun smiled gently. “If you don’t mind, I can help you through this. I don’t think it’s a bad idea for you to try and do this mission. It might help you heal by exposure.” Daniel sighed and looked over at Dara. “I will do this mission but if I don’t like it, I will retire afterwards.”

               Woosang had already opened the server list on the table and was scrolling through everything they had access to. “General Park has given us access to everything except for his own personal server. We are now ghost agents; there is no more data existence of us as part of the BTSA. First things first, let’s try and identify our targets faces. There is more than enough scan footage to get a photo id.”

               Terrah, Woosang and Daniel started working on finding the different people from the circus while Sehun and Dara worked out a medical treatment plan for the three agents. The computer quickly found a facial match for the one called Zico with the buns on his head.

               Zico was a former time agent named Jiho Woo. He had left the agency after an accident in stream caused a window to break. His partner was involved with the accident but both of them decided to leave without receiving any care or even an exam. They both claimed they were too afraid of the time stream to stay with the agency and left that day.

               The only other face out of the ones they had searched that got a match was P.O. He was a former student who never graduated, instead dropped out in his senior year. His enrollment form and grades were the only information on him. He was in the time ship repair and maintenance program. If they really did have a ship, he was the one maintaining it.

               Terrah had begun searching the scan footage to find out where this circus island was located. Sangsoo and Daniel had started planning the mission. They would send in Woosang and Terrah to go undercover as themselves since all their files were removed from public and government records. They would claim that they had left the agency and heard about the place from Jo Kwon. Daniel would stay on the ship with Dara and Sehun.

               The computer beeped as it pinpointed the location of the island circus. It was known on the map as Seven Seasons Island in the Gulf of Mexico. It was in waters belonging to Brazil, a non-cooperating country with the BTSA.

               Woosang sighed as he saw the location. “We need to tread carefully with this mission you guys. We could possibly cause an international incident. As you know, Brazil has outlawed the act of Time Travel in their borders, both arriving and departing. They worry about the effect the time travel will have on the Amazon after they finally brought it back to its former glory.” Sehun pointed at the map. “This island appears to be manmade. There didn’t used to be an island there in olden days.”

               Terrah started changing time back on the map and watched how mankind has changed the planet over the years and saw the Amazon shrink and then grow back. The island disappeared around 2534. They zoomed in as far as they could and watched just this area over time. It seemed that someone had paid to make an island out of five floating oil rigs. As the animation kept changing, they watched the island form with different chunks of construction over a time of the past 1000 years. One of the last final changes they could see from satellite images was the addition of a giant canopy of tents and trees, making it impossible to see the actual surface of the island.

               Daniel grinned at the others. “That is so cool though! Building your own island like that.” Dara laughed awkwardly. “Yeah, but they use it for bad things…” she said pressing her fingers together quickly. Daniel nodded. “That’s true.” 

               Sehun sighed and looked over his own file from before. “I am the fifth wheel on this mission. One of you doesn’t even like me either.” Terrah looked over at him. “I have nothing wrong with you as a person, I just don’t like when you go all interested psychologist guy at me. It’s like you stop treating me as a person and more like an experiment.” He nodded. “I will take that into consideration. So when do we leave for Brazil?” He asked as he set his file down on the table and walked towards the door.

               Terrah looked over her new crew as Woosang motioned towards the door. “Let’s get going. Brazil isn’t going to like us there but we have people to save.”

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