Chapter 3

Seven Eleven

          It’s a weekend.

          We’re not loaded with school on a weekend. Classes are over by lunch. Krystal decided to meet up after lunch.

          Yesterday, we decided to just have the photo shoot in the dance studio. The place is nice and neat, and so Krystal decided to just have it there.

          Now, we’re off to the park because Krystal wanted more.

          Out of many photos, we should only pick 20 photos, out of those 20 photos; I have to draw 10, at least 10.

          Krystal gave me two of the photos only this morning. I started to draw the rough draft of it.

          It’s not helping that Irene is sitting with me in the backseat and watching me with what I’m doing.

          Krystal saved the photos in her phone and sent them to my phone so I could draw anywhere.

          It’s awesome that I can have Irene’s pictures on my phone and if someone would ask me why I have her pictures I just could tell them it’s for my project.

          Well, it is for my project.

“You’re really good,” Irene says.

“Thank you,” I just said.

          I don’t really know how to reply to that so I just thought it would be kind to say ‘thank you’.

“Always welcome,” she said and she rested her head on my shoulder.

          Well this girl sure is clingy.

          I have no complaints about that.



          Being the sleepyhead that I am, I immediately followed suit when Irene slept while resting her head on my shoulder.

          But at least I got the rough sketches done.

          Wendy and Krystal woke us up when we arrived at the park.

          Wendy is with us, I forgot to tell.

          I really love the park during autumn. There’s something about the bright orange leaves of the tress, the cool breeze, and the fallen orange leaves in the streets.

          It’s lovely.

“Where are you guys going to shoot?” Wendy asked.

“Somewhere that has less human being and is scenic,” Krystal answered.

“Where exactly?” Wendy asked.

“Follow me,” Krystal off-question answered.


          Krystal led us at a pond.

          There were trees surrounding the place and it’s pretty isolated.

          It makes me wonder how Krystal found this place.

          Irene sat on the other side while we— Krystal, me, and Wendy —were on the other side.

          The shoot was kinda funny because Krystal has to shout just to give instructions to Irene who happened to be on the other side.

          It’s funny when Krystal’s voice cracks.

          It’s funny when she gives this annoyed face.

          It’s fun.

“Let’s wrap up,” Krystal said.

          We stayed longer there to watch the sunset.

          It’s a cliché.

          But hey, clichés are still fun.

          Common kind of fun.

          And to think of it, it has been a while since I’ve seen the sunset.

          Maybe back then in highschool? When I thought I’d be stuck with Wendy and never meet anyone outside my vicinity, when everything seems so normal and there’s not much pressure, when I could be out all night with Wendy on a nice Friday to eat anywhere.

          I must admit it became harder.

          Especially when I knew I’m not into .

“I’ll drive you guys home,” Krystal said.

          We stood up and walked under the crimson colored sky.


“Is it good?” Krystal asked.

          She decided to stay the night in my apartment because she needs a quiet place to finish her thing. She also wanted my opinion.

          Like hell, I don’t even know .

“It’s always good, Krystal,” I said answered.

          Honestly, it’s always good. Like whatever Krystal does is good. She’s that awesome.

“I can’t really trust you with opinions,” she said.

“I just don’t criticize. And to be honest, it’s really good. Whatever it is you’re doing is good,” I said.

“You’re my number one fan,” she said as she pats my head.

“Yeah sure,” I dispassionately said.

          I stood up to get my sketchbook and just everything I need. I have to finish the first two photos now.

          I stared at Irene’s picture on my phone.

          Then I asked Krystal,

“Do you think she’d like me?”

          She looked at me questioningly, then shrugged.

“I can’t tell, Seul. We’ve just spent time with her for not even a whole day, you know what I’m trying to say,” she answered. “But if you like her, do something that would make her like you,”

“It has been a year and a few months and I bet you know me well by now. You know I’m gutless. I’m not that much and my low self-esteem just makes it harder,” I explained.

“Says the girl who drunk-s,” she said. “Yeah, it’s been a year and a few months and I know you quite well now. And you’re likeable so don’t be such a sober right now because it’s just not so you. You’re too dumb and carefree for this,”

“I like it when you call me dumb,” I told her.

          She chuckled.

“I love calling you dumb,” she said.

          She laughed and I laughed as well.

          A year and a few months is not enough,

          I want our friendship to last longer

“So… about making her like me, do you have anything in mind?” I asked sheepishly.

Oh please. Don’t ask me about that, I don’t even know,” she answered.

“Should I give her food?” I asked.

“I don’t know,” she said. “Give her a burger, she might love it. Unless she’s vegetarian of course,” she suggests.

          And then she’s saying she doesn’t know anything.

          I just shrugged and went back to what I’m supposed to be doing and Krystal did the same.

“Can you at least tell me a good story about this girl who made you question your uality?” I said.

          Her eyes never left her laptop’s screen.

“She smells nice,” she started. “Her scent is like vanilla it feels romantic, her lips are like cherry, she’s totally the type of girl that you’d feel like being poetic with,” she describes.

“Yuck then,” I said.

Totally,” she agrees. “Who made you gay by the way?” she asked.

          I smiled.

“It’s this senior girl back in highschool, I happened to be a sophomore then. I saw her making out with this girl who happened to be in her circle of friends. I found it hot, I found her hot. She’s literally a pot,” I said.

“Is she your first touch?” Krystal asked.

“Nope, but it happened to be one of her friends,” I answered.

“Why not her?”

“It’s not just her,”

          I don’t know why not her as well, to be honest.

“Oh well, life is like that,” she said.

          I agree.

          So much.











I'm sorry, I . TT^TT

Have a prosperous year ahead. :)


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loveistaeny23 #1
Chapter 3: I love the characters you made! Please update soon author-nim~
uranus55 #2
Chapter 3: This is great (x i can relate to seulgi on some things
Chapter 3: Love their platonic relationship, seulgi and soojung
Chapter 2: "Now all my girl crushes are here, in the same table with me— I should be so proud of myself."

Can we move to the sm*t scene already? NAaahhh im just kiddiiinnnggg :))))))
Upppdattee sooonnn ;)
Lovingyulyulk #5
Chapter 2: Babe. Hahaha.
Chapter 2: Babe already or just normal?
Chapter 1: Nice one seulgi
Lovingyulyulk #8
Chapter 1: Interesting. Please continue writing. Update soon! :)
Chillbear #9
Chapter 1: Loving the mild curses!
kpopperforevaah #10
Chapter 1: this is interesting!! gonna wait for updates :)))