Chapter 2

Seven Eleven

“Anybody home?” Wendy asks, trying to get me out of a trance.

“Oh— yeah,” I answered.

“What happened back there?” she asked.

          We’re now inside the bus.

          Should I tell her that I saw this girl at 7/11 and I was like ‘damn she’s beautiful’ and I think it’s love at first sight but nah, that’s lame and I don’t want to appear lame. But she’s just ing gorgeous and damn,

          I would melt under her stare.

“I just got impatient,” I answered. It’s kind of true though, I was in the verge of losing it if not for her.

“Well I’m sorry bear, your best friend just wanted to spend some time with you,” she said sweetly while poking my cheeks.

“Can you not?” I told her while swatting her hands.

          We continued our childish act for like… minutes.

“How’s school by the way?” she asked me.

“It’s cool,” I answered nonchalantly. “They told me college would be hard but I find it really fun… so far,” I added.

“It’s not for long, bear,” she said.

“I know,” I said. “Thesis would kill the fun, I know,”

“But we’re still so far from doing that,” she said.

“Yes. So let’s enjoy,” I said.

          She rested her head on my shoulder and I watched the outside from the window.

“We’re in the same school but we barely see each other. How unfortunate,” she said.

“Thanks to our contradicting schedules,” I said.

          She hummed as a response.

“How’s your work by the way?” she asked.

“Nothing new, same old coffee beans, same old hot water, same old customers, same old everything,” I answered with not much enthusiasm.

“Wow, same old… meaning everything’s expired,” she chuckled.

“You know Wan-ah, your jokes might be the reason why I would have to end our friendship,” I told her jokingly.

          She punched me lightly on my arm and we laughed.

I missed this.

“You just stand around and talk to ty customers because you own that café so, why do you sound disinterested about it?” she asked.

“Because… it’s the same thing?” I answered, unsure. “Besides, I can’t even make coffee myself which makes it harder for me to stay in there without feeling all ty because I own a cafe— our family rather —and then I can’t even brew one for myself,” I said, frustrated.

          She chuckled.

“It’s not your fault you’re dumb,” she said jokingly.

          The bus stopped.

“Well, here’s my bus stop,” she said. “I’ll call you or call me which ever you prefer,”

“Okay,” I just answered.



          I was about to text Wendy that I’m home. But before I could type anything, someone called.

“Hey Krys,” I greeted.

“Hey bear,” she greeted back.

“What’s up?” I asked.

“It’s our project dummy,” she answered.

“What project?” I asked. And I really don’t know what project. I just can’t remember.

          I should drink milk.

“The one that I have to take a picture and then you have to draw it,” she answered.

“And in what class is that?” I asked.

          I’m full of questions.

“Uhm… I don’t know. I just know that we have such project,” she answered.

“Just send in the pictures then I’ll draw it right away,” I told her.

“Yeah sure, but first we need to find a damn model,” she said.


“Do you mean actual human model?” I asked.

“Yep, not those plants and trees and other stuffs that grows and doesn’t grow,” she answered.

“Was I sitting beside you when this project was discussed?” I asked.

“Yeah, but you were sleeping and I was too preoccupied with instagram so kind classmate uhm… I don’t know her name— but she’s kind —just told me about the project and I was like we should be partners because you’re the only one I know in the class so… yeah,” she explained.

“Oh,” I just said. I got overwhelmed with her explanation.

“The model is our problem, bear,” she said.

“Do you know anyone?” I asked.

“No. I’m not an extrovert, you see,” she answered.

“Me too,” I agreed.

          We both sighed because we’re both introverts. How sad.

“I’ll ask Wendy,” I said.

“Okay. See you tomorrow, bear,” she said.

“Okay, Krys,”

          Then the line went off.


          I went to school earlier than I should so I could go meet Seungwan. I texted Krystal that she should go as well so we could share the same fate of waking up early and feeling like .

          I waited for her inside the campus where it’s quiet so that’s the library.

          She came just minutes before I was about to drift off to dreamland— again.

“So,” she started. “Why meet up inside the library?” she asked.

“Because it’s quiet,” I answered.

          She looks as ty as me but she’s still gorgeous. This is so unfair.

“Where should we find the model?” I asked her.

“Maybe in the department where everyone is supposed to be pretty,” she answered. “But have you asked Seungwan?”

“Yep,” I answered. “She said we could meet her around 9am but she told us to come at 7am,” I said. Still a little annoyed with Wendy’s mind setup.

“How bad,” she said and she rested her head on the table.

“Have you eaten?” I asked her.

“Not yet,” she answered, but it’s kinda muffed.

“Let’s eat at the café, it’s on me,” I offered.

          She stood up and even grabbed my hand to drag me to the café.


“Do you like the pancakes here?” I asked her.

          We’re currently eating one so… why not ask, right?

“Yeah,” she answered. “Though I think pancakes are still all the same,” she said. “You own this place right?” she asked.

“My family does,” I answered. “I’ll just text Seungwan that we’re here,”


          And I did.

“How come you own this place and not know anything about coffees or a café in particular?” she asked.

“I don’t know either. They just told me to run this place, not to be a barista, so it’s not necessary to learn how to brew coffee or bake bread… I think,” I explained.

“You have a point,” she said and took a sip on her coffee. “So you know how to manage?” she asked.

“I do,” I answered.

“Cool,” she just said.

          And we’re just silent afterwards.

          Krystal is cool. She’s an aspiring photographer and she’s really good. She models for her sister’s clothing line so she’s damn pretty.

          Wait, she’s a model.

“You’re a model,” I said, breaking the silence.

“Yeah,” she answered. “So?” she asked.

“You could be the model,” I said.

“And who do you think would be the photographer? You?” she asked mockingly.

Oh,” I just said and we’re in a comfortable silence again.

          I forgot about that. I’m not that good in photography and she’s not that good on sketching so… I’m so dumb.

          Back to Krystal: she’s nice, to be honest. She claims to be an introvert but she approached me first. Then we just clicked, so we’re now friends. She’s mysterious though, and that’s just really attractive.

          She had a lot of boys and girls drooling on her when she entered school— I’m one of those drooling girls —so it’s shocking how a highlife like her approached a… person like me.

          As much as I want to degrade myself, I won’t. Self-pity is bad for the health— emotional and mental —so I’d rather not.

          Yes, I’m attracted to her and to Seungwan as well. I get easily attracted to every pretty human being I see. So Hozier’s ‘Someone New’ is my anthem.

          The girl I saw in the convenience store is of course— different. Every girl is different. Even if a girl is said to be typical, she’s still different among the others.

          I would classify the girl from last night in ‘the girl who would make you question your uality’ spot.

          Although I’m already sure on what I am and what I want.

“Have you ever met a girl that made you question your uality?” I asked Krystal and she almost choked on her coffee when I asked her.

“Why are you asking that? It’s just 8am,” she said, coughing a bit.

“Time has nothing to do with my question,” I said.

“Yeah sure, but it’s just all so sudden,” she said. “Are you gay?” she asked.

          I was taken aback.

“You haven’t answered my question yet so I don’t have to answer yours,” I said.

“Well, the answer’s pretty obvious anyway,” she said then smirked.


          I sighed in annoyance. I feel so dumb and I know I am.

“Yeah, I met one,” she answered to that question.

          My ears perked up at her sudden revelation.

“How does she look like?” I asked excitedly.

“She looks like the girl who would make you question your uality,” she answered.

“You just quoted what I said,” I scoffed.

“You can’t describe a girl like that,” she said. “We have our own perspectives, so if a girl makes me feel a little gay, it doesn’t mean that she would make everyone feel a little gay,” she explained.

          And this is why Krystal is mysterious.

          She has a lot to say that she probably never said.

          It makes me happy that somehow, she’s letting me know her.

          My phone vibrated which is just great because I have nothing to say anyway.

“They’d be here soon enough,” I said.

          She nods.



          Wendy is laughing with the girl I saw last night. Like goddamn.

          We must be destined for each other.

“Is she the girl that questions your—oh wait, you’re already gay,” Krystal teased.

          I just glared at her. This girl.

          They entered the café and Wendy waved at me.

          She looked at me and smirked that smirk.

          She’s making me gayer.

          Krystal nudged me to get me out of my thoughts.

“Act normal, bear,” she whispered.

“When was I not normal?” I asked annoyingly.

Every time,” she whispered closely to my ear.

          Wendy and her friend— I suppose —already sat on the other side of the table.

“Hey guys!” Wendy greeted enthusiastically. “What’s with the whispering?” she asked.

          Krystal and I shrugged.

“Okay…?” Wendy just answered. “Oh by the way, this is Irene,” Wendy said as she motions to the girl next to her.

          Irene. Nice.

“I’m Krystal,” Krystal introduced herself and offered her hand to Irene which the girl gladly accepted to shake.

          It’s a small world after all.

          Now all my girl crushes are here, in the same table with me— I should be so proud of myself.

          Krystal nudged me on my side again.

“What the hell is with you and the nudging?!” I asked a little annoyed because damn, her nudge hurts.

“If you feel like being kind, please introduce yourself to our kind friend right there,” she said and she motioned her hand to Irene.


“I’m Seulgi,” I said shyly.

          She smiled and offered her hand, which of course I gladly —more than gladly— accepted to shake.

          Wow, damn. She has such soft hands.

          The handshake lasted longer than I expected.

“So…” Wendy started and we abruptly sat properly. “I told Irene that you two have this little project that needs a model and so I asked her if she could model for you guys and she was like so okay with it,” Wendy explained.

          Krystal and I looked at each other, overwhelmed from the extroverting of Wendy. Though we’re already used to it, it’s still… really overwhelming.

“Have you told her because you’re close to her or that’s just how loud people like you do it?” Krystal asked. Maybe out of curiosity and I’m curious as well.

          Krystal sure is brusque.

“Both,” Wendy answered calmly.

          She knows this fact about Krystal because she overhears how Krystal and I talk. She’s not mean; she’s just straight to the point and curious.

          And Wendy sure knows that she herself is loud.

“You have the same classes?” Krystal asked.

“Mostly,” Wendy answered.

“Irene,” Krystal called.

“Yeah?” she responds. That velvety voice though.

“Please give your number to this bear right here,” she said and grabbed my hand to raise it.

          Everything’s just too fast.

“Sure,” she said with a smile.

          She displayed her palm to me and I looked at her palm questionably.

“I need your phone to type my number on it,” she said then laughed lightly.

Oh…” I said upon realization.

          I took my phone out from my hoodie’s front pocket and gave it to her.

          I observed as she gently typed her number on my phone.

“Here,” she said and gave me back my phone.

          She picked out her phone— her pink phone —from her bag and handed it to me.

          I looked at her skeptically.

          All I could do is give a look. I should try muttering a word to at least make a sentence.

“Type in your number as well,” she said with a smile.

          And so I did.

“Why do I have to?” I asked her as I hand back her phone.

“Wendy told me you forget things a lot,” she said and winked.

          Oh god.

          Did she just wink at me? And Wendy tells things to her about me?

          I’m overreacting but that’s just normal during hormonal teenager days.

“Wendy tells me a lot about you, Seulgi,” Irene said.

“Is that so, Seungwan?” I asked the other girl.

“Yep, but don’t worry. I only tell the good things about you,” she said and winked at me as well.

          Is it wink at everyone day today?

Oh,” is the best I could mutter.

          Krystal cleared and I’m back at reality.

“So Irene, you could communicate with this girl right here whenever you’re free to shoot. We’re always free anyway,” Krystal said.

“Sure,” she answered with a smile.

“We have to go. Thanks Irene for volunteering and to you too Wendy for being an extrovert,” Krystal told them.

          Why do we have to go?                

“Hey stand up, we have a class at 10,” Krystal told me.

          I looked at my phone to see the time.

,” I stood up and this time, I’m the one to drag Krystal.


“She’s pretty,” Krystal said.

          We’re in her car. She always gives me a ride to school. My apartment happened to be on her way.

”She sure is,” I agreed.

          I knew this is about Irene. Her beauty is undeniable so it’s impossible not to praise that.

          My phone vibrated. Good thing I only place it in my hoodie’s pocket. I could just fish it out and hide it whenever I want too.

 So ing convenient.

,” I softly cussed.

          I just received a message from Irene. Goodness.

          ‘You guys free on lunch? J’ I read.

“What’s the about?” Krystal asked.

“Irene texted, she asks if we’re free on lunch,” I told her.

“And you reacted like she asked you on a date,” she teased.

“Are we free or not?” I asked, trying to replace the reaction topic.

“Of course we’re free,” she answered.

          ‘Sure. J’ I replied.

          Nanoseconds later…

          ‘Meet me at the dance studio. ;)’

“She said let’s meet her at the dance studio,” I told Krystal.

“Is she a dancer?” she asked.

“I don’t know. We just met her earlier so I don’t know,” I answered.

“Then ask her,” she commands.

“Why don’t you?” I retorted.

“I don’t have her number,” she answered simply.

          ‘Are you majoring in dancing?’ – Bear

          ‘Yes. J’ – Irene

          ‘That’s just really cool. :----)’ – Bear

          ‘And you’re really cool as well for making such good drawings. :D’ – Irene

“So, is she a dancer?” Krystal asked me again.

“Yes,” I replied nonchalantly.

          ‘Haha, not really. I think it’s still cooler to be so confident with moving your body.’ – Bear

          ‘Whatever you say, babe. :-----)’ – Irene.

“She just called me ‘babe’,” I said to no one.

          It’s out of feels.

“Who?” Krystal asked.

“Irene,” I said.

“Good for you then,” she said, uninterested.

“Are you not happy for me?” I asked.

“Yehey,” she said unhappily.

          ‘See you later! J’ – Irene

          You bet.



Cliche. Haha.

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loveistaeny23 #1
Chapter 3: I love the characters you made! Please update soon author-nim~
uranus55 #2
Chapter 3: This is great (x i can relate to seulgi on some things
Chapter 3: Love their platonic relationship, seulgi and soojung
Chapter 2: "Now all my girl crushes are here, in the same table with me— I should be so proud of myself."

Can we move to the sm*t scene already? NAaahhh im just kiddiiinnnggg :))))))
Upppdattee sooonnn ;)
Lovingyulyulk #5
Chapter 2: Babe. Hahaha.
Chapter 2: Babe already or just normal?
Chapter 1: Nice one seulgi
Lovingyulyulk #8
Chapter 1: Interesting. Please continue writing. Update soon! :)
Chillbear #9
Chapter 1: Loving the mild curses!
kpopperforevaah #10
Chapter 1: this is interesting!! gonna wait for updates :)))