Over Protective Yesung

We're more than just .... friends?

Eunhyuk's POV

We were spending our time in Donghae's room, watching Romantic and chessy movies that we had totally forget about Earth's timing. When we decided to call it a day, it was already 10:30p.m. We decided to go down to the 11th dorm, because everyone always gather there for some reasons. I was quite taken aback when I saw Sungmin hyung cuddling with Kyuhyun on the couch. "Hyung... Kyuhyun.. you two..." I started. "THEY ARE TOGETHER!" Ryeowook shouted as he entered the house, Yesung hyung was holding his hands. "WE SAW THEM EATING AT THE STORE DOWNTOWN. KYUHYUN IS SO SWEET, HE KISSED SUNGMIN HYUNG!" Ryeowook was jumping about. "YAH, YOU SPYED ON US?" Kyuhyun asked back, as loud as Ryeowook. "Can you two stop shouting?" I asked. "No, we didnt spy, we happened to be shopping around there and saw you all in the store when you were about to kiss Sungmin. Kyuhyun, you shoul be more careful, luckily they aint alot of fans and people there." Yesung hyung cut in before Ryeowook open his mouth again. "Baby, go get a shower." Yesung hyung told Ryeowook. "I dont want to go up there alone!" He whined. "I will go up with you! I want to bathe also!" Donghae offered and off he went with Ryeowook back up to the 12th dorm. "Ahh, i should bathe too. The steak makes me smell." Sungmin hyung suggested and left us alone in the living room.

"So the men of the couples are all gathered here." I randomly said as i sat down beside Kyuhyun. "Oh yah, you are right." Kyuhyun answered. "anyways, you are fast, Kyuhyun, i didnt excepted you to confess this early." Yesung hyung said. "Well, thanks to this ugly person." He scoffed. "Yah! What does it gonna do with me and i am not ugly." I retorted. "Because you confessed to Donghae, and Yesung hyung and I couldnt control ourselves." He snorted and I laughed. "Yah, if i didnt confess, you guys will still deny the fact? arent you guys happy now? Especially this people." I said and patted Yesung hyung. "What me!" He coughed. "You are always thinking about Ryeowook 24/7." I teased. "So what did you guys do?" I asked him. "Hmm.. We walked around the Love Blossom and then to eat Mango Ice and then we shopped downtown for a while, before coming home. How about you?" He asked me. I was jealous of his date. "me and Hae stayed in to watch some of the movies you recommand on twitter, seriously, why do you even got interested in those movies. They are so not your type. or you are training to be romantic, to melt Ryeowook?" I asked and he laughed. "Hey hey, i am not transparent." Kyuhyun coughed. "I am going up to check on Hae and Wook." I said and excused myself.

Kyuhyun's POV

I watched Eunhyuk hyung left the dorm, before stopping Yesung hyung from leaving too. "Wait, you and I, we need to talk." I said and he looked at me with a shock face. "What is there to talk between us?" He asked me confusingly. "I like Ryeowook." I rolled my eyes and pulled him into his room. "What.. what did you say?" He stumbled. "OMG, hyung, you cant possibly take my jokes." I rolled my eyes as I closed and locked the door. "huh? You sounded so serious. Why my room?" He rubbed his nape as he sat on his bed. "Sungmin, is bathing inside?" I raised my brows, looking at him unbelievably. "Oh yah, so what are we gonna talk about?" He asked. "Well hyung, I looked after Ryeowook like he is younger than me, he is very precious to me and he is my best friend, i dont him to make a wrong decision." I looked at Yesung hyung as I said carefully. "I am not gonna hurt him!" He shirked. "I am not finished!" I said. "Oh okay, sorry." He apologised. "Never mind, well, what I hope for, was that you give him, as well as yourself, some time. Dont force him to tell you what had happened. Because he needs time to adjust to it." I said. "Oh.. you meant... bout his past.." He said. "Yah, i meant that. It's something that he hides so well, that I dont think he will relate it out this fast... you need to be understanding... he is still learning to trust, ya know." I said as I stood up and opened the bedroom door when i heard the main door open. "What are you two doing inside?" Ryeowook asked as he looked at the both of us walking out of the room. "I was telling Yesung hyung on you, saying how much you like to steal my pillow and my bed, when you have yours upstairs, you kid." I teased and immediately he walked into the kitchen, ignoring me. "Kyuhyun, give him a break." I heard Sungmin hyung's voice. "Oh right, ya okay." I replied and walked to the couch. "Pretty bored, where are the others?" I asked. "Should be on the way home right now." Donghae hyung said as he jumped beside me.

"WE ARE HOME~" I heard the leader's voice ringing through the dorm. "What did i say?" Donghae hyung looked at me and I just shrugged. "UMMA!" Ryeowook ran towards Teukie hyung. "Whoah! Why so happy?" Teukie hyung asked as he hugged Ryeowook back. "Yesung hyung brought me out for a date!!" He jumped like a small kid and pulled Teukie hyung in. "Whoah, are you serious?" heechul hyung asked as he entered the dorm. "I havnt heard wrongly right?" Shindong hyung asked. "Nope, he brought me for a date!" Ryeowook was happy. "Well, that's good, erm... wookie? Do you mind, letting me go? I think someone is very very very jealous now." Teukie hyung said and all of us laughed. Yesung hyung was staring at Teukie hyung like he was gonna eat him up. "Who?" Ryeowook asked oblivious to what's happening. "My dear boy, your Yesungie is jealous that you are hugging Teukie." Heechul hyung smiled as I pinched Ryeowook's nose. "Oh. Hyung~ dont be jealous!" Ryeowook said as he ran towards Yesung hyung and hugged him. "I...er... okay." Yesung hyung smiled as he returned the hug. "Hyung! I got something to say!" I said out of a sudden. "What?" Heechul hyung asked as he sat down on the couch. "Hmm... Minnie and I..." I started. "Dont tell me.." Teukie hyung looked at me. "THEY ARE TOGETHER." Donghae hyung just shouted and continued watching the television like nothing happened. I stared at him. "What? Just say it." He looked at me innocently. "Yah.. we are... to..gether." I said as I swallowed my nervousness. I dont even know why was I so tensed about. "CONGRATS!" Heechul hyung cheered, Teukie hyung just smiled. Is he unhappy with us getting together? Or was i too sensitive?

Leeteuk's POV

I was happy that Ryeowook was happy that Yesung had brought him out for a date, it was the few times, I saw Ryeowook so hyper and loud. Other than that, he was just spacing out in his own little world, or crying over the past. I got a shock when Kyuhyun confessed that he was together with Sungmin... what's with the season? Dating festival? Dont get me wrong. It's not that i dont approve Kyuhyun being together with Sungmin. I just think that it was too of a rush that Kyuhyun confessed to Sungmin. Sungmin and Kyuhyun are both unsure of their own feelings. They dont know if they are in love or if's just a crush.. I am just afraid that they will end up getting hurt. But looking at the way Kyuhyun is treating Sungmin throughout the movie, we are watching, just make me feel happier. My babies are growing up. "Looking at you guys, being so cuddly, reminds me of the times I spend with Hannie." Heechul pouted as he stared at Yesung who was feeding strawberries to Ryeowook. "Awww hyung, he will be back soon." Ryeowook answered. "yah, soon, like another 3 months. That's fast." He snorted and Ryeowook just made a face and ignored him. Sungmin, Ryeowook and Donghae were the only ones, who aint afraid of Heechul. "Yah, what about me, at least, you guys get to skype every night, i have to wait once a week." I complained. "That's your problem."Heechul said as he snatched Ryeowook's strawberries.

"Hey you!" Ryeowook threw his pillow at Heechul. "yah, you brat." Heechul threw it back. "Steal my strawberries and called me a brat, Kim Heechul, you are going to die." Ryeowook got up and pounced on Heechul. I laughed at the both of them. Ryeowook had actually changed Heechul in many ways. Heechul used to be a lot more quiet and only care about himself, his temper wasnt a joke. But ever since Ryeowook moved up here, he often disturbs Heechul, trying out Heechul's patience and got even closer with Heechul and eventually brought Heechul closer to all the other members. The younger ones in the 12th dorm, Donghae and Ryeowook who always disturb and annoy Heechul until Heechul comes running into my room and begged me to stop the two kids. "Yah you, Kim Ryeowook." Heechul shirked as Ryeowook tickled him. "Hyung! you are gonna pay." Ryeowook laughed. "Okay, I give up, i give you back the strawberries. I vomit it out, okay?" Heechul asked. "eewwww..." Donghae added. "Okay! I want the strawberries back in one whole piece. like how it was before you eat it." Ryeowook said. "How is that possible?" Heechul scoffed. "I dont know.. cant do it? You are gonna die!" Ryeowook laughed. "Ryeowook, that's enough, come back here." Yesung suddenly said. "Yah, jealous already?" Heechul laughed. "I was just playing...." Ryeowook pouted. Oh my babies.

Yesung's POV

I watched as Ryeowook continued to play with Heechul hyung. Why am i feeling this heat in me? Am I jealous? I was trying to control myself, but as Ryeowook got closer and closer to Heechul hyung, i couldnt help it but to tell him to stop. "Ryeowook, that's enough, come back here." I said and immediately felt all the eyes on me. "Yah, jealous already?" Heechul hyung asked, but i cant be bothered to answer. It's pretty obvious that i was jealous. "I was just playing...." Ryeowook pouted. I tried to hug him but he just pushed my hands away. "Want to eat more?" I asked.. knowing that i had made Ryeowook upset. He ignored me and pushed my hands away when I tried to hug him again. "I am sorry." I said and he looked at me. "I am sorry, for being this over protective.. I just.. I dont know why... I just cant.." I tried to apologise and explain myself. Ryeowook looked at me awhile, before he took my hands into his. "Wookie?" I called out. He is still ignoring me, but he was holding my hand tightly. "I dont want to be controlled..." I heard him whispered softly. "I will try my best to conrtol myself, okay?" I pecked his cheeks and took a strawberry to his level and he ate it. I let out a sigh of relief. "Wah, I thought there was going to be a show or something. Couple fight!" Kyuhyun said. "Yah, not funny." I snorted and he sticked out his tongue. The members giggled abit before watching the movie again. When the movie ended, I realised that Ryeowook had fallen asleep in my arms. I slowly picked him up and followed Leeteuk hyung, Heechul hyung, Shindong and Donghae back upstairs. I gently placed Ryeowook on his bed and tucked him in. As I walked out of the room, I was stopped by Leeteuk hyung.

"Yesung ah." He started. "I know what you are going to say. I will try my best to control myself and not let him remember those painful memories, but at the same time, please get him to talk about it. I cant have him hiding and acting as though nothing had happened." I said. "It's not facing the problem hyung, it's avoiding it and it will get worse. He might be withdrawn to the outside world and afraid of everything else." I continued. "Yesung, I know you read and watched lot of psychology. But Wookie is wookie, you know him." Leeteuk hyung sighed. "That's why i am saying that we have to get him to talk about it, it will hurt, but it's better than him, hiding it. It's worst." I said. "Go and sleep, Yesung. we will talk about this tomorrow. And thank you for bringing the smile back on Ryeowook." Leeteuk hyung said. "But hyung.." I wanted to say somemore. "You aint helping this way, you should let him have some time to adapt to having a parnter, if he is comfortable, he will tell you naturally, dont need to rush. Dont be over-protective against him, he might be scared instead." Heechul hyung cut in. "Are you guys arguing?" Donghae asked as he came out of his room. "No, we are not, we are just trying to tell Yesung to give wookie some time, before talking about his past." Leeteuk hyung said. "Who knows about this?" I was starting to find it weird, how come the whole world seemed to know about this. "Well... As far as i know, you, Teukie hyung, Kyuhyun and me" Donghae said. "And sungmin and me" Heechul hyung added. "Yah, heechul and Sungmin knew on that day itself, i had to tell them to help me with Ryeowook." Leeteuk hyung shrugged. "You do know, that Ryeowook thought only you knew?" I was beginning to feel the anger in me. "How could you?" I asked. "Hey, calm down." Heechul hyung said. "HOW COULD I?" I asked. "WILL YOU PEOPLE SHUT IT? I AM TRYING TO SLEEP! DAMN IT." Shindong shouted from his room. "We will talk about this tomorrow. Really." Leeteuk hyung said. "And yesung, i had never said that Ryeowook doesnt know who knows about his past. He knows." I looked at him. He just shook his head. "If you are too protective of him, he will be scared." Heechul hyung said again. I just sighed and walked back down to the 11th dorm. "KYUHYUN! WE NEED TO TALK!" I shouted as I entered the dorm. "SHUT UP! I AM TRYING TO SLEEP! TOMORROW!" He replied and I just sit on the couch and vent my frustrations on the pillow. "Urgh!" I threw the pillow towards the television. "It's only a pillow, why so cruel towards a non living thing?" I frozed and turned around. "Ryeowook? I thought you were asleep...?" I stumbled on my words. "I was. until I heard you guys.." He replied, he wasclearly uncomfortable. "Wookie.. I..." I stumbled.


OOps, i dont meant to leave you guys hanging... you know... it's totally not on purpose........ (ya right :DDDD)

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Hello, I am ba ! do check out mytwitter @cuppiee_cakes for updates too ^^ keeke.


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Chapter 37: Aw it finished. But it was such a sweet cute ending ^^ congratulations on finishijg this story!
ChristalSJ #2
Chapter 37: Awww!! So cute!! Yay! YeWook ftw!!
Chapter 37: awwwwwwwwww~ i can't believe this is the last chapter. seriously, i was addicted to this story. often time i would come here and read some chapter over and over again.
it's sad that this story ended but i am happy because the ending was cheesy and lovely. i laughed when ryeowook told yesung that he should just watch him eat different, because yesung is fat lol it's was really cute <3
Chapter 36: Oh my..Thank God Wookie is not dying or having a memory lose whatsoever..
Auww..You know what?You're really good in making cheesy and romantic speech..Like seriously,it was really beautifully written..I love it!^O^
LMAO at the little competition at the end..Kyuhyun and Hyukjae forever being kids..xDD
ChristalSJ #5
Chapter 36: /rolls on the floor/
I am so glad Wook recovers that fast!!
Chapter 36: Yay!*throw confetties*
Glad wookie awake already..;)
Chapter 36: i am relief to know that wookie finally survived, i hope he gets better so yewook can watch sunrise together :D
Ryeoluv #8
Chapter 36: Whoohoo they survived ~
Chapter 36: OMG THANK GOD THEY SURVIVED!!!! I LOVE YOU~~~~~~~~~~