First Encounter

Upside Down
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After five hours delay in my flight, I arrived in Seoul. Although I arrived around 4 in the morning, when I was supposed to arrive before midnight, I still felt really good.

I haven’t been here in 2 years, since I was half Korean, my mother would come here during summer to visit some of her relatives. She always insisted that we come with her so we didn’t completely forget about half of who we were. My mother’s parents had been dead for quite a while, but she still wanted to stay in contact with her close and far relatives.

After receiving my luggage, which was quite a lot, I headed out knowing that there was someone waiting for me, I looked through the crowd of waiting people, then I noticed someone with a small sign board with my name on it.

The guy looked dead tired, I took a pity on him, not knowing if he looked tired from waiting for me through the delay hours or if he had to wake up in the middle of the night to come and get me. I approached him; he looked a little surprised, maybe he expected someone different.

“Ms. Miya?” He asked, hesitantly.

“That’s me” I smiled at him tiredly, and he bowed again, took hold of my luggage and led me to the car.

 Fitting my entire luggage in the back was quite a hassle; I ended up with three large suitcases when I packed because I couldn’t leave anything of my beloved closet behind.

Let me tell you, I was a fashionista. Yes, believe it or not, I was a medical school graduate fashionista; I mean I’d probably be expected to look like a nerd with huge glasses and messy attire, I wasn’t! I take so much care of my appearance, my clothes are always on point, my shoes are almost always heeled, since I was short, and my hair is always neat, or messily neat. I don’t go out of my way just for the sake of looking good, I just do it comfortably. 

So knowing all that, you’d probably understand the need for the three suite cases.

After checking in to the hotel, I went to my room to get a rest and freshen up before I had to go and meet Mr. Lee, which was in about 3 hours, since it was already around 6 AM. The driver was nice enough to offer to come back around 8:30 to drive me over to Mr. Lee’s office, so I had barely had time to have breakfast and get ready quickly, without a minute of sleep.

My room, or shall I say suite was quite nice and luxurious, it was Mr. Lee who had it prepared for me, I must say I didn’t want to leave this place. I put in mind to thank him later, it’s true that he was more than my uncle’s business friend; he was a family friend that we’d meet with quite often, back home or when we came to visit here, but it was still too generous of him, I was grateful.

After having a shower to erase the sleeplessness from my eyes, I had done my make up quickly but neatly as usual. I didn’t like too much make up on my face anyway; I liked to keep it simple.

I was blessed with the best of both worlds; I got my large light brown (almost hazel) eyes and long lashes from my father’s side and the light and smooth skin from my mother’s side. I always get the most compliments on my eyes, so I just put an extra minute to make them look nice.

I looked at the clock for the millionth time; I didn’t want to be late since I was expected at Mr. Lee’s office around 9, it was 7:30 already. I fished for some neat clothes without having to unpack completely.

I wore blue form fitting pants, white chiffon shirt and a white blazer with the sleeves half-way rolled up, I didn’t want to wear something casual as I was going to meet him in his office, but I didn’t want to look too formal so I added a little accessories. I let my hair down, reaching a little down my shoulders. Yup... the ends were curled perfectly.

I made sure my shirt was buttoned enough to not show any cleavage, since I was blessed with some curves. I knew I was called an ‘uptight’ girl sometimes, but it’s better than getting called a .

I got into my colored pumps and was ready to leave…well, not without a final look in the mirror though.

I have always been a short girl, as you could probably have guessed already. I was about 155cm, being the shortest among my close friends and family, high heels had become my best friends. Although I knew during my first two years in college that I was, again, blessed with a lot of things, including all the right curves, but my height still bothered me back then, not anymore though, because there was a benefit that came with it; a younger look.

Anyway, I went down to the lobby and met the nice driver again who was waiting for me to take me to Mr. Lee’s office. The streets looked quite lively at that time, people rushing to work and students to schools. I loved this city to bits. After almost 15 minutes we arrived at what looked like EXODUS building.

I made my way into the building; knowing I was getting a lot of looks since I wasn’t familiar, but I made it through the lobby and into the elevator.

I reached to what looked like the offices area and was led to Mr. Lee’s office.

“Good Morning” I said to a girl who I assumed was Mr. Lee’s secretary.

“Good Morning, Miss, how can I help you?” She said, smiling.

“I’m supposed to meet Mr. Lee at 9, is he available?”

“May I know your name, please?” She looked at her computer diar

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Chapter 3: Its been years since you last updated the lastest chapter . are you fine ? This story had been hanging for quite long . i hope you're still want to continue your story . i will always support your story.
2407briana #2
Chapter 3: Hahha betting on her >3< I like your story so far!
2407briana #3
Chapter 2: I'm liking the story so far ! Can't wait for the next update!