Yoongi is so stubborn!

Yoongi's Habit

The boys decided to hang out at Jimin and Taehyungs apartment for the night as it was Friday and they needed to unwind. Jimin arrived home first as his class was cancelled. He decided to go home and clean the house before everyone heads over which is in less than an hour.

Cleaning the up-side down mess that is called Kim Taehyung’s room, Jimin decides to stock the fridge up with some drinks and food for the night. Throwing on his hoodie, he grabs his keys and heads for the convenient store down the street.

He wasn’t gone for more than 20 minutes but when the elevator arrived on his floor, Jimin saw a sight that made his heart skip a beat. Crouched by his apartment door, is an asleep Yoongi, with his head rested on his arms and knees. Words couldn’t describe how Jimin felt seeing the tough elder so vulnerable and… adorable.

Jimin moved closer to observe the older, he knew what he was doing was creepy but he couldn’t help it. There was just something about Yoongi when he lets his guard down.

“Stop looking at my face” the blondes eyes suddenly opened and chuckled softly when the younger fell backwards and landed on his bottom.

Jimin quickly scrambled to his feet and looked at the ceiling like it was the most interesting thing in the world. “H-hyung I just wanted to check i-if it was you” He laughed nervously still looking at anywhere but his crush.

Yoongi smiled softly at the Youngers constant rambling about having bad eye sight cause he’s hungry and such. Jimin opened the apartment door and headed straight to the kitchen to stock up while Yoongi got himself comfortable on the couch.

This is the first time Jimin and Yoongi are alone together in his apartment, Jimin tried to calm his nerves as he stocks up the fridge. “Hyung, Do you want a beer?” He yelled from the kitchen.

“Yeah sure” Grabbing 2 cans from the pack, Jimin settles on the couch making sure to keep a distance between them as they silently watch the ew running man episode. The beer was making the butterflies in his stomach worst, Jimin was too scared to even sneak a glance at the male next to him.

Excusing himself Jimin goes to his bedroom to change his hoodie as it was too tight.

When Jimin entered the lounge room, Taehyung and Jungkook were also on the small couch, pressing Yoongi right into the arm rest. Jimin smiled at the sight he witnessed, before he could wipe the dorky grin off his face, Yoongi whipped his head around to stare at Jimin still standing there awkwardly.

“Jimin-ah can you help me make some noodles? I’m getting kinda hungry”

“Ah sure hyung, I’ll help you, lets go to the kitchen”

The kitchen was at the end of the hallway and was opposite the lounge room, so the loud laughs from the two younger boys were muted leaving the two in a thick silence.

Jimin and yoongi made a few extra noodles packs for the alien and their baby. The silence was suffocating for Jimin, after all he is still young and his hormones drove him crazy every time he was alone with Yoongi. The frustration Jimin felt reached its peak when the older unconsciously flicked his tongue out to wet his dry lips.

“H-hyung!” Jimin spoke up suddenly shocking them both. But before Jimin could let his self-conscience stop him from confessing, Jimin blurted whatever was on his mind.

“Will you p-please go out with me?” He once again blurted out. The blonde twerked his head to the side questioningly as he was caught off guard by the sudden confession and didn’t know if he actually heard the red head correctly.

Sensing the elders confusion, Jimin spoke before he could stop himself. “Go out w-with me, in a totally n-non platonic way!”

This time Yoongi understood it clearly, but his mind was still buzzing. He didn’t expect his cute dongsaeng to just confess out of the blue like this. Sure Yoongi adored Jimin, from his chubby cheeks to his half moon eye smile, Yoongi adored it all but he only saw the younger boy as a little brother, because he is straight, isn’t he?’ (At least that’s what he keeps telling himself every time the younger was around)


~In the lounge room~

“Hyung, I’m just gonna go get a drink, you want anything?”

“Nah I’m good” Jungkook stood up and headed to the kitchen but stopped in his tracks as he heard the familiar voice of his chubby cheeked hyung.

“Will you p-please go out with me?” Jungkook didn’t want to eavesdrop but he already saw the confession coming. Everyone in the group knew of Jimin’s crush towards the grumpy Yoongi, even the dense Taehyung knew. Stepping off to the side, Jungkook hid next to the door to see if his annoying yet adorable hyung is finally gonna get what he’s desperately wanted for weeks.

“Go out w-with me, in a totally n-non platonic way!” Jungkook held in a chuckle at his hyungs cuteness. Jungkook was pretty sure he was the only one in their group that leaned more towards girls then guys but choose not to mention it because all his friends were either bi or gay.

The maknae was almost sure that Yoongi would say yes because although he is the youngest, he observes a lot more than he lets his hyungs know. Jungkook has seen Yoongi’s glares towards whoever was touching Jimin, he’s also seen the too long to be innocent lingering looks the elder gives to Jimin.

Of course, everyone in the group knew that Yoongi was the most stubborn and thick headed in the group, he would never admit to any accusations the eldest, Jin has sent towards him regarding Jimin.

Jungkook hoped with all his heart however that for once, just once the elder would actually open his heart and listen to what it says, he had so much hope for the both of them. He knew how hard it must’ve been for Jimin to pour his feelings out like that.

After a long moment of silence, Yoongi finally broke the silence, but what he said made the maknae more disappointed in the blonde than he has ever been before.

“I-I’m sorry Jimin, I o-only see you as a brother” The sound of Jimin letting out a breath his been holding was the only sound heard. Yoongi grabbed 2 bowls and headed out of the kitchen, walking past the fuming maknae, who’s still pressed against the wall, making sure he won’t be discovered.

Jungkook knew for a fact that the elder was lying, his stubbornness just destroyed Jimin’s vulnerable heart, breaking him to pieces. All because of his stubbornness. Jungkook needed to do something for his anger, for his ‘crying-on-the-kitchen-floor’ hyung, and his , thick headed, jackass excuse of a hyung who he somehow still values. He kows Yoongi didn’t want to hurt Jimin but he’s just too dense.

Stomping his feet loudly to let Jimin know that he’s coming in. Jimin quickly wiped his tears away, leaving his eyes still puffy and red.

“A-ah Jungkook! Did you need something?” The red head asked, back facing the younger to hide his swollen eyes. Jungkook knew he had to comfort Jimin but deciding not to tell him he heard everything, as Jimin is still a man with pride.

“Nah I just wanted a drink… Hyung! I’m really craving jajangmyeon! There’s still half an hour before the others get here, can you buy it for me~” Using his very rare aegyo in the hopes to cheer up his hyung and bring him as far away from the blonde in the lounge room as possible.

Jimin laughed at the maknae’s aegyo and nodded quickly, finally facing the other. Jungkook’s heart swelled at the sight, Jimin’s whole face was pale yet his eyes and nose were still puffy red. Jimin has always been the one to take good care of the younger (besides Jin) even though the younger pushes him away, he’s always been thankful for having an older brother like Jimin. Draping his arms around the older casually yet tightly, the maknae walked them towards the lounge room.

“Hyung, we’re just gonna go out for a bit!” Jungkook smiled innocently at the two on the couch slurping their noodles.

“Okay, be back soon though!” Taehyung said between mouthfuls and Yoongi just looked at the pair questioningly as Jungkook never showed affection towards Jimin. Seeing Yoongi’s stare, Jungkook made sure not to let him know that he heard everything and instead smiled sweetly at the blonde and mouthed a quick bye. Jimin forced a smile on his face but then he tried to hide his face in the taller boys neck to not face the strong stare he was getting from Yoongi.

Dun dun dun!!! I'm sorry haha I feel like Yoongi needs to know how precious Jimin is and to understand what he wants! Don't worry though this is a yoonmin after all!

Comment comment please!! I'll try update soon!!

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Chapter 5: Too cute!!! Kookie playing matchmaker :)
thefifthmina #2
Chapter 5: Aaah so cute <3 Great job! Thank you for writing this story ^^
Chapter 5: AWWWWW THIS IS SO CUTE OMAGADDDDDD great job authornim!!!
Chapter 5: OMG!! Too much cuteness I'm gonna explode ^^ Thumbs up for evil maknae. All my favorite ships in one story, But my most favorite is Yoonmin of course XD You are awesome authornim <3
BlueeWings #5
Chapter 5: Well done kookie!!
Hehe finally!!
Awesome fic!!
BlueeWings #6
Chapter 4: So cutee
I wanna see more jealous Yoongi :P
BlueeWings #7
This fic is so good I love it
Rhianne19 #8
Chapter 3: Im liking this... good job! Keep it up author!!
exoshipperks #9
Chapter 3: Ohh my gosh great story! 3 of my most fav ships from bangtan in one story and I seriously love you for that. Thumbs up! Can't wait for the next chapter! ♡♡
Chapter 3: I was originally mad at JungKook for trying to get Yoongi mad, but now I'm on his side so Yoongi can realize what hes done (*^*)