Chapter 24

Bad Boy, Good Boy

Chapter 24


~~Next morning~~

You wake up to your alarm going off. You groan cause you realise that it’s Friday and you still have classes to go to. You look over to the over side of the bed and see that DongWoo is gone. You slightly blush from last nights adventures and then giggle cause it was a ing amazing night! You sigh and get up and start getting ready to school, you see that DongWoo has gone, his clothes and shoes are gone. You are a little disappointed that he didn’t even say bye but what can you do. However as you go to the kitchen you stop Minzy and immediately thoughts of DongWoo disappear as you hug your room mate.

“MINZY! How are you, how was the night? When did you get back?”

“Haha, so many question and not anough breathes to answer in. I just got back an hour or so, I didn’t want to wake you. And the night was fun however I think you had more fun than I did! Man that guys was HOT!”

You blush as you think of DongWoo. HE IS ATTRACTIVE!

“Wait, how did you know!”

“I met him on my way in, he was leaving quietly. He told me to give you this. He said he wanted you to keep sleeping. But really who was it?”

“He’s name is DongWoo, he’s from my Ancient History class. Last night was very entertaining let me tell you that! He’s a GOD!”

Minzy laughs and hands you the message from DongWoo which has been scrawled on a piece of loose paper.

‘To (~~)
Thanks for the amazing night baby. I haven’t had it like that for awhile. If you ever need it or want it again and I’m free feel free to cal me. I would gladly help you.
p.s: My number 0722561279. (not a real number people)'

You finish reading the note and stick it in your pockets, you say bye to Minzy and head out to c lass. On the way you buy yourself a croissant and coffee from the bakery. You are nearing your locker when you see WooHyun and L waiting for you at it.

“Hey guys :D”

“Sup (~~), do you have class now?”

“Sup? Really WooHyun!”

“I’m trying it out, doesn’t work?"

“No, it really doesn’t. Stick to hi, hello, and other simple, NORMAL greetings! And yeah I have class now.”

You are all talking some more when you notice DongWoo a little way off talking putting his stuff into his locker.

“Umm guys could you just hold up for a second I just need to talk to someone.”

You go over to DongWoo and great him shly.

“Hey (~~), how are you feeling?”

“Very good, thankyou ^.^”

He grabs your waist gently and pulls you against him.

“I wonder why that is.”

He laughs and then pushes you away gently.

“I woke up to find you gone, anything happen?”

“oh, nothing I just had an early class and I had to leave and I didn’t want to wake you up. Did you get my message? I gave it to your room minzy?”

“Yeah Minzy gave it to me. Thankyou. One last question before I go to class but umm why me? You could have chosen someone else to have fun with, why me of all people?”

DongWoo chuckles and then looks behind you and smirks. He then leans in till his mouth is next to your ear.

“I know I could have had someone else better, but by choosing you I could get very amused by watching 1 very jealous person. Also it looked like you needed fun.”

He leans away and looks behind you again and purposefully his bottom lip seductively. In the background MyungSoo clenches his fist as he sees DongWoo looking straight at him.

You don’t know what to say back to DongWoo. Jealous person? What? DongWoo seeing your clueless face laughs and turns you around and then pushes you gently back to WooHyun and L.

“Don’t worry about it (~~) everything will reveal itself it. Seeya later baby and don’t forget, anytime you need it I’m here.”

 As you slowly walk back to guys you ponder over what he said some more. WooHyun on the other hand is looking at L worridly.

 “L are you ok? What’s wrong?”

 “I’m gonna kill that punk!”

 “OMO what are you talking about. Him and (~~) are just friends.”

 “Friends, really. What the was all that there. Just leave it!”

 L turns silent and glares at DongWoo’s back as he walks off.  You go back to class and just as you are about to talk to the guys the bell rings to indicate class. You groan and say sorry to them and head off to class while WooHyun and L head off to the library to do some work but in the end it’s only WooHyun who does work cause L is just beign weird and not paying attention to anything! In maths you have a substitute teacher who really doesn’t give a crap what you guys are doing so you, SungJong and 2 other class mates RyeoWook and YeSung  are talking. The talk soon veers to the 2 week break that will happen in 3 weeks time.

“Do you guys know what you are doing through the break?”

They all reply saying don’t know or nothing.

“Wonderful, because I’m planning on a camp out thing. Here’s the invite.”

You hand them the invite and wait as they read it.

To: Whomever.
What: A camp out in the woods with a campfire, a lake, and other fun stuff :D
Where: It’s top secret and only me and the driver know :D
When: 1rst week of the holidays on the Tuesday till Wednesday (will be an over night thing). Please meet in front of my house at 11:00. the address is at the bottom of this card. If you need more info text me, call me, whatever my number is under my address :D Please come <3’

 He guys finish reading it and nod.

“Sounds cool, I should be able to come.”

 “Awesome wookie, what about you two?”

 They both say that they will probably be able to go but they will have to check. Class finishes and as you depart you bump into some more new friends.

 “Hey Henry, SiWon, HeeChul, Sunny, Yoona. I was wondering if you guys would want to come to my camp out I’m having in the first week of the hols? Here’s the invite.”

 You pass them all an invite and they all say that they will try to come. You smile and wave to them as you go off to music, your next class.

 Authors note: Ok I’m ending it here for today, not bothered to write anymore :/ SORRY! Hehe <3 hope you like it :D

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Smileonce133 #1
aww >.< sungjong is the best <3333
Taegyo #2
Omfg thanks for update :D
kwonvenus #3
Lol. I was hella pissed when I heard SS4 was canceled in Australia :(
Update Soon ^^
Taegyo #4
Yay~ Update soon~
OMG I LOVE YOU AUTHOR.......L MAINIA........I died and went to heaven.....thank you for the wonderful gifs <3
lolz L^.^
and the answer is Woohyun
Hope you have fun on your trip and please update soon I love your fanfics like a love song !!!! <33333