Chapter 15

Bad Boy, Good Boy


Chapter 15
You get home and see that Minzy is on the phone to someone, you wave to her and then indicate that you are going to your room. She waves back and nods.
~~Minzy’s PV~~
You are about to start reading the magazine you just bought but your phone starts ringing, you look at the caller and see that it’s WooHyun.
“Heya WooHyun, what’s up”
“Hey Minzy, um I sorta have a favor to ask”
“Ah ok, hmm ok but if I agree to this favor you have to answer one question.”
“Ok, sounds fair. Well have you seen (~~) acting weird or un like herself this week?”
“Sorta, but I’m not home a lot, why?”
“Well, she’s been avoiding me and L from Tuesday, we have no clue why and tonights it’s L’s birthday party. We wanted to invite (~~) but if we asked her to she would make up an excuse to go because we are there. Could you tell her that you are going to a party tonight and that you want her to go with you or something. You can come along aswell if you want.”
“That’s weird, you’re her best friend and well L is her friend. Yeah sure no problem, when and wheres the party at?”
WooHyun gives you the address of the house and tells you that the party starts at 7.
“Awesome, now because I’m doing this for you I get to ask you that one question.”
“Yeah ok, shoot.”
“And you have to answer me ok!”
“Yes, yes, common.”
“How’s like with SungGyu?”
“Haha, you have to answer it”
“How do you, what we aren’t.”
“(~~) told me WooHyun.”
“Well common, answer the question.”
“Fine, its wonderful. Like words cant even descibe it! HAPPY?”
“Muchly, now you’ll see (~~) tonight”
“I betta!”
You laugh and then hang up the phone, ahh knowing things that no one else knows is beautiful. You walk to (~~)’s room and knock and then walk in. (~~) is lying on the bed reading some manga. You sit next to her and poke her friendly.
“Hey (~~), just then I was on the phone to one of my friends Zelo and he’s having a party tonight and he told me I could bring my room mate. PLEASE COME WITH ME! Zelo’s abit of a player and he always goes after me but if you come we can escape together.”
“Haha, so I’ll be your escape route?”
“Pretty much, please!”
“Haha, yeah ok. What time is it?”
“It’s at 7, his place is like 30 minutes away so we’ll leave at 6:30 and walk. I have the address and google maps is pretty trusty.”
“Haha, ok. Please don’t get us lost.”
“As if, I’ve never been lost.”
“Are you serious!”
“I’m not going to bother replying to that comment thankyou very much.”
You laugh and get up.
“Oh and were something pretty, a dress or something. There will be hot guys there.”
“Wear some stockings!”
“Fine, now shoo I need to have a shower.”
You laugh and leave, closing the door behind you. You get your phone and send a text to WooHyun telling him that you’ll both be there. He replies with a smiley face.
Hope you guys liked it, please comment :D
Also check out my one-shopt between Boyfriends Leader DongHyun and Maknae MinWoo :D 
And SS4 in aus WAS CANCELLED< FML!! fewohidsiyufjdgb NOOOO
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Smileonce133 #1
aww >.< sungjong is the best <3333
Taegyo #2
Omfg thanks for update :D
kwonvenus #3
Lol. I was hella pissed when I heard SS4 was canceled in Australia :(
Update Soon ^^
Taegyo #4
Yay~ Update soon~
OMG I LOVE YOU AUTHOR.......L MAINIA........I died and went to heaven.....thank you for the wonderful gifs <3
lolz L^.^
and the answer is Woohyun
Hope you have fun on your trip and please update soon I love your fanfics like a love song !!!! <33333